Bad reaction to oxaliplatin

vchildbeloved Member Posts: 133
edited March 2014 in Colorectal Cancer #1
Hello, this is Valerie, colon cancer, stage 3, currently going through treatment w/5FU, Leucovorin, and Oxaliplatin. Well I went for my 7th treatment today after beirng off for 3 weeks due to low blood platelets and took my vacation which was sceduled to take place even before I was diagnosed. Today I had a bad reaction they said to the Oxaliplatin, which led me having to have oxygen and a whole host of other meds to combat this reaction. i still feel the effects of it any now 5 hours later.

Has anyone had these same experience and did they continue your Oxaliplatin? Dr. says that he wants to see how I repond to it by giving it to me slowly during the course of 6 hours.

What do you think?

Huggs and Kisses to you all.


  • lfondots63
    lfondots63 Member Posts: 818 Member
    Hi Valerie,

    I just wanted to say that I know a few people on this board that did have the bad reaction. Some had their doses lowered or had the infusion lengthened and other had to stop the oxiplatin. HUGS and I'm sure they will chime in soon.

    Lisa F
    Stage3 survivor of over 2 yrs
  • pamness
    pamness Member Posts: 524 Member
    Your reaction to oxalyplatin
    I never had an allergic reaction like you did, but goodness knows I experienced every side effect known to man (except mouth sores). I didn't function during the treatment, except to lie on the couch and go for fluids to the hospital.

    I know that infusing in more slowly works for some people, I hope it works for you. It must have been very scary. They took me off after 5 rounds. I am currently 1+ years ned.

  • nudgie
    nudgie Member Posts: 1,478 Member
    On my 6th treatment of FLOFOX I began to break out in itchy hives, so they shot me up with Benadryl and I stayed in the hospital over the weekend, given different pre-meds and the drip of the oxy was given over a longer period of time. These steps did help me. Additionally, the dosage of my chemo drugs were reduced before the 6th treatment.

    I would speak with my oncologist about the side effects you had and the chances of them reoccuring.
  • Limey
    Limey Member Posts: 446 Member
    I had a reaction on my 5th or 6th infusion. I lost theabilithy to speak and became quite drunk like. I was struggling with my breathing and going into arrest. they shot me with benadryl and watched me for a day. my dosage was infussed slower and eventually the amount was reduced.
    It sounds like this is a common side effect.

    I wish you the best. this is a tough chnemo to manage but has been helpful to many.
  • nowonderwoman
    nowonderwoman Member Posts: 8
    Me too
    I had a reaction to the Oxaliplatin in my fifth treatment. I started getting itchy and my throat tightened and my eyes felt like they were bugging out. I was given IV benedryl and sent home. We tried it again at my sixth treatment and had the same results, immediately.

    I was given a choice of different treatments and I chose to go with Xeloda tablets that I took every other week. I had a hard time with the hand-foot syndrome but I didn't have to take off work to have chemo at the cancer center.

    Good luck to you.
  • CarrieL
    CarrieL Member Posts: 13
    I had a reaction too
    Hi Valerie,
    I have stage 3 colon cancer too and I am on Folfox also. I was just diagnosed July 15 and have only had 3 chemo treatments so far. My first was ok, little nausea, second was a breeze with the addition of Emend, but after my third treatment I got home and 2 hours later I couldn't breath and had to call 911 (and I had not had anything to drink). I probably wasn't breathing totally normally until a couple hours later after getting oxygen at the hospital. Now I have to get tested by an allergist this week to see what my sensitivity is to oxaliplatin and my fourth chemo treatment on Thursday is going to be in the hospital so I can be monitored. I was told they give the chemo over 6 hours instead of 2 like I was doing and pump a bunch of benadryl into me over the course of the treatment. I suppose it depends on how allergic I am, but my Dr. made it sound like getting over the longer period of time, the benadryl and turning the dose down slightly will make a difference.
    Good Luck, let me know how things turn out.
  • kmygil
    kmygil Member Posts: 876 Member
    Oxaliplatin reaction
    Hi Valerie.

    I am so sorry you are dealing with this disease. I can't believe how many people got their Folfox infusion over such a short period. My onc did it over 4-5 hours after about 45 minutes of anti-nausea drip. Then I was sent home with the pump with the 5-FU for the next 48 hours. Even with the slow drip and lowered dose after the 6th round, the effects were pronounced, but I never had trouble breathing (unless you count the extremely low BP). Yes, it's not nice sitting in the chemo room for that long, but you make some good friends and when all else fails, you fall asleep. I don't believe these extreme reactions are necessary if you get your doses over a period of time. Good luck with treatment and I expect to hear that you're NED very soon!!!!

  • pamysue
    pamysue Member Posts: 105
    As runs with the name Pam I
    As runs with the name Pam I think, I have had every reaction they have listed, but not an alergic one. I did do one treatment without the Oxli because my red counts and neuropathy was so bad. That helped, but next treatment we were back to craziness. I am at 80% now and I take that over 2 1/2 hours, unless I don't get my fav nurse, then they give it over 4 hours. I don't notice a difference in the speed except I get home much later.

    I hope you will be ok, hon. My onc did tell me that very few of his patients make the entire 12 treatment on Oxi, most make it 6-8, or they have to take a break. So be sure to give yourself a break when you need it.
  • vchildbeloved
    vchildbeloved Member Posts: 133
    CarrieL said:

    I had a reaction too
    Hi Valerie,
    I have stage 3 colon cancer too and I am on Folfox also. I was just diagnosed July 15 and have only had 3 chemo treatments so far. My first was ok, little nausea, second was a breeze with the addition of Emend, but after my third treatment I got home and 2 hours later I couldn't breath and had to call 911 (and I had not had anything to drink). I probably wasn't breathing totally normally until a couple hours later after getting oxygen at the hospital. Now I have to get tested by an allergist this week to see what my sensitivity is to oxaliplatin and my fourth chemo treatment on Thursday is going to be in the hospital so I can be monitored. I was told they give the chemo over 6 hours instead of 2 like I was doing and pump a bunch of benadryl into me over the course of the treatment. I suppose it depends on how allergic I am, but my Dr. made it sound like getting over the longer period of time, the benadryl and turning the dose down slightly will make a difference.
    Good Luck, let me know how things turn out.

    Oxaliplatin reaction
    Thanks you guys for your advice, help and concern for me in this. Well, I just had my 7th dose over a 6 hour period and it went well. They did pump me full of meds before and it seem to have done the trick. The dr. says that I will take my remaining doses the same from now on. They don't want to take a chance on another bad reaction. I am counting down now. 5 more to go!!! Is that the way to do it?

    Many prayers for us all,
  • CarrieL
    CarrieL Member Posts: 13

    Oxaliplatin reaction
    Thanks you guys for your advice, help and concern for me in this. Well, I just had my 7th dose over a 6 hour period and it went well. They did pump me full of meds before and it seem to have done the trick. The dr. says that I will take my remaining doses the same from now on. They don't want to take a chance on another bad reaction. I am counting down now. 5 more to go!!! Is that the way to do it?

    Many prayers for us all,

    Glad it went well
    I have my allergy skin test tomorrow and then my 4th chemo Thursday in the hospital over 6 or more hours with benadryl and pre-meds. I am glad to hear your chemo went well this time, it gives me hope.