Spindle cell sarcoma of an extremity.

Sherry64 Member Posts: 5
edited March 2014 in Sarcoma #1
I just hit the 10 month aniversary of the surgery to remove a softball sized tumor from my leg. It was a limb salvage surgery. I am now having an MRI reviewed to see if it has spread...in the same leg or to my back. Has anyone else been throught this? It is so rare, especially for someone my age-44!


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  • tssjs1982
    tssjs1982 Member Posts: 1
    spindle cell sarcoma
    I just read your posting (April 30, 2009). I hope all is well with you. My husband had a large spindle cell soft tissue tumor removed from his Left thigh (hamstring) in June 2006 and followed up with 6 weeks of radiation. At 10 months the tumor had not returned to his leg, but unfortunately at 11 months it was found in his right lung, which is where the doctor said it would if it did. He did have part of his lung removed and then had chemotherapy. My thoughts and prayers are with anyone having to deal with this cancer or any other cancer. Cancer Sucks for everyone involved.