Hello, I'm new...

lizbiz Member Posts: 120
edited March 2014 in Colorectal Cancer #1
Hi everyone,

It's quite shocking to me that I've found myself here, being a chronically underweight, active 32 year old. It is comforting to find that I'm not as alone as I thought I was in this crappy experience.

I was diagnosed with stage 3b colon cancer on May 27 after having emergency surgery to remove a bowl obstruction. I'm getting ready to start my 4th FOLFOX treatment tomorrow.

Anyway, just wanted to say "hi".



  • peasandcarrots
    peasandcarrots Member Posts: 12
    Welcome lizibiz
    Yes it is shocking to find yourself here i know- but thankgoodness there is a place like this for us.! Stay strong during your treatment- and if you have bad days then i'm sure you can find comfort here! I'm Jenny 27yrs, stage lll colon, so know somewhat what you are going through.
    Can chat anytime.
    Nice to meet you anyway
    Hugs, Jenny
  • sladich
    sladich Member Posts: 429 Member

    Sorry to hear that you have cancer and only 32 years old. You will find this board very helpful and soothing. Best of luck with your treatments. We are all here for you.

  • Faith4Cure
    Faith4Cure Member Posts: 405 Member
    Hi Elizabeth
    Yes, it is quite shocking for all of us to find ourselves here---but you have found a great place for support. My husband was diagnosed with stage 3b in September of 06. I am happy to say he is doing good and is cancer free. You will be too! We are all here to help if we can! I hope your treatments are going as well as can be expected. My prayers are with you as you continue with your treatments.

  • pamysue
    pamysue Member Posts: 105
    Sorry to meet you here
    but glad you found your way here for support. Just finished my 6th folfox, halfway there.

    Come ask as many questions as you want after your treatment. I felt like such an idiot, but the people here are wonderful and answered so many questions that it would have taken me days to get answers from the doctors. I have definitely learned there are no stupid questions here.

    Good luck, sister!
  • tootsie1
    tootsie1 Member Posts: 5,044 Member
    Good luck
    Good luck as you start your treatment and come back often to let us know how it's going. This is a great support group. You'll be glad you found it!

  • spongebob
    spongebob Member Posts: 2,565 Member
    Welcome, Liz. I was Dx'd at 36 and my wife was Dx'd at 42 - knocked us both for a loop. Found out we both have a rare genetic form of cancer. Sorry you have to meet us all at this site, but you have come to be part of a wonderful, caring community.

    Come back often for advice, to vent or just to chat.

    - SpongeBob
  • wallyhc
    wallyhc Member Posts: 5
    I am new too
    Hi all

    I am new to this site/list too,, But not new to CC... I have had two resections so far, space 2 years apart. Did chemo after the first, Not the second. I am currently doing Genetic testing for Lunch's syndrome. Not so much for me but for my kids( 5 ea) and grandkids ( 16 ea),,, ( I am old fuddy duddy)

    I am sorry to have to meet like this but am glad to lend whatever support I can to all

  • chynabear
    chynabear Member Posts: 481 Member
    wallyhc said:

    I am new too
    Hi all

    I am new to this site/list too,, But not new to CC... I have had two resections so far, space 2 years apart. Did chemo after the first, Not the second. I am currently doing Genetic testing for Lunch's syndrome. Not so much for me but for my kids( 5 ea) and grandkids ( 16 ea),,, ( I am old fuddy duddy)

    I am sorry to have to meet like this but am glad to lend whatever support I can to all


    Hi Elizabeth and welcome to
    Hi Elizabeth and welcome to our site.

    I was diagnosed Stage III at 27 going on four years ago in October. I have been cancer free or NED (No evidence of Disease) since surgery in Oct. 2004. There is hope! It is not always easy and care free... worries still tend to creap in sometimes, but there is life after cancer.

    As said, this is a wonderful site. I would not have made it through the depression and pity party I had going for myself if it hadn't been for these wonderful people here.

  • pamness
    pamness Member Posts: 524 Member
    welcome to the club no one wants to join.
    I am sorry to meet you here, an exclusive club, where no one wants to join. However, many people here have great stories of hope faith and survival. For support, you have come to the right place. Believe that you will be fine and keep a positive attitude, it is the best weapon you have.

  • kristasplace
    kristasplace Member Posts: 957 Member
    Welcome brethren semi-colon!
    Or should that be sithren? Anyway, welcome to the board.

    This is definitely the place to go for support. I have found much help for my ailments here when the doctors themselves were stumped. Any question, i bring it here first now. That way i can argue with my doctor and have back-up!

    Hope to see many more posts from you!
    Many hugs,
  • lizbiz
    lizbiz Member Posts: 120
    Thank you, all...
    for the warm welcome. I started lurking here after my diagnosis, and I've learned so much from everyone. When I was initially given my diagnosis, I thought for sure I'd be dead soon. I knew a little about breast cancer due to my mother's battle 20 years ago, but I knew nothing about colon cancer. This site has given me a lot of information, but more importantly, it's given me hope.

    I really like the semi-colon moniker! It's very fitting for me as my surgeon not only took most of my sigmoid and descending colon, but also my cecum and most of my ascending (no cancer there thank God!).

  • Kanort
    Kanort Member Posts: 1,272 Member
    Hi Elizabeth,

    Welcome to our group! I'm just sorry you have met the requirements to become a member.

    I was diagnosed with stage 3 sigmoid cancer in 2003 and will soon be celebrating my five year anniversary. I, too, was treated with FOLFOX and was able to complete all 12 treatments and have no lasting side effects.

    Please keep us posted on your progress.


  • mykidsmommy
    mykidsmommy Member Posts: 76
    Hang On
    I have bee right where you are - newly diagnosed and searching for people or information on how this stff was going to go. I found the CSN - and one day I spent all day reading about young women like me who were dealing with colon cancer. Two years ago I was 34, two small kiddies, and had rectal bleeding. I went in for a colonoscopy and they sent me directly to surgery. I was away from home for 9 days! I was in total shock - I have no family history and was "healthy" so I thought. I went through 12 rounds f 48hours , inpatient chemo. It was the worst - I hated every treatment. I wanted to me home and I wanted to QUIT - many many times. Just when I would start to feel good, it was time to go in again. But I did it. I finished and in two weeks , I will celebrate my first year of NED. (No eveidence of disease) You will have this feeling too, but you gotta hang in there. You will find strength you never knew you had.
    I met a friend on this web site that helped me through my dark first days - I would be honored to help you if you need a friend to call - I would be happy to talk on the phone - just send me a note - and we can share numbers if you need a freind who has been there.
