new tumors-I'm sad

nubis Member Posts: 98 Member
edited March 2014 in Lung Cancer #1
This is Nubia. I came back last week from Mexico. We saw family and friends and we had a very nice trip. Before our travel my husband got a CTSCAN and good news were found. The radiation was doing its job and the tumor was smaller than before, so we traveled with very good news for family. In addition my husband was feeling very well. Now that we came back he had a CTSCAN on 08/21/08 (thursday) and today monday we received the results. the tumor is smaller BUT it showed new tumors in the lung. Doctor said they are too small and we need to get quimo righ away. I'm sad, desesperate, I don't know how to support my husband. He is sad and cannot understand if everything was working why this???? WHY??????????


  • soccerfreaks
    soccerfreaks Member Posts: 2,788 Member
    be sad but get mad
    Nubis: As you indicate, the tumor got smaller but was never removed from the body completely. Cancer, typically, tends not to stand still, so it is understandable that the tumor would grow once again while there was no treatment, or that new cancer nodes/tumors would pop up.

    I understand very well that you are saddened by this course of events; it sometimes seems that cancer takes us piece by piece. I know: I have had cancer in both the head/neck area AND in the lung.

    But while sadness is understandable, it is necessary to get 'mad', that is 'angry', as well. You and your husband must not accept this situation passively; you cannot simply give in as if there is some inevitable ending in the short term here. You must agree that together you will fight this thing, and that you will beat it. Beyond faith, perhaps, that seems to be the only thing that cancer 'understands'.

    Keep fighting, with hope and humor!

    Best wishes.

    Take care,

  • nubis
    nubis Member Posts: 98 Member

    be sad but get mad
    Nubis: As you indicate, the tumor got smaller but was never removed from the body completely. Cancer, typically, tends not to stand still, so it is understandable that the tumor would grow once again while there was no treatment, or that new cancer nodes/tumors would pop up.

    I understand very well that you are saddened by this course of events; it sometimes seems that cancer takes us piece by piece. I know: I have had cancer in both the head/neck area AND in the lung.

    But while sadness is understandable, it is necessary to get 'mad', that is 'angry', as well. You and your husband must not accept this situation passively; you cannot simply give in as if there is some inevitable ending in the short term here. You must agree that together you will fight this thing, and that you will beat it. Beyond faith, perhaps, that seems to be the only thing that cancer 'understands'.

    Keep fighting, with hope and humor!

    Best wishes.

    Take care,


    Thank you Joe. Today I will cry until I don't feel more tears. Tomorrow I will feel better. I need to be strong for my husband.
    Thank you for your advice.

    BE MADDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • sillygrl
    sillygrl Member Posts: 4
    nubis said:

    Thank you Joe. Today I will cry until I don't feel more tears. Tomorrow I will feel better. I need to be strong for my husband.
    Thank you for your advice.

    BE MADDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    make a leap of faith
    Hi nubis, my name is lisa. Last August I had my last chemo treatment. I was clear and tomorrow I have my 1 year ct. I had Lung that spread to my lymph nodes. I'm a little nervous. I don't know if you both have a relationship with Jesus Christ, but I do and thats what got me through.

    You both should sit down and pray letting the Lord know that he promised a full life and a healthy live to his children and you expect to have that. The bible says that when two come together in his name and ask for anything he shall give it. (It may not be word for word). Know in your hearts that God has a plan for your both and you need to be healthy and alive to fulfill it. He will be with you for a long time. Have Faith.