How did you get a dx?
Thank youlisa42 said:diarhea and blood in stool
I was diagnosed in August 2007 at age 41. I have no family history of any kind of cancer, so cancer was not in my mind when I experienced some symptoms. I thought maybe I had colitis, IBS, or something along those lines (actually I still think I may have something along those lines). I was someone who often got diarhea when I was nervous or stressed at work- so I really wasn't alarmed that much for a while when I was having issues of this every morning and evening. It got to the point where I realized there was a big problem because I was late for work so many mornings (couldn't get out of the bathroom). Then one day at work, I felt like I had to run to the bathroom but when I got there, it wasn't diarhea- it was just a huge amount of blood that went into the toilet. That really freaked me out. I went a few weeks later to the Dr. and the nurse practitioner (my primary care Dr. didn't have any avail. appts. for 3 more weeks & I didn't make it sound like an emergency at all). Anyhow, the nurse practitioner gave me a rectal exam and told me I had a "very large hemorroid" and that they can burst sometimes, so that's what probably caused my major bleeding incident. I told her it still was probably a good idea to have a colonoscopy done. She said okay & she'd put the referral in & in the meantime, she told me how to take care of my hemerroids. Well, I started feeling better for a while and since the nurse prac. didn't act like there was a problem, I put the colonoscopy appt off for 3 more months. When I finally had the colonoscopy, the gastro. Dr. told me right away afterwards that I'd be needing surgery for something too large to remove that day and that I had "about a 60% chance of it being malignant". Well, two days later, I got the "malignant" news. Two days later, I went down to UCSD for another sigmoidoscopy with ultrasound, which showed the tumor had grown through the bowel wall. No lymph nodes showed up, however, so I was staged as an early stage 2. Two more days after that, I was given a "routine CT scan", which showed that it had spread to my liver and both lungs- an instant jump to stage 4. All doctors were surprised since nothing had shown up in lymph nodes. I was told that sometimes rectal cancer can spread directly through the bloodstream and bypass the lymphatic system.
That's my diagnosis story.
Thank you for your story. I am not putting of the colonoscopy-Actually I switched Dr.s in september. I saw the first 3 times and kept telling her something is wrong. The third time when she said I am sorry you are not feeling well-Well I serched for a new GP.That was sept.29th first appointment.He ordered Blood work first thing. Then found I was anemic-7.9 very low. So began the iron regiment. October the pain began.Then the diarea-he put my refrell to his nurses. Needless to say they never got around to it. November 11th trip to ER. Where I met the GI doc. who actually took care of my Middle son about 5 years ago. Got my first appointment 2 weeks ago and he set me up with all the test this month. Did the BArrium,and complete sono-Nothing from them yet-and colonoscopy is the 29th.I know no one wants cancer but in my soul I am hoping for a dx. My life has come to a crawl since I got sick. I want to feel like my normal self.I do not fear the c word-Our family is so rittled with the beast-My father and 1 of his sisters both died from it-My dad was 62 my aunt was 26.My older sister and Oldest son has Chrons and My middle son fears he too has devoleped the diese. And now my coudsin on my fathers side at age 42 has been dx stage 4 withit in her liver and lungs. I also have 2 brothers and a sister who has had Pre cancerous Polyps removed. When I told the Gi doc's nurse I was 4 years behind on my first colonoscopy she made the comment that they begin at 50-Till U told her of the family and we were told by my fathers Onoc. to start at 40. I will be 45 in february.So i am a little behind. But my GI is pushing fast for all the test. So I am gratefull.
Karen0 -
Thank youMadre said:Anemia should be a red flag
I had a complete hysterectomy in 2004 and was very anemic afterwords. I even had blood in my stool but they thought only 38, not a risk factor, probably irritation from the hysterectomy and laser surgery. Anemic on and off for the next 2 years. Dumb doctors kept asking "Are you flowing heavy?"... No had those organs removed! Got new doctor. In august of 2006 had gas and bloating and constipation. Did upper GI test (negative) occult test (negative) must be diet related. Increased fiber, increased water, decreased caffeine and it got better. Went for a routine physical in Feb. 2008 for my insurance. Doc noticed hematacrits low (bleeding someplace) Upper GI (negative), test for siliac (negative), occult test (negative) couldn't find the bleeding. Scheduled for a colonoscopy "Don't think we'll find anything but worth a shot" did a CT scan and they found a 1 1/2 inch tumor in my ascending colon. Colonoscopy the next day, couldn't get through it, surgery the next week - stage 3B, 3 out of 42 lymph nodes positive, just ended 12 rounds of chemo - NED. Doc thinks probably was there about a year or so. 42, not hereditary, just a fluke. Just glad they found, even more glad they got rid of it.
I have not had the Hyster yet-It was planned for January-I too tested negative for blood in stool and urine as I have kidney pain as well as sharp pain in right side. No Gallbladder-It was removed 2 years ago-It was extremely diaseased. So much so the Surgen took a picture of it for the medical Journal. Said he had never seen one so bad-With no gallstones.So when the pain started my best description was that it felt like I still ahd my GAllbladder and it was acting up.But it never goes away. Pain meds dull it so I am able to move.I to had a ct scan but all it showed was water in small intestines and a enlarged spleen. At this point I just want answeres-and with a hugh family history-I dont care what it is-I just need to know so I can begin to fight.To be brutally honest when I first got Ill I started to plan my death. In my heart I knew if they did not find out and help soon. I may not be here next year.And when they did the Barium Xray-I know what I saw-Looked up online to compare and mine (ascending) was 3 times larger than the rest of the colon.So I am thankful for this site-I get reassured ewvryday from people like you. Especially today as I got to see my grandson for his 3rd birthday-even tho I could tolerate only an hour before I had to come home cause of feeling bad. My 2 grandsons make me want to fight even harder. To top it all off this year has been the most emotional year of my life. Besides my 2 grandsons My daughter gave birth to an angle-My Fiona rose who was with us just 3 days. I have so much more I want to do and see-So I am very thankfull for my Medical team who are listening to me and helping find the cause so I can return to a normal life. And thanks to all on this site-
Merry CHristmas
Karen0 -
Thank youmsccolon said:My dx
I had been unable to donate blood for a year due to anemia, but they always assumed it was menstrual related (pretty typical). October of 2003 I started having severe cramping in my abdominal area that lasted 2 or 3 days. I increased my fiber intake and it solved the problem for a few months. I mentioned it to my doc and she figured I had IBS (again, pretty typical). 4 months later it came back and I mentioned that I MIGHT have seen some blood in my stool a little while back. FOB came back positive for blood. First, her nurse said, we know you have hemorrhoids, but... my response was no, I DON'T have hemorrhoid issues, so she scheduled me for a colonoscopy. Initially it was scheduled in October, then they moved it up (I'm guessing they were more concerned than they wanted to let on!). Colonoscopy done 08/12/04, colonoscope couldn't pass the tumor, told i had cancer when i came out of the meds. Surgery 08/25/04, home the night before my 44th birthday. Stage IIIB. Unfortunately, with this beast, rarely do you have any symptoms until it is advanced. Obviously the tumor had been growing quite a while, but with no symptoms, and I was an extremely healthy young woman (at least appeared to be), there would have been NO reason to suspect any problems. Ah, but to get my hands on a time machine to travel back to 1994 and figure out some way to force a colonoscopy!
Trying to make sure I thank everyone. My biggest fear is that I do have the symptoms-much like my father did when he was diagnosed at 56. He to was told it had been growing for years.We lost him when my son was7. My son was born 1 month before his diagnosis. ANd My father and My son Sid were inseprable. Coming from a large family-there is 7 of us with 18 grandchildren-Needless to say some hurt feelings among my brothers and sisters over my fathers favriotism. When my dad passed away it was a very hard time for sid. He lost his best friend.
My Doc.GI I saw December 2nd and he set up all the test right away. His biggest concern was that my pain was in the liver area. I thing that is what scares me the most.I have not gotten any results and figure he is waiting on the COlonoscopy witch is the 29th. Must say I am so looking forward to it. Just to know one way or the other.
I hope you have a wonderfull holiday
Karen0 -
Thank youCherylHutch said:Don't wait...
If you aren't feeling yourself, go to the doctor and let him/her know!! So many of us wish we could go back in time and been more insistent when we just "thought" something wasn't right but it wasn't bad enough to complain about. All the "what if's" in the world don't help the present... "What if I had had a colonoscopy 10 years before?" "What IF I had told my doctor that the tests not showing anything serious were wrong because I'm in pain and I have a high tolerance to pain, so something is wrong".
Naaaa... don't become a "What if..." person. If things aren't normal, report them
Havent felt like myself since sept. But already been to the docs office. I am on a monthly visit with him(GP) and waiting on test. My worrie is that the BArium,they told,could cause sever constipation and to drink lots of water. I go through 6 bottles a day,with no luck. today is day 7 of no Poopoo. Before all this began that was very normal for me. And it causes me no discomfert-Except the pain in my side-But that has been there since this all started when I changed habits of going 2-3 times a day.Plus Pain Meds can cause constipation. Unfortunatly-lax. do not work well on me at times.My only fear now is the clean out before the Colonoscopy-What happens if I do all that I am suppose to and it dont work and nothing happens in the back end? Will probably call tommorrow and ask the nurse. But thank you for your concern.All on this site has helped me better understand all of it. And I will let you all know what the test says after the 29th.
Happpy Holidays-Merry Christmas-Happy New Year
Karen0 -
Thank youADKer said:I had stomach cramps
I was 50 and due for my first colonoscopy. I was overwhelmed working full-time and as mother to 2 early teen daughters. I had stomach cramps which got worse when I was busiest at work. My primary care physician thought I had stress related irritable bowel syndrome and ordered a colonoscopy - which was scheduled almost 4 months later. Fortunately, I was busy at work with resulting discomfort and called to see if my appointment could be moved up. I am forever indebted to the nurse who listened to me and got me in within a couple weeks. The tumor was so large that the doctor could not get the scope through. My diagnosis in 2/08 was stage IV with mets to the liver. I have had colon resection, chemo, liver resection and now Xeloda. My first CT scan post liver resection showed a clear liver but several very small mets to my lungs. My current CEA is about 2, down from just under 7,000 before I began chemo last March. I was disappointed with the spots on my lungs but am certainly much improved from the time of diagnosis.
Thank you for your comments. My colonoscopy is set for the 29th of this month. Unfortunatly I am unable to work-they have me on so many pills for pain and the occasional depresion-Something I never thought I would need. Always considered myself a very strong woman. Raised 3 children on my own-went through a knee replacement and Kidney caner with my husband(He had knee replacement and Kidney cancer)Then My oldest having Chrons andI went through the lose of my Grandaughter Fiona Rose after 3 days of life.As well as 3 c-sections,Appendcitis,Gallbladder removal and a hernia operation.But this dam!!!thing has knocked me right down-Im lucky if I am able to clean one room in my home before I have to sit ad do nothing because the pain is so bad.Id take all the Surgeys over again then the pain I have today.But God has me on another road.
I hope you and your family have a wonderfull holiday
Karen0 -
Thank youpamness said:I found out I had colon cancer via routine colonoscopy
I was just over 50 (I had one at 45, for another reason) no history, no symptoms.
I had one polyp, and one polyp only, it was malignant - two lymph nodes positive, despite negative MRI and CT scans.
I am currently 16 month NED after surgery, chemo and radiation.
I to showed negative on cat scan-No MRI done tho. Many xrays. Great GI doc tho-my colonoscopy is th 29th. Thank you for your info tho-Makes me feel better knowing just because some test come out negative does not meen you are in the clear.
Merry Christmas
KAren0 -
Thank youtaraHK said:I noticed blood in my stool.
I noticed blood in my stool. Went to my doc who said it's probably hemorroids but since you've never had that before let's be conservative (he probably saved my life). So I went to a specialist -- had a brief exam -- he suspected/knew right away (my rectal tumour was very very low). Had a colonoscopy the next day which confirmed. I was 44 and in disgustingly good health otherwise. My docs reckoned the tumour could have been growing for 5-10 years.
I did not see blood-but have had Hemmroids during pregnancy 19 years ago. I was in perfect health untill sept of this year. It started with Nuerophaty in my left side. Predizone was perscribed that was a night mare-Lost all my potassium and had severe chest pain at 4am in the morning. So they took me of that fast-then I started antibiotics-Felt great for 3 days then when cullture came back doc took me of them. So when October-November rolled around and the pain and Bowels got worse Doc felt that Antibiotics caused it from stopping to soon. So a much stronger one was perscribed-Finished 10 day round- And here it is december with still the extreme pain and funny bowels. Told GI at times it feels like I am nine months pregneat with the movement in my bowels. So he ordered all the test qith the colonoscopy on the 29th. Less than a month turn around. 4 months total.
Merry christmas and thank you. All the advice I get from this site has helped ease my mind. I am nolonger afraid of what might be.
Karen0 -
Mine was mintsclaud1951 said:Crunching Ice
I started crunching (eating)ice! I never used ice in my water but all of a sudden I need ice. There was a few months of this (craving ice) and I told my Husband..something is wrong. I never liked to eat ice. So, he looked that up on line and it said crunching ice could be a sign of Anemia.
Off to the doctor I went and told him my story and asked for a test to see if I was anemic. Sure enough. Doctor decided to do a colonoscopy to see if I was loosing blood (I never saw any in stool nor did I feel bad). I was not bleeding but Doctor found a tumor. Tumors can cause anemia. Thus, my journey. I found CSN and am so glad I did. The people, here, help so much and no, Karen, you are not alone!
I have been NED for a year now!
My best to you and keep up posted.
I can relate-Tho mine was hard peppermint candies. My Husband would tell me that is probably causing your fatigue. But I had to have 4-5 every hour. Only thing that made me feel better.But never mentioned it to the Doc has he ordered blood work the very first visit. That was in sept. ANd here I am 8 days away from my colonoscopy. Only reason I eat the peppermints now is was told it helps with Nausea and I have that every day,But only do 1 now and suck on it instead of chew. Iron pills keep my anemia at bay.
Merry Christmas
Karen0 -
Over 4 years of Symptoms!
I first went to the doctor when I was 28 in 2002. I had noticed some rectal bleeding and went to the doctor to get it checked out. He quickly dismissed it as hemmorhoids and sent me on my way with a prescription. My bleeding was off and on for the next 4 years. I assumed everything was ok. I started a diet about 2 years before diagnosis and I lost weight so easily. I thought I hit the jackpot. I was eating lots of fruits, veggies, and fiber but I still always felt constipated. About a year before diagnosis I started having severe leg cramps at night and was always tired. I finally went to my doctor for the cramps (new one since the 2002 checkup). He ordered a blood test and it came back that I was severely anemic. He ordered a colonoscopy and both he and my gastro docotor said it couldn't be cancer. They were both wrong. I was diagnosed with stage III rectal cancer in September 2006 at age 32. Looking back I had just about every sign of cancer, but didn't pay much attention because I was told everything was fine. I ended up with 18 inches of colon/rectum removed and a permanent colostomy, but I am very blessed to be here. The doctors estimated that from the time it was a polyp to diagnosis was anywhere from 5-10 years.
Luckily my brother's colonoscopy came back fine last week. He is 29 and I had been on his butt for the past 2 years.0 -
Hi Kiersten,KierstenRx said:Over 4 years of Symptoms!
I first went to the doctor when I was 28 in 2002. I had noticed some rectal bleeding and went to the doctor to get it checked out. He quickly dismissed it as hemmorhoids and sent me on my way with a prescription. My bleeding was off and on for the next 4 years. I assumed everything was ok. I started a diet about 2 years before diagnosis and I lost weight so easily. I thought I hit the jackpot. I was eating lots of fruits, veggies, and fiber but I still always felt constipated. About a year before diagnosis I started having severe leg cramps at night and was always tired. I finally went to my doctor for the cramps (new one since the 2002 checkup). He ordered a blood test and it came back that I was severely anemic. He ordered a colonoscopy and both he and my gastro docotor said it couldn't be cancer. They were both wrong. I was diagnosed with stage III rectal cancer in September 2006 at age 32. Looking back I had just about every sign of cancer, but didn't pay much attention because I was told everything was fine. I ended up with 18 inches of colon/rectum removed and a permanent colostomy, but I am very blessed to be here. The doctors estimated that from the time it was a polyp to diagnosis was anywhere from 5-10 years.
Luckily my brother's colonoscopy came back fine last week. He is 29 and I had been on his butt for the past 2 years.
Wow- my few
Hi Kiersten,
Wow- my few months of run around seem like nothing compared to your four years of being told you had hemorroids! Why, oh why, won't doctors take these symptoms more seriously???!
Even the more recent recommendations of emphasizing getting screened, colonoscopies, etc. still emphasize to start getting your colonoscopy at age 50. I've heard of SO many people who have been diagnosed with colon or rectal cancer at quite a bit younger than that & definitely not all had it in their family history.
I wish there was something that could be done other than us urging our loved ones to take it seriously, that would get the word out about these symptoms and to take them very seriously and be insistent with doctors who put their patients off.
Well, I'm glad we have this message board to share and vent our feelings and frustrations with each other!
Blessings to you all- Merry Christmas, everyone!
Lisa0 -
My Dxlisa42 said:Hi Kiersten,
Wow- my few
Hi Kiersten,
Wow- my few months of run around seem like nothing compared to your four years of being told you had hemorroids! Why, oh why, won't doctors take these symptoms more seriously???!
Even the more recent recommendations of emphasizing getting screened, colonoscopies, etc. still emphasize to start getting your colonoscopy at age 50. I've heard of SO many people who have been diagnosed with colon or rectal cancer at quite a bit younger than that & definitely not all had it in their family history.
I wish there was something that could be done other than us urging our loved ones to take it seriously, that would get the word out about these symptoms and to take them very seriously and be insistent with doctors who put their patients off.
Well, I'm glad we have this message board to share and vent our feelings and frustrations with each other!
Blessings to you all- Merry Christmas, everyone!
As an active 47 year old, running 40-50 miles per week, in the late fall of 06 I began to notice some blood in my stool. It wasn't alot, or even every time. It was so sporadic, I wasn't even sure it was blood. No pain, no fatigue, no other symptoms. Figured it was probably 'rhoids, but scheduled a physical. Doctor found some trace blood, but no evidence of hemmorhoids, so recommended a colonoscopy. Had that in Feb 2007, doctor found 3.something inch lesion. I was kind of awake and watching the monitor during the process. I saw it the same time he did and I could hear the tone of his voice change. All I could think of was "Aww ****, this ain't good"
Tests showed some penetration thru the colon wall. Had a low anterior resection on 1 Mar to remove 17 cm. Clear margins but 1 node of 25 effected. Did 5 and a half weeks of Xeloda plus radiation and then 5 months of folfox(8 times).
So far, so good. Last check was good (May 08). Have another CT scan and bloodwork in Jan...always a little nervous about that. Otherwise feeling pretty good, back to 40 plus miles per week.0 -
Hi Karen,
Diagnosis for me came as a complete shock, since our whole family somehow didn't notice all the red flags on my mother's side of the family tree. Her father, her aunt, her sisters, her grandfather, her nephew, her niece and finally herself--all with colon, bladder/kidney, uterine and/or stomach cancers. Fatal for all except my cousin.
My younger sister got a colonoscopy immediately after my mother's death and everything was fine, so I felt no sense of urgency. In hindsight, I realize that my bowel habits had gradually changed, but I thought it was due to diet, lack of exercise and water. So I waited 2 years after my mother's death to have it done. At the time I was 49. My GI doc came in while I was still groggy with a long look on his face, and I knew. He said "we found something." Naturally, being doped up and uninhibited at the time I said, "Oh great! Everyone else with cancer loses weight, but I just got fatter." He looked at me oddly and proceeded to speak with my husband.
So, after everything was said and done, my oncologist recommended a genetic test, and sure enough, there is a mutant gene lurking in my family. My two sisters have tested positive for this gene. My older sister already had the uterine cancer. I was diagnosed with uterine cancer 4 months after finishing chemo for the colon cancer. So I've told my family to stop breeding. We have HNPCC (hereditary non-polyposis colon cancer.) We don't need polyps to get colon cancer; aren't we lucky?
Bottom line, though, is that I had no symptoms that I noticed, except for change in bowel habit which was not sudden; very gradual and insidious. I was Stage II-b and had no nodal involvement, so I was blessed.
I see so many young people on this board that I think colonoscopies should be started at age 25 instead of 50, even for people not carrying mutant genes or red flags in their families. It is one of the most "curable" cancers if detected early enough.
I'm done with my blathering. Just wanted to let you know that a colonoscopy is THE thing to do. Most definitive. I'll shut up now.
Kirsten0 -
Thanks for the laugh!kmygil said:Diagnosis
Hi Karen,
Diagnosis for me came as a complete shock, since our whole family somehow didn't notice all the red flags on my mother's side of the family tree. Her father, her aunt, her sisters, her grandfather, her nephew, her niece and finally herself--all with colon, bladder/kidney, uterine and/or stomach cancers. Fatal for all except my cousin.
My younger sister got a colonoscopy immediately after my mother's death and everything was fine, so I felt no sense of urgency. In hindsight, I realize that my bowel habits had gradually changed, but I thought it was due to diet, lack of exercise and water. So I waited 2 years after my mother's death to have it done. At the time I was 49. My GI doc came in while I was still groggy with a long look on his face, and I knew. He said "we found something." Naturally, being doped up and uninhibited at the time I said, "Oh great! Everyone else with cancer loses weight, but I just got fatter." He looked at me oddly and proceeded to speak with my husband.
So, after everything was said and done, my oncologist recommended a genetic test, and sure enough, there is a mutant gene lurking in my family. My two sisters have tested positive for this gene. My older sister already had the uterine cancer. I was diagnosed with uterine cancer 4 months after finishing chemo for the colon cancer. So I've told my family to stop breeding. We have HNPCC (hereditary non-polyposis colon cancer.) We don't need polyps to get colon cancer; aren't we lucky?
Bottom line, though, is that I had no symptoms that I noticed, except for change in bowel habit which was not sudden; very gradual and insidious. I was Stage II-b and had no nodal involvement, so I was blessed.
I see so many young people on this board that I think colonoscopies should be started at age 25 instead of 50, even for people not carrying mutant genes or red flags in their families. It is one of the most "curable" cancers if detected early enough.
I'm done with my blathering. Just wanted to let you know that a colonoscopy is THE thing to do. Most definitive. I'll shut up now.
"...Everyone else with cancer loses weight, but I just got fatter." I'm with you there, girlfriend! Actually, my weight gain came after (during?) the chemo for my last recurrence, but it has decided to stay! I know your family feels the same as mine does, though; better fat and alive than thin and ... well you get the picture! Although, I wouldn't mind thinNER and alive!
mary0 -
I agreemsccolon said:Thanks for the laugh!
"...Everyone else with cancer loses weight, but I just got fatter." I'm with you there, girlfriend! Actually, my weight gain came after (during?) the chemo for my last recurrence, but it has decided to stay! I know your family feels the same as mine does, though; better fat and alive than thin and ... well you get the picture! Although, I wouldn't mind thinNER and alive!
I agree better fat and healthy-I to have lost no weight. Been trying for 2 years to-Thyroid condition makes it hard. But have not lost a single pound since all this started.And then when I bloat-Wow have to wear sweat pants.My only concern now is that I am having a diffucult time since the barium-being unable to go-Took LAx last night and did a little what happens if the pep before the colonoscopy dont work-Heres my delima-Had the Barium on the 12th-Took lax's on the 14th cause no movment-Finally able to go Loose on the 15th-Took laxs last night cause today was number 9 since last I went-Went finally-Before the barium was going 2-3 times a day. So if It does not work then what?
Karen0 -
I am surprised with yourKarmar said:Thank you
Thank you for your story. I am not putting of the colonoscopy-Actually I switched Dr.s in september. I saw the first 3 times and kept telling her something is wrong. The third time when she said I am sorry you are not feeling well-Well I serched for a new GP.That was sept.29th first appointment.He ordered Blood work first thing. Then found I was anemic-7.9 very low. So began the iron regiment. October the pain began.Then the diarea-he put my refrell to his nurses. Needless to say they never got around to it. November 11th trip to ER. Where I met the GI doc. who actually took care of my Middle son about 5 years ago. Got my first appointment 2 weeks ago and he set me up with all the test this month. Did the BArrium,and complete sono-Nothing from them yet-and colonoscopy is the 29th.I know no one wants cancer but in my soul I am hoping for a dx. My life has come to a crawl since I got sick. I want to feel like my normal self.I do not fear the c word-Our family is so rittled with the beast-My father and 1 of his sisters both died from it-My dad was 62 my aunt was 26.My older sister and Oldest son has Chrons and My middle son fears he too has devoleped the diese. And now my coudsin on my fathers side at age 42 has been dx stage 4 withit in her liver and lungs. I also have 2 brothers and a sister who has had Pre cancerous Polyps removed. When I told the Gi doc's nurse I was 4 years behind on my first colonoscopy she made the comment that they begin at 50-Till U told her of the family and we were told by my fathers Onoc. to start at 40. I will be 45 in february.So i am a little behind. But my GI is pushing fast for all the test. So I am gratefull.
I am surprised with your family history they didn't push for a colonoscopy earlier. I was 42 when I was dx and my surgeon just told me that my kids need to be checked when they are 20. Good luck to you Karen, I know what you mean about wanting an answer. I've been reading alot about so many people beating this thing, I pray what ever they find on the 29th that you get treatment and recover quickly. Happy New Year.0 -
I was diagnosed in Feb of 2007 with stage 3 colon cancer, with one lymph node testing positive. I had been having alot of fatique and 2 periods a month for awhile. I had been having blood in my stool for at least 8 years. I thought I had hemmoroids. I finally gave in to having a colonoscopy, they found one flat polyp which couldn't be removed during the procedure. A biopsy showed cancer. I had my resection which to my surgeon's surprise the polyp was lower than he thought. I ended up with a temporary ileostomy and had to undergo chemo and radiation. Then 6 months of just chemo. My last chemo treatment was Halloween of 2007. The treatment put me into menopause, I haven't had a period for over a year and a half. My resection was done Dec of 2007. I am still having issues from the reversal. I'm cancer free now. I deal with depression issues sometimes and regret that I didn't get a second opinion. I also regret having radiation. The first course of chemo was 5FU, I tolerated this very well I wasn't sick very much from this. 2nd course was oxiplatin. Again I tolerated this very well with little side effects.0
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