Plueral effusion

Texylin Member Posts: 43
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
My BC metastasized into a plueral effusion. Has that happened to any of you out there?



  • Eil4186
    Eil4186 Member Posts: 949
    Not to me, but I have heard
    Not to me, but I have heard of it. Its the sack surrounding the lung, right? I will keep you in my prayers. Eil
  • chenheart
    chenheart Member Posts: 5,159 Member
    Weighing In
    Not me either, hon~ but I just wanted to send you my good thoughts for a complete recovery! I was happy to see your name on the boards, but not so happy to know you have another battle ahead of you. We walk with you, you know~ hope that helps! Keep us posted, ok?

  • mmontero38
    mmontero38 Member Posts: 1,510
    Hi Linda:
    Glad to see you

    Hi Linda:
    Glad to see you back posting, but sorry you have mets. Hope all goes well with you and wanted you to know you're in my prayers. Lili
  • josiemac
    josiemac Member Posts: 27
    It happened to me too
    I have had 3 of them in the past 1.2 years. They seem to be chronic for me. First dx in 2005 with recurrence in 2007 including pleural effusion to the right lung. I had it drained and added some chemo and was fine for about 8 months. Then another effusion, this time i had to be hospitalized and have a thorodenses (sp??). Where they seal the pleural so it can't refill again. This was in August, since then I'm dealing with some chronic pain around the lung. Dr says pain with go away after healing, we'll see. Started chemo again (3rd time). but I'm still alive and feeling pretty good most of the time. I thank God for my 3.5 year survivorship. Its been a very tough road for me. I'm 44 married to a wonderful guy and 3 children. They keep me going. I laugh alot and make fun of myself until chemo day arrives, then its tears tears and more tears. I'm hoping once I'm in remission again, I can have a nice long break this time.
