more fluids yesterday

dn220 Member Posts: 79 Member
edited March 2014 in Colorectal Cancer #1
Well after Er visit and fluids I still had to go into my oncology office yesterday and they gave me another liter of fluids and some decadron. My labs weren't real bad she said and urinalysis was okay. She asked me was i taking my pain meds and of course i try not to take them too much so she was a littel upset with me for that and said I should be taking them at the very least twice a day and that it was the chemo hitting me hard but that I needed to try and hang in there with the chemo. I feel some better today but my stomach is killing me, I've been belching horribly all day and my abdomen is swollen and very painful up high. Having lots of gas as well. Does anyone sweat a lot with the folfox treatment? I sweat horribly all the time. I guess that could cause some dehydration as well. I have thyroid problems, adrenal glands as well and I have had a hysterectomy so who knows which one is causing that. Six more treatments to go. I am so glad i have u guys for encouragemnt. It really helps.


  • KathiM
    KathiM Member Posts: 8,028 Member
    Oh, dearheart...don't be a pain hero. I was for awhile, and regret it. I suffered with Tylenol all during the day, it barely held the pain, and then took the Vicodin at night. FINALLY my best chemo-sabe told me to knock it off...take Vicodin all the time, just in the perscribed dosage. She had a the time the Tylenol was finally getting an edge on the pain, I was ready for another...I could never get ahead of it....

    I drank as much fluid as I could. I had gastric upset alot, but it seemed when I kept up my fluids, it was better.

    6 more, then 5, then 4....soon 0!!!!

    Hugs, Kathi
  • Faith4Cure
    Faith4Cure Member Posts: 405 Member
    Sorry for all that you are going through. Hang in there and don't try to be too tough! You need as much help as you can get. My prayers are with you as you continue with your treatments.

  • Fergus2007
    Fergus2007 Member Posts: 109
    Yes, pain killers ARE hard on the stomach.

    Have you been perscribed antacids to cut down on the acid producion going on in the stomach?

    We too were told our father NEEDED to take pain killers. Turned out his liver is doing much better now that he *ISN'T* taking them (and in fact does NOT need them). The fact that he no longer needs them cut down on a lot of additional medication (and liver strain)

    Only you know if you HAVE to take them ... and if you can do with just two doses or less - GOOD FOR YOU!

    Get some antiacid medication as well as just some over-the-counter anti-gas producing stuff.

    Six more tratments!! By the next treatment you're going to be an expert at figting side-effects!! :)
  • dn220
    dn220 Member Posts: 79 Member
    I already take zegerid for my stomach twice a day plus they gave me GI cocktail to take every 4 hours which I do but believe me that stuff tastes almost too bad to take. They have me on questran as well for my stomach and they think because i no longer have agallbladder that some of my problems are malabsorption problems, I go in 2 weeks for another colonscopy so wish me luck on that. Again thank u guys for all the help and kind words. All my luv to u all.
  • rmap59
    rmap59 Member Posts: 266
    Hi Deb,
    Last year at this time I was going through the same thing, had to be hospitalized for dehydration and terrible stomach pain. Looking back I believe that if I would have forced myself to drink more it wouldnt have been as bad. Hang in there and you will learn more ways to beat the side effects. My dr gave me medicine that really helped with the stomach pain, I wish I could remember the name but the side effect was dry mouth however that was worth the relief it gave me. I used soothing music to help me go to a happy place when I was in pain. I am 8 months out and I feel almost normal. When I was going through it time seemed to stand still but when I look back it went fast, funny how that works. You will be in my prayers and you will be looking back before you know it.
    Be strong.
  • rmap59
    rmap59 Member Posts: 266
    Just another suggestion. I went to an accupunturist while going through chemo. It was helpful to me, very relaxing. I started going the day before my treatment and then a couple of times right after.
  • pamness
    pamness Member Posts: 524 Member
    No one gives awards for not taking the meds you need. If you need the pain meds, take them - if it is only 2 times a day, that's not very much. I have preset hydration appointments twice a week, no matter how much I drank - I couldn't stay ahead of it. I felt much better after the fluids. I also took amend and decadron for 3 days after each chemo. It helped - a lot. The folfox didn't make me particularly hot - but I was already in menopause and never had any hot flashes. Try to drink all that you can - but don't wait to go in for fluids. And take the pain meds if you need them, it will probably help you manage some of the other symptoms - only six to go!! Have you asked you doctor about having fluids prophylactically - I did it and it really saved me.

    All the best,


    Take care