Nose bleeds

apache4 Member Posts: 272 Member
edited March 2014 in Colorectal Cancer #1
Has anyone had massive nose bleeds with treatment? Yesterday I had to call 911 as it was so severe and I was faint and weak from my last infusion. I live alone so it was scary. My platelets were low, but not too bad so all is OK now. This is about the fourth one I have had in about two months. It starts all of a sudden as I wake up in the morning.


  • claud1951
    claud1951 Member Posts: 424 Member
    Yes, I had nose


    Yes, I had nose bleeds but not as severe as yours. It was a pain because you never knew when they would happen. You could never blow your nose (hard) or even pick you nose! Sorry how that sounds, but it's true.
    I called the Onc nurse when the first one started and she suggested the usual stuff like lay down, put a cold compress on your forhead. Fortunatley that worked for me. If it got worse I was to go to the ER.

    I can't say that the nose bleeds will stop, just try and watch what you do (all though you can't help if it just start without you doing nothing)

    Weird things happen with Chemo (unfortunately).

    Wishing you the best and all the energy for moving forward
  • hoagiemom
    hoagiemom Member Posts: 87 Member
    Nose bleeds
    I had nose bleeds but not as severe as yours. It did freak me out because I never had that problem before. I would check with your dr. I also used saline nose spray to help keep it from being so dry.

  • apache4
    apache4 Member Posts: 272 Member
    Forgot to clarify that with the first recent big one I was still on Avastin and the Onc stoppped that. I also had them with Avastin two years ago. I also suspect trauma to that nostril as it was hit and broken a couple of times 30 years ago (abusive marriage). I know that sounds like a long time, but ever since I have had to "pick" it to get it clear enough to breathe every day. No more "picking" for me...rather not breathe through that one...too traumatic for me. Thanks for your replies.
  • msccolon
    msccolon Member Posts: 1,917 Member
    apache4 said:

    Forgot to clarify that with the first recent big one I was still on Avastin and the Onc stoppped that. I also had them with Avastin two years ago. I also suspect trauma to that nostril as it was hit and broken a couple of times 30 years ago (abusive marriage). I know that sounds like a long time, but ever since I have had to "pick" it to get it clear enough to breathe every day. No more "picking" for me...rather not breathe through that one...too traumatic for me. Thanks for your replies.

    Nose Bleeds
    I also had the nose bleeding problem. I use Saline spray as well and that seems to help. No blowing the nose very hard, and placing a kleenex in the nostril that's bleeding, while applying pressure right below the bony structure of the nose seems to help for me. I haven't ever had it so bad I needed to go to the ER, however. Avastin doesn't seem to be the culprit in my case since i am down to nothing but Avastin now and I no longer have the problem. I tend to only have the problem while on the regular regimen of CPT-11, 5FU and Leucovorin with the 5FU 46 hour pump. Of course, all the mucus membranes seem to get burned out so i'm not surprised by the nose bleeds. Good luck with your treatment. You also might try using a Q-tip with some anti-biotic ointment to coat the insides of your nostrils; this helps me with the dryness and bleeding as well; might help you remove the remnants that keep you from completely clearing your nostrils.