Bone metastasis

kristasplace Member Posts: 957 Member
edited March 2014 in Colorectal Cancer #1
Saw the orthopedist today, and i got a double edged diagnosis. Thank God, there is NO BONE METASTASIS!! That was wonderful to hear, but unfortunately, i have a broken sacrum. :(
I know i should be very happy, and i am relieved. I just wish it had been even better news. As it stands, this fracture will heal in a few months, but in order for it to heal, i have to pretty much stay rested. I know this sounds like a 'wah-wah', but i'm tired of being tired and rested! I had so many plans, like going to Disneyland, and Magic Mountain as soon as i felt better, but with this new diagnosis, i may never get to ride on rollarcoasters, or anything jarring again.

The fracture will heal, but even the fossamax will not reverse the severe bone loss i have. The NP suggested some growth promoting shots that are pretty new, and haven't had much testing. The downer on those is they have been proven to cause BONE CANCER in those poor lab animals. The NP thinks a couple of years on it won't harm me.

That is the double edged sword. I've already pretty much decided i don't want the shots. I'm already at a high risk for more cancers. So bye-bye to an active lifestyle. I guess i'll get used to it.

Thank you to everyone who responded to me last post about the metastasis. I really appreciate you guys!

Many hugs,


  • taraHK
    taraHK Member Posts: 1,952 Member
    phew! but sorry too
    Krista -- I am SO RELIEVED to hear no bone metastasis! Congratulations on that. So sorry though about the broken sacrum -- and the activity restrictions that is going to mean. I also know you are coping with long-term bone loss issues, and that is tough. It's hard to get MIXED news like this -- but I am certainly thrilled about the no met news.

  • msccolon
    msccolon Member Posts: 1,917 Member
    No Bone Mets!
    Krista, that is such good news! I know you are greatly relieved that you won't have to head into MORE chemo! It is a bummer about the broken sacrum and limited activity... you deserve AT LEAST a day to eat ice cream and play Pink Floyd and just mope... but then you will, as you always have, begin to refocus your life picture and figure a way to enjoy activities that you CAN enjoy! I can no longer ride roller coasters due to sinus issues, but that's ok! I don't mind not standing in those long lines! I can still people watch and enjoy the other rides! I pray you will find a treatment that will manage your bone loss and make you less susceptible to breaks. You are so young, but you are also SO STRONG! Take care and let us know how the "resting" goes :). Mary
  • sladich
    sladich Member Posts: 429 Member
    Great news

    What wonderful news! No bone mets! Hopefully your fracture will heal quickly. Do what the doctor's say.

  • apache4
    apache4 Member Posts: 272 Member
    I am so happy that you do not have bone mets! The fracture to the sacrum will heal. I found, through a CT scan, that I have had multiple fractures to my sacrum. Even though I know my lower back and neck are a mess with severe arthiritis, bone spurs, pinched nerves, etc., I was surprised to hear about the fractures. Do not give up, yet, on an active lifestyle. You may just have to change your definition. I did my TaeKwonDo until just a couple of months ago and can bike and walk fast. I had to give up running my beloved 5K's. I think I am a older then you, also. I am 64. I have learned to pace myself even if it means activity like gardening for 15 minutes and then a 1/2 hour rest. I am a Type A personality so it is very frustrating, I know.
  • epohdnayoj
    epohdnayoj Member Posts: 6
    apache4 said:

    I am so happy that you do not have bone mets! The fracture to the sacrum will heal. I found, through a CT scan, that I have had multiple fractures to my sacrum. Even though I know my lower back and neck are a mess with severe arthiritis, bone spurs, pinched nerves, etc., I was surprised to hear about the fractures. Do not give up, yet, on an active lifestyle. You may just have to change your definition. I did my TaeKwonDo until just a couple of months ago and can bike and walk fast. I had to give up running my beloved 5K's. I think I am a older then you, also. I am 64. I have learned to pace myself even if it means activity like gardening for 15 minutes and then a 1/2 hour rest. I am a Type A personality so it is very frustrating, I know.

    Wonderful news!

    It is wonderful to hear that you do not have bone metastases. I know that feeling of relief that it is a fracture, something that will heal with time. It was about two months of almost total bed rest before the pain from my sacral insufficiency fractures eased. As soon as I could tolerate it, I started some conditioning exercises recommended by my physiotherapist. Krista these are easy exercises and, if you haven't already started a regimen and if you are interested in the one I was given, I am happy to post it here. These exercises were very helpful initially. I did find however that when I could get to take a long walk that I felt even better - really loosened up the stiffness after the long period of inactivity. It was slow walking at first building up to as brisk as I could tolerate. My only warning would be not to get too confident once you feel that the fractures have healed - I was forced to spend another two weeks in bed this year after simply lifting up my grandson (again, as that is how the initial fractures were caused I think). I have exacerbated the injury several other times as well through simple everyday activities leaving me with a very sore sacrum each time. Take care.
  • nudgie
    nudgie Member Posts: 1,478 Member
    Congrats on being told NOBONE METASTASIS :)

    In regards to the bone loss, my mother had her first infusion of that new once a year IV treatment. Forgot the name. You may want to discuss this treatment.
  • kmygil
    kmygil Member Posts: 876 Member
    Bone Loss
    Hi Krista,
    I still have bone pain, and although scans and density tests show no bone mets, they do show severe osteopenia, bordering on osteoporosis. My gyno suggested one of the biophosphonates, but it caused debilitating pain throughout my body, so that's a no-go. I am now on high doses of calcium & vitamin D and hoping that will be sufficient to stave off the inevitable fractures etc. It is just one more hurdle and we keep on trying to live with our issues with grace and good humor. Hard sometimes. I'm feeling your pain.