Just for some FUN



  • dorookie
    dorookie Member Posts: 1,731 Member
    trainer said:

    Which is Beth in the photo?
    Read your other post about the Hep C. I'm curious, which is Beth in the photo. It helps me to visualize when I communicate with people when I know what they look like. Thanks.

    I have the shades on and Wendy is wearing the white T-shirt!

  • dorookie
    dorookie Member Posts: 1,731 Member
    dorookie said:

    I have the shades on and Wendy is wearing the white T-shirt!


    we both have shades on, but wendy is wearing the white t-shirt
  • Jimbob-
    Jimbob- Member Posts: 46
    dorookie said:

    My Dream Job
    My dream is to one day be an attorney. I work with attorney's on a daily basis (well when I was working) I love dicussing the law with them. Love it even better when I prove them wrong..LOL I always have said I might be the oldest person to ever take a bar exam but some day it will happen. People ask me what I would do if I won the lottery, I would go back to school and become a lawyer. But for now, its being a LEO!


    After Graduating from Ohio Univ. in 1964, I started lawschool at univ of Toledo, Part time. Got drafted before I had even completed the first course.

    Wanting to be able to choose my own fate, I ran down to the Marine Recruiter and signed on as an Aviation Candidate. Was Commissioned and received my wings in July 1966. Twenty years later retired. I think that Draft Notice was the best thing ever happened to me. Never had to be the Butt of Lawyer Jokes.

    After retirement I worked as a Flight simulator Instructor, raining Naval Aviators in Pensacola, Florida.

    Struck by Colo-rectal Cancer in April 2005.

    Finally Hung up the Spurs July 2008.

    Now i sit around and Tink, when I get tired of that, I just sit.
  • 2bhealed
    2bhealed Member Posts: 2,068 Member
    Small World
    Hi Beth,

    My friend's hubby used to work for INS out of Minnepolis and he was able to travel all over the world taking illegals "home".

    He has some very cool stuff he has collected on his travels!

    peace, emily
  • dorookie
    dorookie Member Posts: 1,731 Member
    2bhealed said:

    Small World
    Hi Beth,

    My friend's hubby used to work for INS out of Minnepolis and he was able to travel all over the world taking illegals "home".

    He has some very cool stuff he has collected on his travels!

    peace, emily

    Very Small world
    That is so cool. Yes a small world. I take it he doesnt work there still? I have a nice collection as well. I chose to collect small plates from every place I went. I also brought back shot glasses for my Best Friend from every place I went.

  • Joy1216
    Joy1216 Member Posts: 290 Member
    Professional Volunteer/Retired Fed
    I call myself a professional volunteer because I have spent most of my time the last three years volunteering at church and at various cancer and community events. Prior to that I worked for the Government agency that everyone loves to hate, IRS. I retired January 2006 after 27 years with IRS and 3 years with Social Security prior to that. (Was diagnosed with stage 1 colon cancer two months after I retired, so that postponed the volunteering about six months). I started with IRS as a tax auditor, then became a revenue agent (also CPA and MBA). I spent the next 19 years at various levels of management, ending my career managing a call center. In the process, I moved all over Alabama and then to Kansas City. I still prepare tax returns for my relatives, but no way would I want to prepare them for a living. I'll stick with volunteering. My husband just retired in July and we plan to do some traveling.
  • 2bhealed
    2bhealed Member Posts: 2,068 Member
    dorookie said:

    Very Small world
    That is so cool. Yes a small world. I take it he doesnt work there still? I have a nice collection as well. I chose to collect small plates from every place I went. I also brought back shot glasses for my Best Friend from every place I went.


    the Mother Lode
    So what do YOU do they ask.......that dreaded question for homemakers..

    I am a homeschooling mother of 5 who went from university to marriage to pregnancy all within a matter of months. BC (before cancer) I helped run a non-profit on our farm bringing inner city kids out to give them a farm experience. We also hosted a missionary training school every summer with it culminating into a trip to the Rainbow Gathering (any old hippies or Rainbow Family out there?). Our Farm was used as a retreat for missionaries from all over the world. I wrote a monthly newsletter for support-raising and post cancer I gave it all up (the ministry that is--raising support while doing alternative medicine out-of-pocket was waaaaay too stressful) and sold the farm (had to) and moved to a little log cabin in the Northwoods of Minnesota's awesome Lake Superior North Shore where I mush sled dogs, ski and snowshoe on 200 acres of wilderness (40 of it is ours).

    Currently I work one day a week for our county financial workers doing clerical office support, and I put on Juicing Workshops at my local coop. That just covers my organic veggie addiction.

    I still homeschool my littlest one. My oldest is 22 so I have been working the mom gig for that long.

    My dream is to open my cabin up to cancer survivors needing retreat (and some carrot juice HA!), hiking, skiing, sitting in my hot tub or sauna. That's what I will "do" in my next next life.

    peace, emily the juice chick
  • valeriec
    valeriec Member Posts: 348 Member
    This is fun!!
    I had our first son 2 months after I graduated high school, and our second son 2 years later. Stay at home mom during the day and college at night. When I turned 26 I went to work teaching GED and ESL at our local community college. Taught mostly at night so hubby was home with the boys. When our boys were 10 and 8....oops, along came number 3 boy. Took two years off and then went back to same job at college, but was able to take our third son with me. He attended a daycare at the college. When he entered school, I took a few years off. A few years later, took a position at our local elemetary school. Was there 2 years when my mom was diagnosed with stage 4 CC. I quit and spent the next 15 months helping my mom and dad. My mom was 62 at the time of diagnoses. We traveled quite a bit going to different places for her treatment. Unfortunately, she lost her battle just over a year ago. We now own a small ranch and my dad lives with us in the guest house. We are attempting to be ranchers. We know nothing about it, but are figuring out as we go. I do know it is hard work. Feeding morning and night in freezing weather is a challenge, but we love it. Everytime we get a new animal, my dad says, "Did we think this through???" He takes the morning shift and I take the night. It is very peaceful and beautiful and as I type, snow is falling. On Monday, we are going to get 3 new horses for our boys for Christmas. Ha!!! Maybe they can take over some of the chores!
    This was fun, I enjoy reading what everyone does....
    Merry Christmas and God Bless,
  • VickiCO
    VickiCO Member Posts: 917
    VickiCO said:

    Quilting Magazines
    Beth, I publish two magazines for the machine quilting industry - Unlimited Possibilities for professional longarm quilters, and Machine Quilting Unlimited for the home machine quilter. It is great fun! You can see then on my websites, www.upquiltmag.com or www.mqumag.com. Next summer, if the beast can be tamed, we are launching an Art Quilt magazine. That is my passion...

    What does everyone else do?? Vicki

    Guess I should add..
    I started with a degree in Finance, worked my way through college at night. Had several 'ladder climbing' corporate jobs, including with Apple Computer in the 80's. Changed to Director of HR, found over time that it became way too legal and not fun at all, so I became a personal assistant to CEO's of major industries. That was fun, but I burned out after six years of no life of my own. I had always loved publishing, and even did a stint as an editor for a national sewing magazine. The opportunity presented itself to purchase an existing niche quilting magazine - and the rest is history! I absolutely love what I do. I work from home, have a virtual staff as well. We are a great team and we are having a blast. When I was DX'd in Oct, my staff stepped up immediately and seamlessly took over my roles. I think I will have a hard time when I am ready to take back the reins! LOL!

    In my down time I create art quilts, paint fabric, crochet and felt yarn and live for my three grandsons!

  • dorookie
    dorookie Member Posts: 1,731 Member
    valeriec said:

    This is fun!!
    I had our first son 2 months after I graduated high school, and our second son 2 years later. Stay at home mom during the day and college at night. When I turned 26 I went to work teaching GED and ESL at our local community college. Taught mostly at night so hubby was home with the boys. When our boys were 10 and 8....oops, along came number 3 boy. Took two years off and then went back to same job at college, but was able to take our third son with me. He attended a daycare at the college. When he entered school, I took a few years off. A few years later, took a position at our local elemetary school. Was there 2 years when my mom was diagnosed with stage 4 CC. I quit and spent the next 15 months helping my mom and dad. My mom was 62 at the time of diagnoses. We traveled quite a bit going to different places for her treatment. Unfortunately, she lost her battle just over a year ago. We now own a small ranch and my dad lives with us in the guest house. We are attempting to be ranchers. We know nothing about it, but are figuring out as we go. I do know it is hard work. Feeding morning and night in freezing weather is a challenge, but we love it. Everytime we get a new animal, my dad says, "Did we think this through???" He takes the morning shift and I take the night. It is very peaceful and beautiful and as I type, snow is falling. On Monday, we are going to get 3 new horses for our boys for Christmas. Ha!!! Maybe they can take over some of the chores!
    This was fun, I enjoy reading what everyone does....
    Merry Christmas and God Bless,

    City Slickers
    As I was reading your post that movie came to mind. You guys are the real deal! WOW that must be so much fun. So sorry to hear about your mom though.
    God Bless
  • dorookie
    dorookie Member Posts: 1,731 Member
    2bhealed said:

    the Mother Lode
    So what do YOU do they ask.......that dreaded question for homemakers..

    I am a homeschooling mother of 5 who went from university to marriage to pregnancy all within a matter of months. BC (before cancer) I helped run a non-profit on our farm bringing inner city kids out to give them a farm experience. We also hosted a missionary training school every summer with it culminating into a trip to the Rainbow Gathering (any old hippies or Rainbow Family out there?). Our Farm was used as a retreat for missionaries from all over the world. I wrote a monthly newsletter for support-raising and post cancer I gave it all up (the ministry that is--raising support while doing alternative medicine out-of-pocket was waaaaay too stressful) and sold the farm (had to) and moved to a little log cabin in the Northwoods of Minnesota's awesome Lake Superior North Shore where I mush sled dogs, ski and snowshoe on 200 acres of wilderness (40 of it is ours).

    Currently I work one day a week for our county financial workers doing clerical office support, and I put on Juicing Workshops at my local coop. That just covers my organic veggie addiction.

    I still homeschool my littlest one. My oldest is 22 so I have been working the mom gig for that long.

    My dream is to open my cabin up to cancer survivors needing retreat (and some carrot juice HA!), hiking, skiing, sitting in my hot tub or sauna. That's what I will "do" in my next next life.

    peace, emily the juice chick

    I take It back
    Teachers have the second hardest jobs, MOTHERS have the hardest job! Way to go emily and all those that stay home to raise the kids. I am not one of those, I sometimes tell people that I would rather do 12 hours of hard labor outside in the heat, then to do one hour of housework! LOL I was/am just a career person, I do wish I had been home more when my daughter was little, but I was a single mom and had to work. All in all I did my best and didnt mess her up to bad. However, she wont be wasting money on her head doctor, cause I am sure I have given her plenty to talk about. LOL

    God Bless