Red Devil
Its different for everyone, but the oncologist can prescribe anti nausea pills for you and you need to take them whether you are or not - they work wonders.
As for dehydration you may not have been drinking as much as you thought. When you are nauseated even a few ounces feels like a gallon. I found Sprite Zero went down a lot easier than some other things.
Hugs to you - hope you feel better soon.0 -
Aww Ginger, so sorry you had
Aww Ginger, so sorry you had such a hard time on your first chemo. Ask your doctor for anti nausea medicine. Mine had prescribed anzamet which was great. They can also give you one thru your iv right before they give you the chemo. You need to drink lots of fluids, and by lots I mean at least 1 gallon of liquids a day. Doesn't need to be only water, could be broth, tea, coffee, whatever your body can tolerate. Your main drink should be water, though. I was also nauseas for at least 3 to 4 days after my infusion, and I lost my hair 10 days after the first chemo. Everyone reacts differently, hoping your next ones are easier. Hugs, Lili0 -
That red stuff
I got pretty sick too. The nurse told me to keep something in my stomach, like a cracker. I ate small meals and spread them out. Everybody is different so no one can tell you how you will react. Try to stay positive. Each cycle you complete is one less. Before you know it, the last one will be over. Go ahead and complain all you want to. When I was going through treatment I didn't know about this site. I would have been on here complaining all the time. Sorry you are having problems. Maybe talking about it will make you feel better.0 -
Starting Red Devil Today
Today I start the Red Devil. I am worried from the thngs I have read, but I had 8 cycles of Taxol and did just fine. I have had Chronic Pain for 16 years now Cancer in my Left Breast. I wish I had not gone to thse other Web Sites. I was helped so much by tthis site when my Husband was Diagnosed with Stage 4 Head and Neck Cancer. This Site helped me to know what he was going to go thru before it evenn happened. Wish me luck and I will post later if I am awake. I am glad I have the weekend tto try to recover if I need to. My Oncologist said because of my severe Chronic Pain it ay not be as hard on me as someone who never had Chronic Pain I hope she is right. The 8 cycles of Taxol were a breeze to me just tired and tingling in my left hand no appitite. I can't complain so far we will see soon how tthis goes.....
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backachedp said:
Starting Red Devil Today
Today I start the Red Devil. I am worried from the thngs I have read, but I had 8 cycles of Taxol and did just fine. I have had Chronic Pain for 16 years now Cancer in my Left Breast. I wish I had not gone to thse other Web Sites. I was helped so much by tthis site when my Husband was Diagnosed with Stage 4 Head and Neck Cancer. This Site helped me to know what he was going to go thru before it evenn happened. Wish me luck and I will post later if I am awake. I am glad I have the weekend tto try to recover if I need to. My Oncologist said because of my severe Chronic Pain it ay not be as hard on me as someone who never had Chronic Pain I hope she is right. The 8 cycles of Taxol were a breeze to me just tired and tingling in my left hand no appitite. I can't complain so far we will see soon how tthis goes.....
I have not started the A/C yet. They told me it was a mix up. I start this Thursday I took the day off and so did my youngest Son. I am very concerned about it and the Neulasta shot the nextt day. I did very well IMO on the Taxol. It was not nearly as bad as I had thought. I have to quit going on the other sites and reading I need to be here where everyone has been there or going thru it. I did get extra time off from the Taxol 11 days between the Taxol and startin A/C. I am worried about the mouth sores because I have Dentures on top and I already have a hard time wearing them. I hope I can get thru this without missing much work.
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Kicked my butt
It kicked my butt. Every single symptom on that list they give you, I got. WATER is a must. LOTS OF IT. Watermelon is a good way to get some of it. I just kept remembering chemo goes in, chemo has to come out or else your in trouble. So that was my motivation to drink at least a gallon of water a day for at least 5 days after chemo. Fight Fight Fight like a girl and keep at your oncologist to help you keep out of pain. No question is silly ever.0 -
5 days of hell
i had the RedDevil two weeks ago this Wednesday. I have 5 more to go. I got everything they warned me about. 2 days ago--I got sores on my lips, and inside mouth. Was very sick for the first 5-6 days than it eased up and I was able to function. Did take nausea meds that helped a great deal. Lost 5 pounds in a week but now I'm able to eat again but very carefully because of mouth sores. I was told that that Neulasta shot can make your bones ache terribly. I was advised to take 1 Claritin and 2 Tylenol one hour before the shot. I did and had no reaction from the shot. I'm due for my second treatment this coming Wednesday and was wondering if it will be as bad or worse than my first treatment.
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Adriamycin Tip
The nurses in my infusion center gave me this advice to prevent the mouth sores: During the infusion drink something icy cold. I made an XXL fruit smoothie that I brought along with me on the Red Devil days. Maybe it was the smoothie and maybe it was just luck but I never developed mouth sores during my four rounds of A/C ( Adriamycin/Cytoxan). I hope it works for you , too.
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Thanksjessiesmom1 said:Adriamycin Tip
The nurses in my infusion center gave me this advice to prevent the mouth sores: During the infusion drink something icy cold. I made an XXL fruit smoothie that I brought along with me on the Red Devil days. Maybe it was the smoothie and maybe it was just luck but I never developed mouth sores during my four rounds of A/C ( Adriamycin/Cytoxan). I hope it works for you , too.
Thank you. I will definitely try it.
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Tips for AC
I've had 3 of 4 red devil treatments. I've been lucky to have minimal side effects but I attribute some of that luck to a few things you can control. I agree with eating ice or something cold before, during, and after the red devil infusion. I also increase my water intake to 80 ozs per day on day before, day of, and 2-3 days after red devil. I also take a claritin 2 days before chemo and continue daily for a full week. I've had no pain from the Neulasta.
I hope these tips can help you with your remaining treatments. Best wishes and stay strong!
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Going from TC to AC
Hi all- This is my first time for any support with other cancer patients. Friends have been great - but now I feel I need others who are going through the same thing. I had a severe allergic reaction to my second treatment of TC, and I am now being put on AC for 3 treatments. I, like others, am scared of the side effects. I am most concerned about the heart weakening that I have read about. I probably shouldn't read things on the internet, but I have read that heart weakening can happen years later. I am questioning whether I want to go through with the chemo. My original doctor said too many side effects for the AC and I should now go to radiation. My secons opinion doctor, who is now my doctor, recommends the AC but of course says it is up to me. Definitely feel lost. My Oncotype score was in the middle group, where they are not sure how much chemo helps, but I have a 17% chance of cancer somewhere in my body coming back at some point. I guess my thinking is if there is 1 cell that broke loose (my cancer was invasive), it could be worth getting the chemo.... Anyway, looking for support... up all night worried
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A/C & ice
I tried the ice before and after my second infusion but on the 10 day my mouth sores appeared. My gums were really sore and i had a terrible tooth ache in one of my teeth. I had a really hard time eating. This infusion was worse than the first one - sick every day. I am due for my third one this Wednesday. I wanted to give up but with the help from this site I will push on for two more and hope that the 12 Taxols will be easier. Thank you all for your input on this site. It sure helps to know I'm not alone in my struggle.
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A/C and Mouth Soresmiaria9904 said:A/C & ice
I tried the ice before and after my second infusion but on the 10 day my mouth sores appeared. My gums were really sore and i had a terrible tooth ache in one of my teeth. I had a really hard time eating. This infusion was worse than the first one - sick every day. I am due for my third one this Wednesday. I wanted to give up but with the help from this site I will push on for two more and hope that the 12 Taxols will be easier. Thank you all for your input on this site. It sure helps to know I'm not alone in my struggle.
Hi Pat,
I am sorry my tip on how to prevent mouth sores during chemo didn't seem to work for you. Mouth sores, toothache and nausea - quite the trifecta. You are definitely having a rough time of it, aren't you? While I did OK on A/C, I had a very difficult time with the 12 rounds of Taxotere (same class of drugs as Taxol). I did, however, finish all rounds of both types of chemo. Some days were OK while others were not. You can do this.
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Mouth soresjessiesmom1 said:A/C and Mouth Sores
Hi Pat,
I am sorry my tip on how to prevent mouth sores during chemo didn't seem to work for you. Mouth sores, toothache and nausea - quite the trifecta. You are definitely having a rough time of it, aren't you? While I did OK on A/C, I had a very difficult time with the 12 rounds of Taxotere (same class of drugs as Taxol). I did, however, finish all rounds of both types of chemo. Some days were OK while others were not. You can do this.
i'm sure your tip for mouth sores worked for many others just not for me. But I do appreciate it. I gather you finished your treatments a few years ago and are now considered a survivor. Congratulations! I just wish I could blink and it would be May of 2017. I should be done with the 12 weeks of Taxol and the (I don't know how many) weeks of radiation. Again, thanks for the tip.
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AC & icemiaria9904 said:A/C & ice
I tried the ice before and after my second infusion but on the 10 day my mouth sores appeared. My gums were really sore and i had a terrible tooth ache in one of my teeth. I had a really hard time eating. This infusion was worse than the first one - sick every day. I am due for my third one this Wednesday. I wanted to give up but with the help from this site I will push on for two more and hope that the 12 Taxols will be easier. Thank you all for your input on this site. It sure helps to know I'm not alone in my struggle.
Your personal experience sounds something what I am going to get but I have asthma/allergiesan sinus drip. I am extremely nervous of what is going to happen to me. I hope that you feel better, Carie
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Heart weakening?KelleyinLA said:Going from TC to AC
Hi all- This is my first time for any support with other cancer patients. Friends have been great - but now I feel I need others who are going through the same thing. I had a severe allergic reaction to my second treatment of TC, and I am now being put on AC for 3 treatments. I, like others, am scared of the side effects. I am most concerned about the heart weakening that I have read about. I probably shouldn't read things on the internet, but I have read that heart weakening can happen years later. I am questioning whether I want to go through with the chemo. My original doctor said too many side effects for the AC and I should now go to radiation. My secons opinion doctor, who is now my doctor, recommends the AC but of course says it is up to me. Definitely feel lost. My Oncotype score was in the middle group, where they are not sure how much chemo helps, but I have a 17% chance of cancer somewhere in my body coming back at some point. I guess my thinking is if there is 1 cell that broke loose (my cancer was invasive), it could be worth getting the chemo.... Anyway, looking for support... up all night worried
I never heard that chemo could weaken your heart. Radiation can definately do it, especially if your left side is effected. Anyway, my rule of thumb is- if it can help me avoid ANY cancer in the future, I'll try it. Most side effects are temporary. I've got CIPN in a major way, but I know it's only temporary. And if there's any way I can insure that it's temporary, I'll try it. Like you, my recurrance chances were 17%, but I have a friend who had a masectomy 15 years ago, and now she's losing her other breast. She only had the masectomy, no other treatment. I don't want to be down the line saying "what was I thinking; I should have taken the treatments they offer me, back then". If you read more of the posts here, you'll discover women who are fighting recurring cancer and spreading cancer and I give them kudos for strength and fortitude. Kudos to you too, Kelley.
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I got my 1st Red Devil on August 9th. I got the Neulasta shot next day, I had severe Bone pain. I started vomititng,got very loose stools I literally could not move. I missed a week of work and a rash appeared on my legs and arms and back of my neck. Our youngest son said you need to go to the Hospital. I ended up staying inpatient for 4 days. My Onco Dr gave me a extra week w/o Chemo and reduced it by 25% had me go in to get IV fluids Saturday after chemo and it went well. I had no nausea she did also rx me a different neausea med Omeprazole which I was not going to take because of the side effects etc but it sure helped I didn't miss any work and have felt good. Tomorrow I get my next Red Devil and hope and pray it goes smoothly like last time. I am still nervous. I guess they gave me too much the 1st time. I honestly was so sick the 1st time I could not even talk. All of my blood levels were so low I was so weak but I bounced back. I always get a cup of Ice Chips to eat when they are giving me the Red Stuff. I am hoping I only have 1 left after tomorrow I will find out when I see the NP. Keep on fighting to all my Pink Sisters.
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my time with the devil
At my first chemo session, I looked sideways at the huge syringe full of what others before me called "the red devil" and couldn't believe that I was doing what I said I never would do, chemotherapy . Oddly enough it reminded me of how my Mothers B-12 shot looked years before, the color was a pretty shade of red after all... so when my husband(who was freaking out more than I was) asked what it was, i piped up and told him it was just that .nothing but a big ole dose of B-12. immediately he was calmed down while inside. I was screaming to myself WHY?? Reminding myself that my children and grandchildren needed me still, i closed my eyes, and pretended that's just what it vitamins to heal, not poison to kill...
Halfway through I admitted to my husband that this was it... not B-12 but the red devil itself and I was going to be okay after all. You see the ONLY side effect I didn't suffer was nausea. I've always had a cast iron stomach and it served me well through my first chemo to my last. Sadly tho, from the mouth sores to losing ALL my toenails. & fingernails and every other side effect listed hit me full force before I was done.
Would I do it all over again ? Of course , I would because all I know how to do is fight when facing this hateful foe called Cancer.
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it may help to drink icemiaria9904 said:A/C & ice
I tried the ice before and after my second infusion but on the 10 day my mouth sores appeared. My gums were really sore and i had a terrible tooth ache in one of my teeth. I had a really hard time eating. This infusion was worse than the first one - sick every day. I am due for my third one this Wednesday. I wanted to give up but with the help from this site I will push on for two more and hope that the 12 Taxols will be easier. Thank you all for your input on this site. It sure helps to know I'm not alone in my struggle.
it may help to drink ice water DURING the chemo infusion. It's like cryotherapy where you are making your mouth as cold as possible to restrict blood flow to that area and minimize chemo effects to that areA. It's same principle as the cold caps for your head that might help avoid or minimize hair loss. I took a 2 quart thermos of ice water with me to refill a Tervis cup. I had to get up often to visit the bathroom but I never got any mouth sores.
I also drank 80 ozs of water before, day of, and day after chemo. I tried to make sure I drank at least 70 ozs for the next 2-3 days. I also took Claritin for a full week starting 2 days before AC chemo.
Hugs and prayers to you. Hope this is helpful!
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