New to all this, Any tips? Stage IIIC colon cancer



  • alexco
    alexco Member Posts: 4

    Press on!
    Hello Carrie

    I was diagnosed Stage IIIB last year, also with a tumour in my ascending colon (I was 48 at the time). I had nine rounds of Folfox and got off pretty lightly - I had the reaction to cold that you describe, but that only lasted for about 48 hrs each cycle. I was given an infusion of Granisetron for the nausea (I think it's called something else in the US) plus some anti-emetic pills and that worked very well (I only threw up once and didn't really feel that nauseous - I never lost my appetite). I took very few steroids (about a quarter of the dose originally prescribed) as I reacted badly to them (felt very wired, couldn't sleep and worried about getting fat). I can't remember having cramps but I had mild pins and needles which did get a bit worse with every cycle, but were really more of an annoyance than anything else (they continued for a few months after chemo but now I barely notice them). I lost all sense of taste and had a permanently sore mouth, but learnt how to deal with it (soft toothbrush, salt rinses, mouth washes etc). My hair thinned during the first few cycles but then stopped - I returned my wig to the shop unworn. I did get very tired, but I'm a single mother with two children (8 and 12 when I was diagnosed) so had to keep going. I felt pretty wiped out on chemo days and for 48 hours afterwards, but even then managed to get meals on the table. For the rest of the time I functioned pretty much as normal. Perhaps the side effects did get a bit worse with each cycle, but nothing that dramatic. I drank a lot of water, juiced, had various alternative therapies (e.g. reflexology, acupuncture), walked every day (even with a chemo pump attached!) and took a wide range supplements (I know that's controversial during chemo) which I still take today.

    It's now just over a year since I finished chemo and a few weeks ago I would have told you that I was feeling better than I have for years (right now I'm recovering from an exhausting summer and a bad cold - first illness I've had since surgery - but hope to get back to that state again soon!).

    Press on - there is light at the end of the tunnel!


    You are inspirational.
    Hi Catherine,
    Sounds as though our C is similar.This is my second round as it was diagnosed 5 years ago,but after removal of 12 inches of colon I was given the all clear?Now 5 years on its back with a vengence as stage 111b.Had monster surgery ,in hospital for 12 days on July 23rd.Now its Chemo time!Have just experienced my first round,which was 3 days of a nightmare,now I have 10 days to regroup.Please advise on food & suppliments which you have found helpful? Im a wife,mother & grandmother,surounded by love but feel like a dead leaf?
    Have bought a Posh Beckam wig as Im hoping to go through in style but need some vitamin tips,please.Alexandra
  • ldot123
    ldot123 Member Posts: 272
    ron50 said:

    Hi carrie,

    Hi carrie,
    I can't helpo much with the chemo regime you are on but that in itself is a bonus I was dx with st3c 6/13 nodes effected. That was back in jan 98. I had 12 mos of a very old chemo(5fu and levamisole). I have been cancer free ever since . My best wishes for a similar outcome for you and your family.Cheers Ron.

    5FU and old chemo
    Hi Ron,

    I had 5FU and Leucovorin for 6 months in 2007. I am over a year out from the last chemo. I am finally having more good days than bad, it took a long time to get over the fatigue. Every once in a while I don't feel quite right, hard to say what the symptoms are nothing that is typical of a common illness, tiredness, abdominal aches etc.. These symptoms seem to come and go throughout the day. Sometimes feel really good other times not so much. Just wondering what your experience was. Perhaps I will make a general post about this.
    Cheers, Lance