Officially Stage 4



  • changing2
    changing2 Member Posts: 118
    Look up!
    Holding you up in prayer! Like Buzzard said...stay positive and live life to the fullest!
  • amcp
    amcp Member Posts: 251 Member
    I am so sorry to hear your news. Having my husband go through over two years of chemo to be told there was nothing left to do..nothing they tried was stopping the cancer on the liver from growing. So they sent us to Vandy for clinical trial possibility. After the team of oncologist looked at all my husbands PET/CT scans they called us and told us that the could operate and remove the cancer from his liver and they had also found a spot in his lung and they could also take it out too. I said all this to say...DO NOT GIVE UP...GOD answers Prayers and you can do anything with HIS help. You will be in my every prayer until you have beaten this "beast". Lean on God, your husband, your family and all your friends. Remember God will carry you through..." only one set of footprints" God bless and keep you strong. Long distance hug and continual prayers.
  • Faith4Cure
    Faith4Cure Member Posts: 405 Member
    I am so sorry for this latest news. I know it is such a disappointment for you. Take a few days to regroup and get a new plan---then pick yourself up and fight!!!You can do this. We are all praying for you. Keep the faith.

  • taipei
    taipei Member Posts: 33 Member
    I know how you feel
    Hi Elizabeth: I know how you feel, I was DX 2003 with met. to liver and lungs, and recurrenced after finished chem.Stay positive, this is treatable, you will go through up and down, but do not get discourage, I will pray that God gives you strengh and patience to go through you jorney. God bless you.
  • sheri22
    sheri22 Member Posts: 273
    stage four
    I am sorry bout your news I am sti8ll new to this site I also have stage 4 mine is colon mes to lung just remember 1 day at a time I try to ignore it as long as I feel good and dont have chemo or the pump on those days I can ignore it dont let it get to you prayer helps a lot. like we all know on here though we all have our bad days I will be thinking of you and hope things get better for you they have tokeep me posted and stay strong you can beat this