One year today since being diagnosed!

edited March 2014 in Ovarian Cancer #1
Hey Everyone!!!
Its finally Jenna this time!! =]. I have been so exhausted since my second surgery and then wednesday i got my first chemo treatment which knocked me out till today. Today is my first day actually up! I came home yesturday also. I thought chemo would be easier this time but it was alot harder maybe because within 2 weeks i had 2 surgeries, but im not really sure. Thankyou all for being so great to Jesse and giving him advice. It really means alot. I dont know where we would be without everyones help and support on here!
Today is one year since I was first diagnosed and I didnt think that i would feel sad but i am. I didnt think today would really affect me, but it is and Jesse too. Its kind of an emotional day. I will update more later and look forward to everyones messages/responses! Im always keeping everyone in my thoughts and prayers and hope everyone is doing okay!
Love and Hugs


  • mopar
    mopar Member Posts: 1,972 Member

    It's so good to hear from you! You have come a long way and have endured quite a bit for someone so young. But you're strong and I know you're able to deal with this and get through it. You know we're all here for you, so visit when you can!

    Sending lots of luv, hugs and prayers!

  • saundra
    saundra Member Posts: 1,370 Member
    I am so glad you are home. The first chemo after surgery was the hardest for me, too. I think surgery just takes it out of you. You will graduallu get stronger. Take good care of yourself and get good nutrition and lots of rest. One day at a time. Hugs and Praryers coming your way, from Saundra
  • lindachris
    lindachris Member Posts: 173
    Jenna and Jesse: I think about you two pretty often. Just little things like seeing a young couple on TV will make me think: Wonder how those two are doing? Jenna it sounds like you're taking it smart and cautious with your energy following surgery. Chemo can be fatiguing. That's what got Linda this winter. The first time through was stress and discomfort, this time tired and anxiety. Funny how these symptoms cycle together. Well, not funny.

    Anyhoo....It is hard to realize your life has had so many challenges. But look at your strength and resiliency in the face of it. Something great to know about yourself, for sure.

  • BonnieR
    BonnieR Member Posts: 1,526 Member
    Dear Jenna, thank you so much for sharing. You have come a long way and have endured quite a bit for someone so young. I know God will continue to get you through this. That is a lot on your plate at one time. The surgery, starting chemo and then remembering it has been a year since diagnosis. Sending you lots of prayers and a big hug. BonnieRose