How often??

rmap59 Member Posts: 266
edited March 2014 in Colorectal Cancer #1
Hi All,
How often should you get a colonscopy after stage 3 rectal cancer. I just had one 6 weeks ago, one year after dx, all clear, and he said to come back in 3 years? That seemed a little long to me, what have you all experienced with regards to how often you should be tested??


  • PGLGreg
    PGLGreg Member Posts: 731
    That's the local standard here in Hawaii for stage 2 rectal cancer -- what I had. First follow up colonoscopy one year after treatment, then others every three years subsequently. My GI doc told me he thinks yearly would be best, but the standard comes out of a negotiation with insurance companies. Your doctor may be quite willing to do them more often if you can pay out of pocket. (Personally, I have no opinion about how often is appropriate or whether insurance companies should make the rule.)
  • Betsydoglover
    Betsydoglover Member Posts: 1,248 Member
    Hi -

    I was dx Stage IV in May '05 after colonscopy - they couldn't get all the way. In Nov '05 I had a colonoscopy that got all the way thru and was clean. My GI doc said to come back in 2 years. My onc freaked - said he thinks you'll be dead in two years! So I went back a year later and GI doc agreed to do it. Clean. At that point my GI doc said "3 years" and my oncologist agreed - she (onc) said "now we know the natural history of your disease is not frequent polyp formation, so 3 years is fine."

    So we are waiting until November 2009 for another scope. I am not worried at all - much more worried about a metastatic recurrence, although it has been 2+ years since last chemo, so I am worrying a little bit less about that.

    Take care,
    LOUSWIFT Member Posts: 371 Member
    I was stage III six months after ending chemo I recieved my 1st post treatment colonscopy (NED) then a year later my 2nd post treatment colonscopy (NED) they both gastro and onc said wait 3 years. However, I get a CT scan about very year and the CBC blood test every six months.
  • Moesimo
    Moesimo Member Posts: 1,072 Member
    I had one every year for 3 years and then I had one 2 years later. I am now 5 years out from diagnosis and will now go to one every 3 years.

    I still have cat scans every 6 mos. and after May, I will go for yearly cat scans.

    My insurance has paid for all my testing and I didn't even have to fight for it. My docs orders the tests and they are done. Noone questions it.

  • pamness
    pamness Member Posts: 524 Member
    I was diagnosed in January 2007 via coloscopy - stage 3A - after other scans. I am to have a coloscopy every year (in January - I had one this January) for 3 more years - if I have no problems on scans etc. I will then move to every three years, basically for the rest of my life. I have CEA done every 3 months and a scan every 6 - that will go on for 7 years, I live in Boston - big medical center, but here this is the protocol. It was set before I even started chemo. I have had 1 clear colonoscopy and have a six month scan in May.
  • jams67
    jams67 Member Posts: 925 Member
    I was stage iv and no one even mentioned a colonoscopy to me. When I asked after 2 1/2 years, I was told it would be a good idea. Can't believe they left it up to me! Anyway all was clear and the gastro doc said come back in a year for another one. He said to stay vigilant. I do have a CT or MRI every 5 or 6 mo. and bloodwork every 3 mo. and now I guess a colonoscopy every year.
    Jo Ann
  • ron50
    ron50 Member Posts: 1,723 Member
    In ten years plus ,I have had 8 scopes . On average they find polyps every second scope.
    I will be on 2 yearly scopes for good now,,,,,What a pain in the butt.
  • kmygil
    kmygil Member Posts: 876 Member
    Hi. I had one 1 year after surgery, and the GI said to come back in 2 years. I do get a CT scan every year, though. I am stage 2.