My Sister Carol!

annefrances Member Posts: 9
edited March 2014 in Ovarian Cancer #1
Altho Carol and me were born on June 30, Carol celebrates a bigger milestone on July 30! Carol is an ovarian cancer survivor 3 years and doing good!
At 14, Carol developed ulcerative colitis, and our parents and her were told all thru her life her chances of developing colon cancer were high. Every year after the age of 14, Carol went to Duke University and had a colonscopy done. If something major in her life would happen, like our daddy being tragically killed in an wreck in 1980, Carol would have a bout of ulcerative colitis that would last for over 6 months...It was about that time that we started following The Oak Ridge Boys! Carol noticed when she went on the road to see The Oaks, that her colitis would start to mend. She told her Duke Doctor this, and believe it or not it was written in her medical records that she needed to go see The Oaks!
About 3 years ago, it was recommended that Carol have her whole colon taken out to prevent the colon cancer. Everyone told her not to do it. Carol wanted to do it and I wanted her to do it...Carol had the surgery and was told everything went fine. Then after a week at Duke, Carol was told that ovarian cancer was found on her colon. This was devasting news to Carol and our Family...Carol put on hiking shoes and up she went! Carol fought the battle with all her strength. Our Family worked together to help her. Her husband Stanley was wonderful and became her nurse. Carol only broke down one time, and that was when ostomy supplies were on backordered..I am so proud of my sister for being such a fighter. I thank God for blessing Carol during this time. I had prayed constanly for Carol, as I could not imagine not having my twin sister...During all this time, The Oak Ridge Boys were such positive force in her support system. After Carol had major surgery and her first dose of chemo, Carol wanted to go Myrtle Beach so bad to see them. She went to that concert and Duane sang HEART OF MINE to her, I thought she would cry...but, no she told me she wanted to hear the song! It was a wonderful night for Carol, and a feeling of love that helped her tru the next 6 months of hard chemo. The Oaks were scheduled to played at Smithfield, North Carolina in March the next year. This became a target day for us...There were 2 shows there, and we had a alot of family members there..It was a great day for all us!

Carol and me have always thought so much of The Oak Ridge Boys and they will always be a part of our Family...and, William, Duane, Richard and really make a difference!

I also want to THANK all of you here that sent cards and letters. They meant so much to her, and still remembers whom wrote her those long and meaningful letters....God Bless You Everyone!

Happy 3rd Anniversary Carol! I love you!!

I came to this Board when Carol was first diagnosed, and it helped me get thru those first weeks alot. We are big Oak Ridge Boys fans, and I wrote this for that Message Board, but I wanted to share Carol's story of hope and dedicate to all whom are first diagnosed and all those that continue to fight..May God Bless you everyone!


  • mopar
    mopar Member Posts: 1,972 Member
    Thank you for this moving, inspirational account of your life with your sister! I'm sure it will offer much hope to so many in need.
    Have a Blessed day!
  • floridajo
    floridajo Member Posts: 480
    Thank you for this story. Your sister is a true warrior and I tip my glass up to her. Happy anniversary..I prayer she sees alot more !!~~~Joanne
  • kris43
    kris43 Member Posts: 275
    Today in Watertown, South Dakota the Oak ridge Boys are playing a free concert at the Terry Redlin Art Center! My friend Sandy, her husband, and parents are there right now waiting for it to begin. I am going to call her and have them say a prayer for you and Carol while they are watching them.

    What a great story. Hang in there - you are doing great!

  • LondaDraper
    LondaDraper Member Posts: 9
    Thanks for the tears
    You are such an inspiration. Of course, your sister is too, but we could all use family support like you!

    God Bless and I hope for your continued positive influence to your sister and her continued progress.