plz help

kevindee Member Posts: 72
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
my dau killed herself tues nite. i just finished my rad on the fri before that she was waitnig for me to come back to ohio with her. helppppppppp. she needed me and i wasnt there


  • KathiM
    KathiM Member Posts: 8,028 Member
    Oh, Dearheart...I'm hugging you...
    Are you with someone now? Do you have a person to talk to? Please, don't be alone.

    I am shattered by your post. I have had many losses in the past few years, including my own daughter. My tears are running.

    Please, please, please try NOT to blame yourself, there was nothing you could do. She was not thinking straight, and probably didn't share what was going on to how were you to know? Breathe.

    I found that doing the things necessary, making the arrangements, etc, kept me busy and non-thinking. There will be 'land mines' (My term), so do NOT, unless necessary, go thru her things right now, or even attempt to think about those things.

    I will e-mail you here with my real e-mail...but please, please, please find someone nearby to support you 'in the flesh'.

    All of my biggest hugs,

  • Marcia527
    Marcia527 Member Posts: 2,729
    So sorry for your loss. It
    So sorry for your loss. It wasn't your fault and nothing you could do. We had a close friend who committed suicide and he didn't give us one idea what he was going to do. Don't blame yourself. I'm so sorry.
  • mmontero38
    mmontero38 Member Posts: 1,510
    Dear Dee: I am so sorry for
    Dear Dee: I am so sorry for you loss. Sometimes, our kids are so focused on a problem that they don't think to ask for help. To them their problems are insurmountable. Please don't feel that you weren't there for her. Stop and think and breathe a deep breath before you do anything. I hope you have someone near you that can help. Hugs, Lili
  • ladydi1
    ladydi1 Member Posts: 120
    Hugs and Prayers
    I am so sorry for your loss. I wish I could be there to help you. If you find yourself alone in a red room know that is you being held in the hearts of every woman on this site. We cannot stop someone from killing themselves, they are in a dark place nothing can reach. Please surround yourself with friends and loved ones now and talk to someone on the support line.
    Hugs and Prayers,
  • dbs1673
    dbs1673 Member Posts: 203
    god bless
    How terribly sorry I am for your loss. When someone chooses to end their life I think they must believe that we can deal with the pain of loosing them better than they can deal with the pain of living their life. You have been fighting for your own life. You gave her all you knew...that's being there. May peace and comfort come to you.
  • nancyh1314
    nancyh1314 Member Posts: 11
    dbs1673 said:

    god bless
    How terribly sorry I am for your loss. When someone chooses to end their life I think they must believe that we can deal with the pain of loosing them better than they can deal with the pain of living their life. You have been fighting for your own life. You gave her all you knew...that's being there. May peace and comfort come to you.

    Many Prayers For You
    Dear Dee,

    The other women have said so many wonderful, supportive words for you. Please know that many hearts are with you. I will hold you in my prayers evry day. I am so sorry.

    Much love,
