
45kidd16 Member Posts: 1
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
hi iam new to this just got the news i am dcis in my milk ducts where will i find more info ont his i surched and couldnt find any thing i will have a bilataral next month but would like more info please help me


  • ninjamom
    ninjamom Member Posts: 142
    When I was diagnosed, I did
    When I was diagnosed, I did a lot of research and it only got me more scared than I already was. I told a friend about my diagnosis (she's a survivor) and the first thing she said to me was to not go on the internet to research for that same reason. Call ACS (1-800-ACS-2345) and ask to talk to a survivor, they will try to pair you up with someone. Their site is a good source for research and in this board you will find a great group of women (and men) who have gone thru the same experience. Have you seen an Oncologyst or surgeon yet?

    I'm sorry you are going thru this, I will include you in my prayers.
    Keep us posted.

  • seof
    seof Member Posts: 819 Member
    Each individual is different
    Each individual is different as to the amount of information they are comfortable with. American Cancer Society website is a good one. You can find a local branch near you and get in contact with live people. You can do research online. You can browse their bookstore. One book I ordered from them is "A cancer Journey". It has been very helpful to me. Your Dr. should be your #1 source of information because your Dr. knows YOU and your specific information. If you do not feel comfortable talking to your Dr., look for one you do feel comfortable with. Make a list of questions before each visit, and take someone with you, if possible. 4 ears can hear more than 2, and you can compare notes afterward to be sure you got all the information you wanted. My Dr. got so used to seeing me with my notebook that he offered me his when I forgot it one day.

    Sorry you have a reason to need this site, but welcome. It is a good place for info too.

    Best wishes, seof
  • Joycelouise
    Joycelouise Member Posts: 482
    There is just so much
    There is just so much information and so many questions, it is hard to know what to tell you. If you have a little more specific questions, please post them and there should be a wealth of experience we can share. This board is also good for emotional support. Please know that we are here for you, to help you through. It may be helpful looking though some of the old posts. YOu can do searches at the top of the page. I know there are posts about masectomies, healing, etc. I had a single side mas. The worst thing about it was walking around with a drain...but at least I was up and walking around pretty quick. Also, there is a lot of limitation of movement at first but it comes back and there are some exercises you can do.
    Let us know how we can help. Love, Joyce