feeling very bad about my appearance



  • ohilly
    ohilly Member Posts: 441 Member
    chenheart said:

    Cancer sucks, indeed!!!!
    I love it! and, hey! Empowered is a great word too! LOL


    my appearance
    Well, everybody: I had my session with my therapist and this is what she said: she said I am in mourning for my hair, although 6 months is not a lot of time to see if it will come back since it's been severely traumatized (so have I), and that although I will need time to mourn this loss, I am already dealing with it. She pointed out to me that I always get really upset in the beginning (like when I was first diagnosed, I couldn't stop crying that I was going to die right there and then), but then after awhile I adjust. She also said I am a resourceful person, which is true. I am going to post my photos this weekend and I expect some honest feedback! But now I'm telling myself: it's only hair. I can always get a hairpiece if it doesn't grow back.

    I still have my moments, though. I did have beautiful hair. If you can feel the follicles underneath, does this mean it is growing back?

  • redriverartist
    redriverartist Member Posts: 54
    Ohilly, you're voicing the
    Ohilly, you're voicing the very same feelings and emotions that we all are feeling right now. When I get down, I start thinking, "Damn, look at this - I'm disfigured, lopsided, bald as a baby's butt and have a bad case of chemo brain! What a mess!"

    It's an absolute roller coaster ride with emotions and feelings and dealing with this whole thing. Also, I went through a period when I would get irritated with my gal friends when talked about their fabulous trips or their parties or shopping and here I was fighting for my life. I wondered how they could be so inconsiderate. All they were trying to do was be cheerful. Thank goodness that didn't last long - how bitchy can a person get?

    Okay, I feel better now. Venting is downplayed too much - we should do it more often.

    Hugzzzzzzz, Teresa