Breuss Diet - anybody done it

aandj Member Posts: 33
edited March 2014 in Ovarian Cancer #1
Hi there,

This is Jeremy, some of you may have remembered my wife Angela from postings earlier in the year. Well things have not gone well for us, all the chemo's have not worked and we have run out of options medically. The tumors have grown to the extent that Angela now has a partial bowl obstruction which is causing her not to be able to keep food down and vomits almost everyday. The Cancer has also spead inside her liver instead of just on the surface. Her doctor has said that there is not much else he can do except keep her comfortable and gave her weeks to several months. We are now looking at alternatives. Has anybody heard of the Breuss Cancer diet '(Cure)'. She has started this yesterday and I would like to know if anybody has tried it and been successful.

Thanks for any info.

Jeremy (for Angela who is asleep)


  • mopar
    mopar Member Posts: 1,972 Member
    So sorry to hear of this development for Angela, AND you. This must be difficult, beyond words. My heart aches for you.

    I was not familiar with the diet you mentioned, but researched it a little. I suspect that this is possibly helpful in many cases, but I also think that it probably needs to be started early in diagnosis. I have combined medical approaches as well as alternative approaches for over 9 years. I find, for me, it has been very beneficial. However, I would imagine that it is difficult for Angela to be on such a regimine. Only you and Angela will know when and if it's time to stop trying.

    Please keep us informed. Be assured that my heart goes out to you, and that you will both be in my prayers, unceasingly.

  • aandj
    aandj Member Posts: 33
    mopar said:

    So sorry to hear of this development for Angela, AND you. This must be difficult, beyond words. My heart aches for you.

    I was not familiar with the diet you mentioned, but researched it a little. I suspect that this is possibly helpful in many cases, but I also think that it probably needs to be started early in diagnosis. I have combined medical approaches as well as alternative approaches for over 9 years. I find, for me, it has been very beneficial. However, I would imagine that it is difficult for Angela to be on such a regimine. Only you and Angela will know when and if it's time to stop trying.

    Please keep us informed. Be assured that my heart goes out to you, and that you will both be in my prayers, unceasingly.


    Thanks Monika for your support.

    Can I ask what other medical approaches conbined with alternative approaches did you use.

    any info would be apprciated.
  • mopar
    mopar Member Posts: 1,972 Member
    I have always been a strong believer in good nutrition and exercise. Of course, nothing is 100% for sure. But I want to do everything I can for good, overall health and quality of life. So after my first diagnosis I tweaked a few things and made some additions to my protocol. I believe it helped to keep my recurrance as far away as possible (nearly 6 years later), and I believe that these approaches continue to help sustain reasonably good health.

    I believe the biggest factor is the AHCC mushroom. I use the powdered form of this mushroom blend. Mushrooms have long been known on aid in preventing cancer and other diseases. The reason is that it aides your body in producing killer cells. These are what attack the disease. I found out that my killer cells were extremely low. By taking this mushroom I have boosted them to a superb level. Bonnie, another lady on this website, recently received treatments that involved harvesting her son's killer cells and injecting them into her. Unfortunately, the treatments weren't as successful as we had all hoped, but in terms of what we can do on our own to help ourselves, I believe this is on the top of my list.

    I can elaborate on other things that I did. If you prefer, I can email you directly. Unfortunately, I don't know how to do this yet on this new format, so you can email me at if you'd like. I'd be more than happy to give you more details.

    May God bless you both and guide you toward answers for your wife.

  • MichaelaMarie
    MichaelaMarie Member Posts: 163
    mopar said:

    I have always been a strong believer in good nutrition and exercise. Of course, nothing is 100% for sure. But I want to do everything I can for good, overall health and quality of life. So after my first diagnosis I tweaked a few things and made some additions to my protocol. I believe it helped to keep my recurrance as far away as possible (nearly 6 years later), and I believe that these approaches continue to help sustain reasonably good health.

    I believe the biggest factor is the AHCC mushroom. I use the powdered form of this mushroom blend. Mushrooms have long been known on aid in preventing cancer and other diseases. The reason is that it aides your body in producing killer cells. These are what attack the disease. I found out that my killer cells were extremely low. By taking this mushroom I have boosted them to a superb level. Bonnie, another lady on this website, recently received treatments that involved harvesting her son's killer cells and injecting them into her. Unfortunately, the treatments weren't as successful as we had all hoped, but in terms of what we can do on our own to help ourselves, I believe this is on the top of my list.

    I can elaborate on other things that I did. If you prefer, I can email you directly. Unfortunately, I don't know how to do this yet on this new format, so you can email me at if you'd like. I'd be more than happy to give you more details.

    May God bless you both and guide you toward answers for your wife.


    Hope this helps
    Dear Jeremy and Aandj,

    I'm so sorry for the both of you that the treatments don't seem to be working. I was wondering how many different chemo drugs they have tried? I've used at least six. Bonnie, on this forum, has used many more I would guess. What about Avastin? It prevents new blood vessels from forming to feed the tumors. It didn't necessarily work for me, but has for others. I totally agree with Monika about doing some natural things. I know that eating green foods tends to alkalize your blood, and cancer cells much prefer an acid condition. There are many other things that actually do help also. Aandj, you are so very young, and they seemed to have caught it so early, that I am very surprised that things haven't gone well. You did have Taxol/Carboplatin right at first, didn't you? That seems to be the gold standard used in this country. Are there any clinical trials there that you could be entered into? And, most of the doctors that I have gone to say absolutely no sugar or flour products (which is almost impossible for me to do) because sugar/glucose is the food that cancer feeds on. I hope that you have e-mailed Monika because she has lots of great information to share.

    I hope that the diet works for you, it definitely could do no harm. I do believe that a lot of the cancers are the result of our diet. What is the typical diet in your country/the things you eat?

    Take good care and please keep us updated. We all care so much. With much love and many hugs, MM
  • aandj
    aandj Member Posts: 33

    Hope this helps
    Dear Jeremy and Aandj,

    I'm so sorry for the both of you that the treatments don't seem to be working. I was wondering how many different chemo drugs they have tried? I've used at least six. Bonnie, on this forum, has used many more I would guess. What about Avastin? It prevents new blood vessels from forming to feed the tumors. It didn't necessarily work for me, but has for others. I totally agree with Monika about doing some natural things. I know that eating green foods tends to alkalize your blood, and cancer cells much prefer an acid condition. There are many other things that actually do help also. Aandj, you are so very young, and they seemed to have caught it so early, that I am very surprised that things haven't gone well. You did have Taxol/Carboplatin right at first, didn't you? That seems to be the gold standard used in this country. Are there any clinical trials there that you could be entered into? And, most of the doctors that I have gone to say absolutely no sugar or flour products (which is almost impossible for me to do) because sugar/glucose is the food that cancer feeds on. I hope that you have e-mailed Monika because she has lots of great information to share.

    I hope that the diet works for you, it definitely could do no harm. I do believe that a lot of the cancers are the result of our diet. What is the typical diet in your country/the things you eat?

    Take good care and please keep us updated. We all care so much. With much love and many hugs, MM

    Thanks - every bit helps
    Hi MM,

    Thank you for your support and comments.

    Angela has not responded to any of the chemos that she has had in the past year and her doctor says there is no point in continuing to poison her. She has had carbo(allergic reaction), cisplatin/gemzar(loss of hearing), Oxaloplatin/Gemzar,(not enough significant change) Taxol(cancer grow) and lastly Caelyx with Oxaloplatin(cancer spread into Liver). It is a very aggressive cancer and the doctor has said that there is not much more he can do and except make her comfortable and said it would be weeks to several months. The doctor say that there are no other chemos that we can try, they have all been used for this particular tumors.

    I have emailed Monika and she has suggested seveal things including AHCC, we can not get that here is South Africa but having somebody bring it out from the U.K. We have found ABM extract and she is taking blue green algea and a Liver complex. Unfortunaely Angela found the diet very hard and I am not going to force it onto her so I hope that the suppliments we have found will help fight it.

    Anyway thanks for the support and let me know if you have any other sugguestions.

    Best wishes Jeremy
  • BonnieR
    BonnieR Member Posts: 1,526 Member
    aandj said:

    Thanks - every bit helps
    Hi MM,

    Thank you for your support and comments.

    Angela has not responded to any of the chemos that she has had in the past year and her doctor says there is no point in continuing to poison her. She has had carbo(allergic reaction), cisplatin/gemzar(loss of hearing), Oxaloplatin/Gemzar,(not enough significant change) Taxol(cancer grow) and lastly Caelyx with Oxaloplatin(cancer spread into Liver). It is a very aggressive cancer and the doctor has said that there is not much more he can do and except make her comfortable and said it would be weeks to several months. The doctor say that there are no other chemos that we can try, they have all been used for this particular tumors.

    I have emailed Monika and she has suggested seveal things including AHCC, we can not get that here is South Africa but having somebody bring it out from the U.K. We have found ABM extract and she is taking blue green algea and a Liver complex. Unfortunaely Angela found the diet very hard and I am not going to force it onto her so I hope that the suppliments we have found will help fight it.

    Anyway thanks for the support and let me know if you have any other sugguestions.

    Best wishes Jeremy

    avastin or a similar drug
    Dear Jeremy, it just breaks my heart to read all that angela has gone through. Her response to the common drugs sounds like my journey, until we tried Avastin with oral Cytoxan and it killed off a lot of my tumors a couple years ago. On Jan 25, 2006 my cancer had spread everywhere, even my adrenal gland, liver, spleen .. you name it it was there. In fact my Dr had the talk with me about what degree to keep me alive.

    But the avastin worked for me and starved off a lot of my tumors. In fact the ones on my spleen and adrenal have never came back. I know I am full of cancer again, but I guess my point is it gave me 3 more years. I don't know if Avastin is a drug you can get there or not, the cytoxan is old drug so it should be available. Another one that worked to hold my cancer steady was the carbo but like Angela I am allergic so had to have desensitization to have. Anyway sending lots of prayers ♥ hugs for you both. Bonnie
  • floridajo
    floridajo Member Posts: 480
    You haven't mentioned it but have you tried a 2nd opinion?? Maybe another gyn/onc or even a medical Onc. Many ladies use more than one Onc to help. They might have some suggestions. Here is a list of medications that have been used for ovca:..carboplatin,Bemzar,paxitaxol,topotecan,abraxane,cisplatin,cytoxan,doxorubin,etoposide,flouracil,hexalon,ifosfamide,navelbine,oxyiplatin,sorafenib,taxotere,thalidomide,enzastaurin,alimta,yondelix,irinsotecan and finally avastin. With avastin you can try to go to the manufacturer's website and ask for patient assisstance if insurance won't help pay. I hope this long list helps you. She might have gone through the better of the chemos,but you just never know which chemo or different combo of chemos could be her magic bullet. I'll keep you both in prayer,your wife is lucky to have such a loving and caring husband. Good luck~~~Joanne
  • MichaelaMarie
    MichaelaMarie Member Posts: 163
    Bruess Diet - anybody done it
    Hello again, Jeremy and Angela,

    I keep thinking of the two of you, and so wish that your doctor could research and find another chemo to try. Are you in the hospital, Angela? I'm going to send you an e-mail via this site. I think you can click on to 'e-mails' on the first page after you log-in. My thoughts and prayers are with you. Hugs, MM
  • Alyaka
    Alyaka Member Posts: 1
    Breuss Diet
    Hello Jeremy!
    I've read about your wife I'm realy sorry.
    I live in Kazakhstan. We have friends who's mother had cancer L4, the doctors said them thay would't make any operation and no chemo's. after that they stated to treat her by this diet. She lived after this diet 12 years. It was very difficult for them to make a dissicion regarding this diet, because that time she was more than 60, and they have only one fact also here in kakzahstan who recovered from cancer with the help of this diet.

    Now my family thinking about this diet, we want to start this diet but we don't know what to do because we stated chemo and some medicines Avastin, femara.
    Hope this information could help you.
  • Bstrange
    Bstrange Member Posts: 87
    I have added her to my prayer list. Please check your email I sent you a message.