Newly Diagnosed...Rectal Cancer



  • beachinmom
    beachinmom Member Posts: 73
    Hey Jeanette. I am sorry that you have had to find this site, but I know it will help you tremendously. You are doing quite well to be able to even post right now. I know life is a major blur and full of stress when first diagnosed. It can be a period of intense closeness with those you love as well. When I was first diagnosed I wanted similar encouraging stories. That is what I am going to offer you today.

    First, you know you acted quickly when you first saw your symptoms, that will be to your benefit.

    I just turned 40 this year and am a mom of three. I saw blood in my stool for 4 days before calling a dr. I had a colonoscopy about 1 1/2 weeks later which showed a 3 cm lesion about 13-15 cm from the anal verge. I just completed my resection (5-20) and rec'd my pathology. I am stage 1 w/ no lymph node involvement! You may be too! I did have a lymphovascular involvement and poorly differentiaed cells, so will likley agree to chemo, but my prognosis is good.

    Surround yourself w/ positive stories, read all you can. Luckily, my dh is doing that part for me. Start eating right now, exercise now, and get ready for a possible surgery. Lean on everyone here---were ready to listen and help.
  • TY2HC
    TY2HC Member Posts: 46
    Hi Jeannette
    I was diagnosed at 27 with stage 1 cc. What got me through the not knowing what was to come was "it is what it is". I knew I could handle what ever I was told because I was stronger than the cancer. I chose to take control of the cancer and not let it control me. If you can find a way to take a step back and take it 1 day, 1 appointment at a time you will be in control. You've started that journey by posting here and asking for advice. Nobody knows cancer better than the people here.

    Live your life on your terms. Cancer is now a part of your life, but it does not define your life. In Nov. I will be 5 years out and that is what I have tried to do.

    I wish you well!
