Has anyone used celebrex while under treatment for Glioblastoma Multiforme IV.

joerullo Member Posts: 9
edited March 2014 in Brain Cancer #1
Have you had any reduction in swelling/edema from brain tumor growth or the treatments. Or, had any reduction in the symptoms associated with swelling/edema while on celebrex. Celebrex is used to treat inflammation in arthritis which is swelling. Thank you for any input you can share and contribute to this. My dad has gbm4 and takes the celebrex for his arthritis pain in his arm.


  • Dear joerullo,
    The easiest

    Dear joerullo,

    The easiest way to locate other CSN members with similar experiences is to type keywords (such as "glioblastoma multiforme," "celebrex," "swelling reduction," etc.) on the search bar at the top of the home page. You can refine your search by clicking on the “Advance search” link listed underneath the search field. The major categories of content on CSN are blogs, discussion boards, personal pages, etc. For example, if you are looking for a specific posting on a discussion board, you can limit your search to discussion boards only by clicking on the "discussion" and "advanced search" button at the bottom of the "advanced search" box. Remember that you must be logged on if you want to post anything on a discussion boards, view personal pages, use the chat room, etc.

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