Recurring Prostate Cancer in Indianapolis

simoncat Member Posts: 1
edited March 2014 in Gay Men Talk About Cancer #1
Is anyone around in Indiana with similar situation. Undergoing Lupron hormone therapy and Casodex. Recently joined a small mixed support group which is allright, but would like a one to one discussion with others.. I am 68 and live on eastside... Thanks John


  • Dear John,

    The easiest way to locate other members with similar experiences is to type keywords (such as "prostate cancer," "lupron," "gay," etc.) on the search bar at the top of the home page. You can refine your search by clicking on the different categories of content listed below the list of keyword matches that you get from your search. The major categories of content on CSN are discussion boards, personal web pages, etc. For example, if you are looking for a personal web page, you can limit your search to personal web pages only by clicking on the "personal web pages" category. Remember that you must be logged in if you want to post anything on a discussion boards, view personal web pages, use the chat room, etc.

    Your CSN Staff