Question about sugar and possible survey?

rmap59 Member Posts: 266
edited March 2014 in Colorectal Cancer #1
Hi All,
I guess the reason I need to know about sugar is I have a hugh sweet tooth and a fast metabolism so I dont have to worry about weight gain. Does sugar cause colorectal cancer????? My oncologist told me not to worry about sugar because it occurs naturally in our bodies and there is no basis for concern. But I keep reading about how sugar is bad. Of course I know it is bad if you are diabetic or overweight. I guess I am just trying to tell myself it is okay to eat something I love but maybe not??? I would love to here from people about their diets before colorectal cancer to see if there is a corelation(sp?).


  • apache4
    apache4 Member Posts: 272 Member
    Sugar does NOT cause cancer. If it did, none of us would eat sugar and cancer would be cured. A sensible diet is the right thing and eating fast food, processed foods and too much "junk" is what is not good in general. Those things are what is contributing to obesity, etc. I rarely eat sweets and here I am. Rarely had any of the above, also. I cook for myself, no prepackaged "fast" garbage and not too much red meat. Every so often I get a sweet tooth and only buy a tiny bit to satisfy it. As long as you are eating well, you should be fine. Others will disagree, but that is my take on it.
  • tootsie1
    tootsie1 Member Posts: 5,044 Member
    apache4 said:

    Sugar does NOT cause cancer. If it did, none of us would eat sugar and cancer would be cured. A sensible diet is the right thing and eating fast food, processed foods and too much "junk" is what is not good in general. Those things are what is contributing to obesity, etc. I rarely eat sweets and here I am. Rarely had any of the above, also. I cook for myself, no prepackaged "fast" garbage and not too much red meat. Every so often I get a sweet tooth and only buy a tiny bit to satisfy it. As long as you are eating well, you should be fine. Others will disagree, but that is my take on it.

    I agree. I haven't eaten red meat in at least 12 years, and yet here I turned up with colon cancer. I'm glad I don't eat it, because they do recommend cutting way back on that for preventing recurrence. Just eat in moderation.

  • nudgie
    nudgie Member Posts: 1,478 Member
    I agree with apache4 and tootsie1 that sugar does not cause cancer. According to what I have read and seen to date, there is NOT enough studies or evidence indicating that sugar plays a role in who gets cancer. Sugar is like everything else in our lives, too much is not good, so take it in moderations.

    My problem was I did not eat enough, only once a day and it was dinner and didn't drink hardly any water and way too much coffee, now I drink 64oz-100oz of water a day, eat fruits, veggies, whole grains and a lot of fiber each day. I feel better and am working (inside) better.

    To get real facts, talk with your primpary doc, Onc. doc and a nutritionist or checkout Disovery Health website.

    Hope this helps :)
  • claud1951
    claud1951 Member Posts: 424 Member
    Hi Robin,

    No,,,there is no proof that sugar causes cancer. I've heard sugar "feeds" cancer. (can't remember where I read it)

    Actually, (my opinion only) anything "white" is not good for you (flour, sugar, potatoes, mayo, etc).

    If you must, all in moderations. I should talk, I'm trying to loose the weight I gained. I eat according to my blood type.

    Have you made the Granola recipe I gave you? Good for you!

    Hope all is well with you and yours
  • livefreeordie
    livefreeordie Member Posts: 45
    I hear you (again).. I just posted this in the last thread, but it applies here too.. so.. :)

    I dont know what to listen to anymore either.

    Everything that you read is usually being written by people who are making money on their books or internet sites.

    Juicer machine makers, organic food producers, ionic water machines...

    Dr's are being paid to conduct studies, which are many times influenced by drug companies...

    What if the cure to cancer was as simple as eating grapes?

    Would we ever find out?

    Or would the drug companies cover it up, or come up with a study that disproved it to avoid losing billions of dollars in drug sales..

    I think they are really close to a cure, I hope that money and politics dont slow down the process of getting it to us, before its too late.

  • cjf2006
    cjf2006 Member Posts: 83
    I've read about the "sugar feeds cancer" stuff, and I really tried to be good, but it's hard to resist when the family enjoys sweets. Three years before I was dx with stage 4 cc, I was told I was glucose intolerant/insulin resistant. I was overweight, inactive, stressed, etc. I started working on walking nearly everday, and curbing my carbs and following the glycemic indexing. I lost 20 pounds and thought I was doing okay. Then came the cancer. I read PAtrick Quillen's book "Beating Cancer Through Nutrition", and I got really gung-ho,and even tried barley green and juicing, but my intestines couldn't handle all the raw stuff and I kept losing weight (the cancer made me lose another 20 pounds in a short time, so I didn't need to keep losing, so I gave up on being so strict). But now I have gone too overboard. I'm having blood sugar conrol issues, so I need to get off the sweets, etc. I do think my CEA responded better when I was good about the sugar and healthy diet. But the cancer still grew when I was off chemo. So I don't know. I have heard that insulin could be a culprit, and it is released in response to sugar. As for why I got colon cancer in the first place, I think it was a combination of bad nutrition, a sugar/insulin problem, having my gall bladder out years ago and having bowel problems that I put up with for years. Whether it was irritable bowel syndrome or inflammatory bowel disease, I don't know. But I often told my physicians that I had bad diarrhea and I never got any response. All that irritation/inflammation must have contributed. And I did read that those who have had gall bladders removed are at a highter risk for colon cancer. But of course, it's hard to know who to believe anymore.