
cahalstead Member Posts: 118
edited March 2014 in Colorectal Cancer #1
I'm curious as to how you are doing? We were, more or less, on the same time frame.

I pray all is well.



  • catherine58
    catherine58 Member Posts: 92
    Hello Char - how good to hear from you. I hope you are flourishing.

    I'm feeling well, although I haven't had a scan since March, so don't know what's going on inside ... The next one is due in March 2009 - I think in the US you have more frequent screening. I had a colonoscopy in the spring and that was clear, thank goodness. My CEA levels have been low, but for some reason they forgot to test that prior to surgery so I don't know if it's a reliable indicator for me or not. I really don't have any lingering after effects from chemo - have been very lucky on that front. I'm trying to exercise regularly, eat healthily (although I sin more often than I used to!) and take a whole battery of supplements (I have no idea if they do any good!). My ex-husband told me the other day that I was the only person he knew who looked better after cancer than before - not sure whether to take that as a compliment or not!

    Would love to hear your news ...

  • CherylHutch
    CherylHutch Member Posts: 1,375 Member

    Hello Char - how good to hear from you. I hope you are flourishing.

    I'm feeling well, although I haven't had a scan since March, so don't know what's going on inside ... The next one is due in March 2009 - I think in the US you have more frequent screening. I had a colonoscopy in the spring and that was clear, thank goodness. My CEA levels have been low, but for some reason they forgot to test that prior to surgery so I don't know if it's a reliable indicator for me or not. I really don't have any lingering after effects from chemo - have been very lucky on that front. I'm trying to exercise regularly, eat healthily (although I sin more often than I used to!) and take a whole battery of supplements (I have no idea if they do any good!). My ex-husband told me the other day that I was the only person he knew who looked better after cancer than before - not sure whether to take that as a compliment or not!

    Would love to hear your news ...


    Great News Catherine
    Hey Catherine... we've never met, but I loved your post above. You sound like you are in a place where we all strive to be... where scans/followups are not as often because things are going well. Since I haven't seen earlier posts of yours, do you mind giving a quick recap of what your DX was, what stage, what treatments you took (chemo, radiation?, surgery?)

    Right now, I'm between a rock and a hard place. I feel fabulous... no complaints other than my ongoing arthritic knees and neuropathy/nerve damage in both feet... but everything else is great! Until I talk to my latest doctor/radiologist... he makes me feel like I'm on deaths doorstep. Arrrrgh!! So, that of course gets me in the dumps and now I'm fighting my way out of the blues.

    But, I made myself leave the apartment this afternoon and now I'm down at the theatre office in the most beautiful park in the world!! So maybe that will help :D


  • catherine58
    catherine58 Member Posts: 92

    Great News Catherine
    Hey Catherine... we've never met, but I loved your post above. You sound like you are in a place where we all strive to be... where scans/followups are not as often because things are going well. Since I haven't seen earlier posts of yours, do you mind giving a quick recap of what your DX was, what stage, what treatments you took (chemo, radiation?, surgery?)

    Right now, I'm between a rock and a hard place. I feel fabulous... no complaints other than my ongoing arthritic knees and neuropathy/nerve damage in both feet... but everything else is great! Until I talk to my latest doctor/radiologist... he makes me feel like I'm on deaths doorstep. Arrrrgh!! So, that of course gets me in the dumps and now I'm fighting my way out of the blues.

    But, I made myself leave the apartment this afternoon and now I'm down at the theatre office in the most beautiful park in the world!! So maybe that will help :D



    Sorry you're feeling rough
    Dear Cheryl

    So sorry you're having a rough time - I've had my ups and downs too but right now I'm going through a good patch. I'm sure the fact that you feel fabulous bodes well for your recovery.

    I was diagnosed in February 07 with a tumour in my ascending colon the size of a "small football". I had a right hemicolectomy followed by nine rounds of Folfox (three lymph nodes were affected, so Stage 3). It all took me completely by surprise - I thought I had IBS, and fairly mild IBS at that. I'd had inexplicable stomach pains for years but nothing a hot water bottle couldn't deal with. I had had a couple of wretched years immediately prior to diagnosis: I lost both my parents, divorced and moved back to the UK (we had been living in Italy). I've since read a couple of Bernie Segal's books and immediately recognised the state of quiet desperation that so often precedes a cancer diagnosis. (Have you read them? He has such a lot of interesting, positive things to say about the link between body and soul, taking responsibility for your own healing etc, and all sorts of anecdotes from "terminal" cancer patients who go on to live long, happy lives).

    Glad you are in such beautiful surroundings (where, I wonder?). I am just about to walk my dog by the river in clear, bright winter sunlight ... I feel very blessed ...

    All the best

  • msccolon
    msccolon Member Posts: 1,917 Member

    Great News Catherine
    Hey Catherine... we've never met, but I loved your post above. You sound like you are in a place where we all strive to be... where scans/followups are not as often because things are going well. Since I haven't seen earlier posts of yours, do you mind giving a quick recap of what your DX was, what stage, what treatments you took (chemo, radiation?, surgery?)

    Right now, I'm between a rock and a hard place. I feel fabulous... no complaints other than my ongoing arthritic knees and neuropathy/nerve damage in both feet... but everything else is great! Until I talk to my latest doctor/radiologist... he makes me feel like I'm on deaths doorstep. Arrrrgh!! So, that of course gets me in the dumps and now I'm fighting my way out of the blues.

    But, I made myself leave the apartment this afternoon and now I'm down at the theatre office in the most beautiful park in the world!! So maybe that will help :D



    You've elfed yourself!
    I love the pic! :)
  • cahalstead
    cahalstead Member Posts: 118

    Hello Char - how good to hear from you. I hope you are flourishing.

    I'm feeling well, although I haven't had a scan since March, so don't know what's going on inside ... The next one is due in March 2009 - I think in the US you have more frequent screening. I had a colonoscopy in the spring and that was clear, thank goodness. My CEA levels have been low, but for some reason they forgot to test that prior to surgery so I don't know if it's a reliable indicator for me or not. I really don't have any lingering after effects from chemo - have been very lucky on that front. I'm trying to exercise regularly, eat healthily (although I sin more often than I used to!) and take a whole battery of supplements (I have no idea if they do any good!). My ex-husband told me the other day that I was the only person he knew who looked better after cancer than before - not sure whether to take that as a compliment or not!

    Would love to hear your news ...


    Good to hear from you!
    Catherine, so glad you are doing well. I'm really on the same follow up testing schedule as you. I, too, had the colonoscopy last Feb., I have bloodwork every 3 mos and a thorough exam by my onc. I had a CT last Feb & one coming up this Friday. All were good but I'm a bit "antsy" as usual with each test. I truly dislike the testings but know they are a necessary evil.

    I feel great, working much too hard but planning on retiring next September.

    Enjoy each day, they are so precious.

    Thanks again for responding.

  • cahalstead
    cahalstead Member Posts: 118

    Good to hear from you!
    Catherine, so glad you are doing well. I'm really on the same follow up testing schedule as you. I, too, had the colonoscopy last Feb., I have bloodwork every 3 mos and a thorough exam by my onc. I had a CT last Feb & one coming up this Friday. All were good but I'm a bit "antsy" as usual with each test. I truly dislike the testings but know they are a necessary evil.

    I feel great, working much too hard but planning on retiring next September.

    Enjoy each day, they are so precious.

    Thanks again for responding.


    I apologize for not giving a bit of history
    I was diagnosed, Feb. 07, with Stage III, 1 node involvement in the ascending colon. I had about a foot of my ascending removed and did 12 treatments of Folfox. I had to stop the oxaliplatin after 5 infusions, neuropathy was too much. I did work throughout the whole treatment period, it was tough but I made it. Had hair thinning and balance & walking problems with the oxaliplatin. I have very little residuals now. I'm very thankful.

    So far I've had positive test results. Catherine & I were diagnosed a month apart & we shared much of the same history.

    Forgive me for not giving my history!

    I check this board daily, it's been a lifesave for me. Such great folks here that take the time to care.

  • rdy2shop
    rdy2shop Member Posts: 37
    Words of Encouragement
    I am glad all of you sound as if you are doing well. My husand was dx with rectal cancer in Aug of 2003. He just made his 5 year mark. He had stage III rectal cancer with 6 out of 19 lymph nodes affected. I read this board from time to time and would just like to let you know that you will hit alot of bumpy patches but always look to the positive side. Both of you sound very positive in your lives. I wish you all the best and if you ever have any questions or problems I'd be glad to help in any way I can.

    Take Care,