Question about Colonoscopy Follow ups

mykidsmommy Member Posts: 76
edited March 2014 in Colorectal Cancer #1
Hey all - SO I am confused - I was DX with CC last year stage 3 - did surg - and 12 rounds of chemo - I have had two clear scans since chemo ended. SO today was my annual colonoscopy appt - the found a polyp and removed it..... what are the chances that this is " my cancer" having come back - I know people have polyps removed all day long - but for those of us with CC - what does a polyp mean? AND I thought that CC was slow growing - so how could a ployp grow in the colon THAT fast? AND does a CAT scan show polyps ? If the new polyps is cancer - since they removed it - is that that??? Oh boy... I bet your wondering why I haven't asked my doc these things - well I was kinda out of it right after and thenshe was gone - so we meet next week - but until then I was wondering about those of you with CC - and then polyps in the f/u colonoscopy.... what did they mean?
Thanks -


  • TY2HC
    TY2HC Member Posts: 46
    Generally speaking polyps do not mean colon cancer. You are right that generally they are slow growing but some people are more prone to having polyps. I was diagnosed 5 years ago at stage 1. Recently, I had a f/u colonoscopy and they found 2 more polyps. One had high grade dysplasia (pre-cancerous cells). I asked my onc if there was anything that I could do to make sure the polyps stopped growing and he said no. They recommend a change in diet may help. I've seen a nutritionist about this, I could send you the information if you would like.

    They should be sending the polyp off for a biopsy. I was told that when they take the polyp out that they consider it taken care of. Even when there is the precancerous cells in it. I have to have a colonoscopy done yearly just to be safe. I hope this helps to put your mind at ease a little bit. Let me know if you want me to send you the diet information. There might be some things you want to talk to your doctor about in it.

    Best wishes,
  • claud1951
    claud1951 Member Posts: 424 Member
    Hi Honor,

    I was Stage 3 CC, also. Had my one year colonoscopy last Decemeber. I had one polyp, also, but the testing showed clear.

    I am one that everytime I had a colonoscopy, I always had polyps. Before my surgery, I had like 3 colonoscopies in 4 months and each time had a polyp. I never understood that either but those were always clear.

    My cancer came from the "flat place".

    You are right, need to ask your doctor. Just copy your discussion and take it with you! Ha. Good way to remember.

    From one NED to another....congrats!
  • pamness
    pamness Member Posts: 524 Member
    My gastroenterologist and oncologist told me that some people are prone to polyps for resons no one seems to understand. One thing my gasterogenterologist - who does my colonoscopies did tell me - what that if they believe the polyp is cancer and not benign or precancerous - they will biopsy but not remove it. I was diagnosed via routine colonoscopy - they did not remove but biopsied it. I was told when I woke up that it was cancer (prior to biopsy my Dr. said he could just tell, he was right). My sister had 6 precancerous polyps which they removed during the colonoscopy and all is fine.
    I was stage 3 also and my last colonoscopy was fine, but polyps do not equal cancer. I hope and think you will be fine.

    I hope this helps.

  • PGLGreg
    PGLGreg Member Posts: 731
    My gastroenterologist recommended I take 600mg calcium supplement every morning and another 600mg in the evening, since this may reduce polyp formation. And I do. So far as I know, this is not known to lower recurrence rates, however.