survivors of Terminal Stage 4 lung cancer
Sloan Kettering highlyUNBEARABLE said:HELP
Has anyone been to Sloan Kettering? Have you had success?
Sloan Kettering highly regarded and on same level as MDA. Try Vanderbilt
Vanderbilt-Ingram Cancer Center brings together the clinical oncology programs and the cancer research, education, and outreach activities of Vanderbilt University. It is a leading oncology treatment center that serves patients in Tennessee, Kentucky, across the Southeast and beyond -
Survivors of Stage 4
Dear Members: Dad has been diagnosed with Stage 4 lung cancer. Looks like cancer is contained to one lung but due to his lung health, surgery and chemo are not an option. Radiologist gave option to start radiation just about every day for 6 weeks, or wait 3 months to take another PET and start Radiation then, if necessary. They opted for the latter. He is an 8 year survivor of Bladder Cancer and does not want to change his relatively normal way of life for now. Any thoughts on my parents decision?
Thank you0 -
Cancer and how diet can help said:STAGE 4 NSCAC
Thanks for the encouraging words. I am 56. Non-smoking female.I was diagnosed on July 15, 2010. They found a tumor in my lower right lung next to a Pulmonary embolism. They admitted me to the hospital for the emboli and started me on Lovenox which I am still taking. I have brain mets. Two weeks ago they completely removed a tumor on the brain but I have two small tumors that they are going to use radiation on later. They wanted to start Chemo right away. I had my first treament yesterday, Taxal,Carboplatin, and Avastin. Today I am getting a shot of Neolasta to increase my neutrophils(WBC's). This will be every three weeks. Not sure when the radiation starts. We are doing targeted radiation. I have learned that this cancer has a poor prognosis. I want to be one of the 2% to make to 5 years. I will let you know of my progress. I take one day at a time. I was working 60 hours a week. I will definately slow that down and try and enjoy life a little more. I have a wonderful family and friends that support me. Debra
For everyone out there with cancer please get a copy of this book Anticancer: A New Way Of Life - David Servan-Schreiber
It is all about our diet. I believe with medical help and a diet that supports our immune system we can get healthy. This book changed my life. It certainly changed his. From brain cancer to healthy. He has been cancer free for 8 years and believes it is the diet he undertook when his cancer came back after 5 years. it can give everyone hope.0 -
diet of cancer fighting foodsPeterJr said:Stage 4 Lung Cancer
My father age 85 was diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer in July 2009. He was told he had 6 months to live. Well my father has always been one that will decide his destiny. Here is what I and several of my family member did.
1) We put him on a diet of cancer fighting foods
2) We cut his sugar intake as much as possible. He has been a diabetic for 30 years anyway.
3) No carbonized sodas
4) Plenty of water
5) We Prayed
6) Keep stress away and try to keep his spirits high.
7) We Talked about the Cancer
He immediately started Chemo. After all the treatments as cat scan was performed. He was told by the Doctors that his stage 4 Cancer is now Stage 2 Cancer. It was decided to give his radiation. He went through all the treatments except the last two and was told to go home and he would be examined in about a month. Two weeks ago my father went back for his cat scan from head to toe. The Doctors could not find the cancer!
I do not know what the future holds for my Dad and Cancer. All I do know is that he is healthy now!
I hope this helps with Caring for your Grandma!
Hi Peter,
We are very happy for your father.
My friend is fighting the stage 4 lung cancer. We greatly appreciate your sharing with us the diet of cancer fighting foods that was used by your father. Thank you very much on behalf of our friend.
David0 -
Going on 5 years...diegogon74 said:hi
the doctors told me it was non small cell lung cancer stage 4, thats all i know, but the doctors weren't very optimistic about the prognosis they told me the average was 1 to 2 years and that they would be very surprised if they see someone reach 5 years, so i want to know if that is true or if there is more people out there with the same type of cancer and now is cured or has lived more that 5 years, i just want to know what are my options, thanks a lot for answering my questions, bye!
My step-dad, who was diagnosed with stage IV NSCLC, is going on 5 years. He was diagnosed in February of 2006 and has been fighting this disease since. During his on-going battle, he has amazed the doctors and showed them that as long as you have the will to live then you can. The doctor he was seeing found out that he too had cancer so he is gone doing treatments himself now. So, my step-dad was transferred to a new doctor, which is terrible. He basically saw him once or twice and then after finding numerous, very small, brain tumors, referred him to hospice. My mom and step-dad were sooo very confused and accepted hospice care. Our family refuses to give up and so does my step-dad. We believe that the God has let him stay with us this long because He sees that him nor our family are ready for him to leave us. When he went on hospice care they basically gave him 6 months to live. We don't listen to that considering that when he was first diagnosed the doctor gave him up to 2 years. Now look at us, we are going on 5 years with hopes of many more. Just pray to God for every day that he gives you and show him that you are not ready to give up. Start living life as if today is your last. Something most people take for granted!0 -
radiation and chemoFran83 said:My mom is going through a
My mom is going through a similar experience. She seems to have brain metastesis and they started her treatment a week ago.
First , radiation to the head for 2 weeks (Mondays-Fridays for 10 min). Then the doctor told her to wait for 1 month before starting chemo!!! I am worried that 1 month is too much considering that it can spread even more!
I have done lots of research about the different treatments possible and i have asked a friend from Montreal whose dad has squamous cell cancer. There so much possibilities but which one is the best option?
My friend's dad did radio every week day for 30 min + chemo once every 2 weeks.... He is now in remission.... My mom's doctor said that this is too much and told her to do only 10 min of chemo (and since she is currently doing brain radiation, the doctor told her to have a rest period of 1 month before starting chemo as it could be dangerously toxic!!!)
I know that cancer is everywhere but this is the first time i see it up close.... i love my mom so much and i want and need her to survive this. I feel so frustrated and frightened.....
There's supposed to be this new drug CBLB502 from bio lab pharma in Ohio. Apparently, it puts a tag on cancer cells so as radiation can kill them easier... it has been successful with animals and they have been doing human tests.... apparently, it is supposed to come out in the market soon... but that is all the information i have.... does anyone have more info about this???
I hope to hear from you Mionie and i hope that your mom will get better....
My wife also had a tumor removed from her brain that metz from her lung. She went through 15 rdiation treatment to make sure it was all gone. they waited a month to start chemo because it would have been very physically trying to do it sooner. She had her 3rd treatment yesterday and has one more to go. they will then do a pet scan to see how it is going. So far her blood counts are fine. I've heard of cbl502 clinical studies but I am not sure how close it is to being put out for use. It sounds encouraging but the side effects -- who knows>
dave0 -
My father was diagnosed with stage IV lung cancer on September 07, we were told that surgery was not an option for him but it was his only possible cure; we saw three different doctors including a Dr at the MD Anderson, and we were told that surgery was not an option, my father is only 50 yrs old and we were giving a very bad prognosis. I have never giving up, I did a research online and found the best Drs and surgens for lung cancer and wrote to all of them, alot of Drs responded. we live in Austin TX we ended up going to Seattle WA where my dad had a rib an lung resection; he also went through chemo and radiation before and after surgery. On February of 08 we were told that he was cancer free but 7 months later we found out that he had Brain metastasis, we were debastated, because of the location of the tumor he can not get a surgery and he was giving of course a horrible prognosis, like I said we have never given up, he got radiation and a "new" chemo for the brain called Temador, it has worked wonderful for him, Drs. are very impress ans shocked of how well he is doing right now, for the last 6 months his Tumor in the brain keeps getting smaller and there is no desease in any other part of his body including the lung. The Dr. told us that he is doing better than 95% of the people with metastatic lung cancer and that the way he has reacted to treatement is all we can hope for. It has been terrible for my family but we have never giving up and we have done the impossible to get through this; dont let any Dr. or anyone to tell you how far you and your wife can get, keep fighting, do research talk to diffent Drs., look into medial trails, We were told by the Dr that my father is basically a miracle I am sure your wife can be too but never give up and keep fighting and you will be in my prayers.
I am sooo glad that you posted this to let everyone know. I brought the Temodar up to my mother so that maybe we could see if my step-dad could try it and of course she only argued with me that it was only used for people with melanoma. Thankful for that argument because she did the research on it. Since I had cancer as a child and have been cancer-free for going on 14 years, I usually just go to my oncologist for a yearly check up. While we were there, my mom asked the doctor about possibly trying the Temodar on my step-dad and to our surprise he told us that it would be ok to drop hospice and my step-dad is going for an MRI tomorrow and back to see the doctor on Friday with the reasonable possibility of starting the Temodar, so we are VERY excited! Thank you again for sharing this information.0 -
Brother has NSCLC with mets to brainPeterJr said:Stage 4 Lung Cancer
My father age 85 was diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer in July 2009. He was told he had 6 months to live. Well my father has always been one that will decide his destiny. Here is what I and several of my family member did.
1) We put him on a diet of cancer fighting foods
2) We cut his sugar intake as much as possible. He has been a diabetic for 30 years anyway.
3) No carbonized sodas
4) Plenty of water
5) We Prayed
6) Keep stress away and try to keep his spirits high.
7) We Talked about the Cancer
He immediately started Chemo. After all the treatments as cat scan was performed. He was told by the Doctors that his stage 4 Cancer is now Stage 2 Cancer. It was decided to give his radiation. He went through all the treatments except the last two and was told to go home and he would be examined in about a month. Two weeks ago my father went back for his cat scan from head to toe. The Doctors could not find the cancer!
I do not know what the future holds for my Dad and Cancer. All I do know is that he is healthy now!
I hope this helps with Caring for your Grandma!
Hi PeterJr,
I am trying to help my brother who was diagnosed with NSCLC inoperable in May 2009. He found out a couple of weeks ago that it had metastisized to his brain. He is currently undergoing radiation. I was reading about your father's fight against cancer. Can you tell me what foods he is eating to fight this terrible cancer? I would appreciate any information you can give me.0 -
Dad's new diagnosis
On Friday my dad was diagnosed with lung to brain cancer (many spots one larger tumor). No biopsy yet, that's Monday. The oncologist came in and asked a bunch of questions, looked him over a bit and said "two weeks without treatment." He'd been falling progressively for a few weeks (loss of balance) and had been treated fro Pneumonia a few months ago, which I guess kept the docs from seeing the cancer in his lungs. He had colon cancer 5 years ago and was supposedly cancer free, though the docs think maybe they were mistaken. They talk like they might do OT with him and wait for radiation... doesn't that sound dumb? It does to me. If radiation will help with the pressure on his brain and might slow things a bit, shouldn't we do that first.
I'm really ready for some kind of straight talk. But every time a doctor comes in, I just get worse and worse news.
Thanks for the hopeful stories. We all are trying to be positive, but really, my dad is the most positive person in the room.
If you have a similar story, can you give me advice on things to ask for or about.0 -
Lung Zapperrealiti said:" Lung Zapper" ???
Hi there, I know its extremely expensive, but just check it out.
I just found out and I started the research. My father has Lung Ca.
My best wishes!
key words: secondary metastatic lung cancer, Royal Brompton Hospital, London, " Lung Zapper".
That is an article in London about its use there and in Germany.0 -
IP6 and Inositolcziranugitt said:cancer fighting foods
My 54 year old mother was diagnosed with Stage IIIa lung cancer two months ago. It has since spread to her other lung and possible her bones. She is now considered Stage IIIb. My siblings and I are determined that we cure her despite her diagnosis of "incurable". Please, if you can give me any detailed information on what you did for your grandfather I would be very grateful. Was the diet he was on the Gerson Therapy diet? Did he take any medications or herbal supplements?
Check these two supplements. They are inexpensive supplements
available over the counter (I order mine by mail):
IP6 (Inositol Hexaphosphate)
Inositol: -
sclcPreciousFox15 said:Small Cell Lung Cancer (SCLC) NOT Non Small Cell Lung Cancer
I'm a bit lost here. My husband (45) was diagnosed on Aug.27,2009 with Small Cell Lung Cancer stage IV(SCLC)......NOT Non Small Lung Cancer(NSCLC).
I read here of people that have small cell lung cancer, but when you read there post they are talking about NSCLC.
I need to know if there is anyone out there that is a survivor of Small Cell Lung Cancer stage IV and if so how long since you were diagnosed, and what is the treatment you are getting and why.
He had fluid removed from the lining around his right lung (the tumor is in the right lung)and was told that they are almost sure there is cancer cells in it(sometimes cancer cells are so small they can't see them). They have also said there is a spot on his liver that is cancer.
He has had one cycle of chemo, Carboplatin and Etoposide. He said that he could breath better and his cough got better just after the first day of chemo.
He goes again for chemo on the 16th,17th and 18th of this month. He has been feeling fine, You would never know he has cancer. I'm the one that is a wreak.
I have been reading and reading and reading everything I can find on the internet about this. But so far I can't find anyone that has had SCLC :-(
I'm not going to give up or let him give up. I don't care what the doctors say about how long he might have. I just keep doing my research.
I know this is an agressive cancer and that is why time is of the essence. We meet with the doctor tomorrow and I am going to tell her I want a scan done before his next round of chemo.
I don't want to find out later that something else could have been done or his chemo changed because of what they find after the second cycle.
He has taken all his records,lab slides and scans to the Northwestern University of Robert H. Lurie Comprehensive Cancer Center, where they have an oncologist that specializes in the lungs.
I'm going to call the number they have here for help with finding clinical trials, after I find out more from the doctor tomorrow or after his next chemo.
If anyone can suggest anything else that I should be doing or know of a doctor or trial we can try, let me know, or if you think that a PET scan and or radiation of the brain should be done now.
God bless everyone on this site, you and my husband are all in my prayers.
Sherry :-)
Sclc is more greatly associated with smokers. I lost my Dad in 1986 to Lung Cancer.
He had both Small Cell and Non Small Cell. Of course a great deal has changed
with treatment in the last quarter of a century. I wish the best for your husband.
Take a look at IP6 and Inositol supplements. They are inexpensive. But rather than
I tell you what little I know, since you are a researcher, probably best you look
it up for yourself. The information is readily available on the internet. I do not
have LUNG Cancer, but started taking inositol about 3 months ago on the advise of
a Psychologist friend of mine. (I smoked for 35 years and finally quit 8 years ago).
After some research, I just ordered a bottle of IP6 to take along with the inositol
(inositol hexaphosphate) -
lung cancer
God bless you. I will keep you in prayer. I think your post is brave and you should do all the things you want to do before it's to late. Sounds like you are being realistic, but stay positive.
Lung Cancer0 -
advanced lung caJacobman said:RIP
My Grandpa, age 69, died of type IV lung cancer on December 23, 2009. He was diagnosed with type IV in August of '09. I am 13 now I was just a few weeks from my birthday when he died. I turned 12 two weeks before he was diagnosed. I am here to tell you his story. He started with lung cancer then was later told that the cancer was spreading to his brain and that he had only about a 8% chance to live. We were there December 17 2009. I held his hand as he fell asleep and the last words I heard was, "I love you and hope you stay safe." Then I didn't know what he meant but on the 23 I knew that he was saying he wouldn't make it. 2 days before Christmas. Christmas will never be the same. If there are any survivors of type IV cancer or People who have lost loved ones by any cancer. Go to to show how they are appreciated. You can even tell there names and it will be put on the website for many to see who was lost or lived from cancer. And to all who lost someone or who survived cancer we will not forget you.
hi father just diagnosed with lung ca amonth ago...and he also has brain metastasis just like ur grandpa...can u please just tell me what symptoms ur grandpa had because o brain met? I wonder if he had any seizures or complained from parasthesia or paralysis, I don't have any hope in my dad'd case but at least we have to provide a good care for him in his last days...please I will wait for your reply...thanks0 -
Survivor of Stage IV Small Cell Lung Cancer w/ METS to Brain
Hello everyone - Just want to send out some encouraging words - I'm 39 diagnosed with Inoperable, Incurable, Termainal Stage IV Small Cell Lung Cancer in April 2010. I've had brain surgery to remove tumor in April 10, Radiation to my whole brain in May 2010, 1 chemo treatment from June to Aug 2010 tumors resolved both in my brain, lungs lymphnodes in left lung. Off from treatement from Aug to Dec 2010. Re-scanned MRI, PET and CT beginning of Dec. all the tumors came back worse then before. 1 in left upper lymphnode, 2 in lower left lung and nodules in middle chest followed by 3 new small tumors in brain. Started immediately with new drug Topotecan received new scans in Feb 2011 to see if Topotecan is working it's not. Was refered to Gamma Knife for brain Mets and the Gamma Knife doctors found 12 tumors on Feb. 24th, 2011. 6 on right side and 6 on left side of brain. 3 large mets over 1.5 cm. They were able to target 6 on the right and I'll go back in a couple of weeks for the other 6 on left side of brain. Very blessed that I was referred to Gamma Knife doctors I believe they have saved my life for now! My local oncologist and radiologist/pathologist were VERY WRONG on my brain tumors and MRI Scans. They said 3 and I find out I have 12?? I was not a happy camper when I found out. Gave the Oncologist a piece of my mind. Will no longer return to that Oncologist and or Radiologist place for my scans. This has taught me that I need to take responsiblitly and stay on top of everything. My LIFE is precious to me and unfortuntaley not to some of the medical professionals. I've learned some oncologists don't look at the bigger picture and just tell you what you want to hear or just follow the basic medical protcol. I'm not allowing this any longer. I'm checking into experienced Oncologists that handle my specific cancer. Looking at going to Stanford or Loma Linda where I will be a top priority and be with medical professionals that are interested in finding a cure or helping my survival rate. If you have any information I'm very interested. I'm 39 and I'm not having any complications, my weight is good, my health other then the cancer is fairly good, I still go to work, I'm fairly active need to walk more. My diet is excellent no problem eating. No symptons of all the side effects of chemo or radiation. Very strong willed person I thank God everyday for another day. I'm truly blessed. Interested in talking to all Small Cell Lung Cancer people to see how you are doing and your stories and survival times. Have a blessed day.0 -
Hello Joesoccerfreaks said:survivors
Stardust, there are indeed survivors of Stage IV lung cancer, some of them on this very site. I am not sure, however, that any of them were told that their particular 'version' was 'terminal'.
The only exception to that that I know of is me, and my story is sort of strange, as I really didn't have stage IV; they just thought I did due to the spread.
Still, I have at least a couple of friends on this site who are stage IV survivors, one with both small and non-small cell, and the other with small cell, if I am not mistaken.
One recently received a proclamation of NED (No Evidence of Disease) and the other is in at least his third year of college (you CAN teach an old dog new tricks, it seems).
But I would not want to falsely raise your hopes.
If docs are providing treatment (radiation) then they at least have hope of extending life, quality life, for the person we are talking about it here. I would advise that since that time cannot be precisely measured even in the worst case scenario, that it be lived as if every day were the last, spent enjoying life, friends, family, spent loving and laughing.
Life IS precious.
I know this does not help much, but please know that we are getting closer and closer to actually finding ways to reverse cancers; it is just a matter of hanging in there, in my opinion.
Incidentally, and I do not say this flippantly, birth is a terminal disease.
Take care,
Hello Joe,
I just want to see how you are doing now. My father just got diagnosed with the same cancer as you.0 - said:STAGE 4 NSCAC
Thanks for the encouraging words. I am 56. Non-smoking female.I was diagnosed on July 15, 2010. They found a tumor in my lower right lung next to a Pulmonary embolism. They admitted me to the hospital for the emboli and started me on Lovenox which I am still taking. I have brain mets. Two weeks ago they completely removed a tumor on the brain but I have two small tumors that they are going to use radiation on later. They wanted to start Chemo right away. I had my first treament yesterday, Taxal,Carboplatin, and Avastin. Today I am getting a shot of Neolasta to increase my neutrophils(WBC's). This will be every three weeks. Not sure when the radiation starts. We are doing targeted radiation. I have learned that this cancer has a poor prognosis. I want to be one of the 2% to make to 5 years. I will let you know of my progress. I take one day at a time. I was working 60 hours a week. I will definately slow that down and try and enjoy life a little more. I have a wonderful family and friends that support me. Debra
I finished 6 rounds of the Chemo in December. I had radiation to the brain in Oct. for the brain mets. The PET scan in Dec showed the lung tumor and nearby lymph nodes had shrunk The MRI showed no lesions on the brain. I had 28 rounds of radiation on my lung that finished the end of January. I feel good. I am back to work full time and waiting for my next PET SCAN and MRI in a few weeks. I only have some stiffness when I sit too long. I keep a positive attitude and work keeps me distracted.0 -
Hisalusa said:advanced lung ca
hi father just diagnosed with lung ca amonth ago...and he also has brain metastasis just like ur grandpa...can u please just tell me what symptoms ur grandpa had because o brain met? I wonder if he had any seizures or complained from parasthesia or paralysis, I don't have any hope in my dad'd case but at least we have to provide a good care for him in his last days...please I will wait for your reply...thanks
mY husband was diagnoised with stage 4 lung cancer with brain mentoias had surgery 2/19/11 had balance issues sent to rehab hospital came home 3/15/11.he is under going heavy radiation treatments and second round of chemo starts Monday.all we can do if trust the big man upstairs and pray0 - said:UPDATE
I finished 6 rounds of the Chemo in December. I had radiation to the brain in Oct. for the brain mets. The PET scan in Dec showed the lung tumor and nearby lymph nodes had shrunk The MRI showed no lesions on the brain. I had 28 rounds of radiation on my lung that finished the end of January. I feel good. I am back to work full time and waiting for my next PET SCAN and MRI in a few weeks. I only have some stiffness when I sit too long. I keep a positive attitude and work keeps me distracted.
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