joint pains, new thread....

dorion Member Posts: 183
edited March 2014 in Ovarian Cancer #1
Hello Beatiful Lady's
Yes back to these dang joint it's in both my shoulders and boy it's so difficult lifting a bottle of soda....not sure if I mentioned that I had a follow up with oncologist last week them asking me "how's the arthritis pain?".

I was kind of angry with her and my response was "so that's what we're labeling it now is it?" As I mentioned before the very thing that annoys me to no end is that they treat me like it's the very first time they've heard of such a thing. Now after all you lady's have wrote I'm more annoyed, because I'm not understanding why they (doctor's) are acting like I'm the only one complaining of this, when for sure I can't be! Well so now you guys made me feel better by letting me know that it's not just me and I'm not out of my mind.

By the way...welcome Joan C.....this is a wonderful form for getting answers and support, this site saved me when I was first diagnosed, trust me I was a basket case, sometimes I still am but that's just my nature. Tell me something, has anyone experienced total rejection from friends and family since being diagnosed with cancer? I've never felt so criticised, ostracised and rejected in all my adult life....I find myself totally alone.

I came back to Canada after living in Hawaii to be with my family and friends and all of them have kicked me to the curb....hmmmm.....I scratch my head at this. But I am thankful that I have my little Meghan and all I know for sure now is that you can't trust or depend on anyone and that all we have is ourselves. It's like people well kick you when you are absolutely brought to your knees and it becomes like a feedy frenzy like sharks. Anyhow I'm ranting, thanks for reading. Thanks for being here........



  • LPack
    LPack Member Posts: 645

    I too have written on here about my joint pains and yes I do believe it is from chemo and of course estrogen loss from the hysterectomy (1 year January 28). I am not on any estrogen as of now and probably never will be. I hear if you are on a small dose that the pains are not there, but then again that has been from those that have not had cancer.

    A gentleman that worked with my husband stopped by yesterday to check up on us. He is in a maintenance treatment for his leukemia/lymphoma cancer stage 3. He said he was feeling fine except for his joint pain!! He said at times it is excruciating.

    None of my friends or family have rejected me when we found out last January I had Ovarian Cancer stage 3c. They have all been supportive and have prayed for me and my family. What is great about this site is we are all friends and remember there is God our Heavenly Father who is always with us. Love you, Linda.

    In His Grip,
  • kris43
    kris43 Member Posts: 275
    joint pain
    You know Linda - I've asked about pain before and mine has been mostly from my hips down - including muscle pain. I started complaining about this pain in October of 2007 and told it was not chemo related (started chemo September 07). They'd never heard of it. I bet I've talked or asked about the pain issue every appointment with the same answer. I am going to print off these emails and show the doctor I am not hallucinating! My family doctor, May 2008, became concerned because after attending my brothers wedding and being up and about and doing a little dancing - the next day I could not literally move my legs the pain was so bad. I had to hang on to my pant legs and move my legs manually. It took me 6 months to get in to see a Rheumatologist and he diagnosed me with Fibromyalgia and arthritis. He couldn't say specifically that chemo "caused" this - but it was like a perfect storm - the stress from finding out you have cancer, to surgery, to chemo, to recovery and then I did have a couple of really bad infections and voila. Pain. I also have severe charlie horses - and nobody can explain that to me either.

    Regarding your friend question - I can honestly say that only 1 person, who has been a friend for 18 years, has left my side and people who I didn't realize even cared that much came out of the woodwork to be there for me every step of the way. I was 43 when diagnosed and my parents are still living - they, also, just don't get it. Oh you had chemo & surgery and all of those wonderful people in your state (SD) taking care of you - why should we call, write, or come to see you. I feel as if they don't care. My brothers & sisters do and have gone above & beyond - but my parents are 4 hours away and I saw them twice. So there is anger there. Re: my friend - I honestly believe she could not handle it. The last real time I saw her, she stood on my front doorstep with a bowl of food she had made and couldn't even come in she just started crying and turned around and walked away.

    As Libby said - we are all your friends here. Sometimes you find it in the most unexpected places.

    Keeping you close in my thoughts and sending a hug.

  • JoanC
    JoanC Member Posts: 231 Member
    kris43 said:

    joint pain
    You know Linda - I've asked about pain before and mine has been mostly from my hips down - including muscle pain. I started complaining about this pain in October of 2007 and told it was not chemo related (started chemo September 07). They'd never heard of it. I bet I've talked or asked about the pain issue every appointment with the same answer. I am going to print off these emails and show the doctor I am not hallucinating! My family doctor, May 2008, became concerned because after attending my brothers wedding and being up and about and doing a little dancing - the next day I could not literally move my legs the pain was so bad. I had to hang on to my pant legs and move my legs manually. It took me 6 months to get in to see a Rheumatologist and he diagnosed me with Fibromyalgia and arthritis. He couldn't say specifically that chemo "caused" this - but it was like a perfect storm - the stress from finding out you have cancer, to surgery, to chemo, to recovery and then I did have a couple of really bad infections and voila. Pain. I also have severe charlie horses - and nobody can explain that to me either.

    Regarding your friend question - I can honestly say that only 1 person, who has been a friend for 18 years, has left my side and people who I didn't realize even cared that much came out of the woodwork to be there for me every step of the way. I was 43 when diagnosed and my parents are still living - they, also, just don't get it. Oh you had chemo & surgery and all of those wonderful people in your state (SD) taking care of you - why should we call, write, or come to see you. I feel as if they don't care. My brothers & sisters do and have gone above & beyond - but my parents are 4 hours away and I saw them twice. So there is anger there. Re: my friend - I honestly believe she could not handle it. The last real time I saw her, she stood on my front doorstep with a bowl of food she had made and couldn't even come in she just started crying and turned around and walked away.

    As Libby said - we are all your friends here. Sometimes you find it in the most unexpected places.

    Keeping you close in my thoughts and sending a hug.


    My parents did the same thing....they just don't know how to handle it either. Please try to release the anger because it is not good for are in a fight for your life so all your energy must be focused on that. I am so glad you have your brothers and sisters and friends and all of us teal warriors!
  • saundra
    saundra Member Posts: 1,370 Member
    Oncologist confirmed
    My oncologist shook his head in the affirmative when I said, "It's from the chemo." He had asked how the joint pain was. Then he wrote me a script for 500 mg. of naproxin sodium. "Alieve" is the same but 200 mg. I have been on it for a week now and am some better. I have been able to go to the gym and ride the bike.

    My immediate family are all deceased. My friends and kids have been great. Mostly my friends are from the church and they have been a great support group. Our church also has a "CAPS" program that meets once a month. Cancer Awareness, Prayer Support. I think some people are just not able to handle immortality. I must admit that I have been brutally frank about this disease and people don't want to hear that either sometimes. Everyone has to deal with it in their own way.

    ((Hugs)) Saundra
  • JanQ
    JanQ Member Posts: 236
    kris43 said:

    joint pain
    You know Linda - I've asked about pain before and mine has been mostly from my hips down - including muscle pain. I started complaining about this pain in October of 2007 and told it was not chemo related (started chemo September 07). They'd never heard of it. I bet I've talked or asked about the pain issue every appointment with the same answer. I am going to print off these emails and show the doctor I am not hallucinating! My family doctor, May 2008, became concerned because after attending my brothers wedding and being up and about and doing a little dancing - the next day I could not literally move my legs the pain was so bad. I had to hang on to my pant legs and move my legs manually. It took me 6 months to get in to see a Rheumatologist and he diagnosed me with Fibromyalgia and arthritis. He couldn't say specifically that chemo "caused" this - but it was like a perfect storm - the stress from finding out you have cancer, to surgery, to chemo, to recovery and then I did have a couple of really bad infections and voila. Pain. I also have severe charlie horses - and nobody can explain that to me either.

    Regarding your friend question - I can honestly say that only 1 person, who has been a friend for 18 years, has left my side and people who I didn't realize even cared that much came out of the woodwork to be there for me every step of the way. I was 43 when diagnosed and my parents are still living - they, also, just don't get it. Oh you had chemo & surgery and all of those wonderful people in your state (SD) taking care of you - why should we call, write, or come to see you. I feel as if they don't care. My brothers & sisters do and have gone above & beyond - but my parents are 4 hours away and I saw them twice. So there is anger there. Re: my friend - I honestly believe she could not handle it. The last real time I saw her, she stood on my front doorstep with a bowl of food she had made and couldn't even come in she just started crying and turned around and walked away.

    As Libby said - we are all your friends here. Sometimes you find it in the most unexpected places.

    Keeping you close in my thoughts and sending a hug.


    What an excellent idea to print the pages out and show to the drs. We certainly know more about some things than they do. They should probably get on this site sometimes, they may come to a better understanding of how we feel.
    I have always had a very close family and friends. I can't imagine anyone making you feel guilty for being sick. That is something they will have to answer for. But yes lean on your heavenly father and pray for the Lord to send someone into your life. He hear's and he answers.
    God Bless and you are in my prayers!
  • BonnieR
    BonnieR Member Posts: 1,526 Member
    saundra said:

    Oncologist confirmed
    My oncologist shook his head in the affirmative when I said, "It's from the chemo." He had asked how the joint pain was. Then he wrote me a script for 500 mg. of naproxin sodium. "Alieve" is the same but 200 mg. I have been on it for a week now and am some better. I have been able to go to the gym and ride the bike.

    My immediate family are all deceased. My friends and kids have been great. Mostly my friends are from the church and they have been a great support group. Our church also has a "CAPS" program that meets once a month. Cancer Awareness, Prayer Support. I think some people are just not able to handle immortality. I must admit that I have been brutally frank about this disease and people don't want to hear that either sometimes. Everyone has to deal with it in their own way.

    ((Hugs)) Saundra

    Brutally Honest
    Saundra, I doubt if you could ever be brutal ~ but do admire your honesty. Most people really don't want to know how we are(just the canned answer of FINE) and get very uncomfortable with ones honesty. In getting to know you and reading your posts I would say Softly fits better than brutal. I love the CAPS you have going at church... what an excellent name for a support group. Love Ya Bonnie

    PS Thanks for the donation, I got an email telling me you made one. :-) Now you'll have to send an email to get your name and address in for that quilt. :-)

    I haven't been on the computer much as my feet have been so bad I could barely walk adn am typing with my nail as hands and fingers are bad too. Today they are a bit better but did stop taking the nexavar; satruday night was last dose I took. Hopefully will get better soon. Today is suppose to be gemzar?? Hugs Bonnie
  • green50
    green50 Member Posts: 312
    BonnieR said:

    Brutally Honest
    Saundra, I doubt if you could ever be brutal ~ but do admire your honesty. Most people really don't want to know how we are(just the canned answer of FINE) and get very uncomfortable with ones honesty. In getting to know you and reading your posts I would say Softly fits better than brutal. I love the CAPS you have going at church... what an excellent name for a support group. Love Ya Bonnie

    PS Thanks for the donation, I got an email telling me you made one. :-) Now you'll have to send an email to get your name and address in for that quilt. :-)

    I haven't been on the computer much as my feet have been so bad I could barely walk adn am typing with my nail as hands and fingers are bad too. Today they are a bit better but did stop taking the nexavar; satruday night was last dose I took. Hopefully will get better soon. Today is suppose to be gemzar?? Hugs Bonnie

    Dr says chemo
    Taxitere is one of the hardest but others can cause bone pain. I take advil for my joints, muscles and anything else chemo causes. It attacks the whole body. Why wouldn't some Drs know this? It destroys good cells and tissue. Makes your muscles weak and of course being tired you have weak muscles. And it is hard on the bones. Its hard on your teeth. Well anyway, I am amazed at the opinions of some Drs. I really have a good one. I had one who retired in 2007 and another good one who was refered by the retired Dr. is also great.
    Prayers and Hugs
    Sandy Green
  • green50
    green50 Member Posts: 312
    BonnieR said:

    Brutally Honest
    Saundra, I doubt if you could ever be brutal ~ but do admire your honesty. Most people really don't want to know how we are(just the canned answer of FINE) and get very uncomfortable with ones honesty. In getting to know you and reading your posts I would say Softly fits better than brutal. I love the CAPS you have going at church... what an excellent name for a support group. Love Ya Bonnie

    PS Thanks for the donation, I got an email telling me you made one. :-) Now you'll have to send an email to get your name and address in for that quilt. :-)

    I haven't been on the computer much as my feet have been so bad I could barely walk adn am typing with my nail as hands and fingers are bad too. Today they are a bit better but did stop taking the nexavar; satruday night was last dose I took. Hopefully will get better soon. Today is suppose to be gemzar?? Hugs Bonnie

    Dr says chemo
    Taxitere is one of the hardest but others can cause bone pain. I take advil for my joints, muscles and anything else chemo causes. It attacks the whole body. Why wouldn't some Drs know this? It destroys good cells and tissue. Makes your muscles weak and of course being tired you have weak muscles. And it is hard on the bones. Its hard on your teeth. Well anyway, I am amazed at the opinions of some Drs. I really have a good one. I had one who retired in 2007 and another good one who was refered by the retired Dr. is also great.
    Prayers and Hugs
    Sandy Green