Greatly Humbled

Cindy54 Member Posts: 452
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
Hi Everyone.. Tonight a most remarkable thing happened to me. I go to school two nights a week besides working a full-time job. Usually the last two weeks of the month I work 10-12 hours starting at 3 or 5 am. So on the Tuesdays and Thursday nights that I go I usually get very little sleep and don't eat dinner. Well, tonight is the end of term and we had the usual pizza/soda/sub feast. But something else happened that completely floored me. I was sitting in the middle of the room..there were about 40 students/teachers crammed in..and my teacher carried in a big box. Cool, I though, it's for one of the students who is pregnant. Well, it was for me. My classmates got together and gave me a card with money and a homemade blanket. My teacher gave a little speech about how I was a "phenomenal" person and she was honored to know me. I had to say something after that and I was speechless. I am sitting here now, looking at my blankie and card and so humbled. I have no family left, so my friends are my family to me. And there are times when I go it alone because they all have families to take care of and I feel as if I am an extra wheel, so to speak. But this made my whole day. Heck, it made my whole year!!!With all this support how can I not get better? Thank you all for listening, I just had to share this ...Cindy


  • bev49
    bev49 Member Posts: 42
    Dear Cindy54,
    I don't know anything about you, but when I read your message I could have jumped for joy seeing that you were honored this way. These students and teacher saw how awesome you are, and you obviously carry so much respect for others, and shine from inside, and they wanted to give you something to let you know how special you are. Isn't it great when we receive an unexpected lift in life? I had to let you know how happy I am that this happened to you. I am so glad you shared this with us, and so glad you have this kind of support from your piers. I wish I knew you certainly are "phenomenal". Enjoy your this was a day that you will never forget. I couldn't stay quiet, and am so very happy for you.
    Blessings from above,
  • KathiM
    KathiM Member Posts: 8,028 Member
    Thank you, Cindy, for sharing! And yes, it IS wonderful to be seen as a phenomenal person! If we stop and look around, there are many who want to help, and to hug!

    Hugs, Kathi
  • seof
    seof Member Posts: 819 Member
    Thanks for sharing. I am glad you have support from someone. Sometimes support can come from unexpected places. I had bilateral mastectomy 12/21/07. I work in a public school, and just before we let out for Christmas break I was told to come to a meeting one afternoon. After school meetings are common, so I thought nothing of it. When I arrived there were about 20 teachers in the room and a chair set in the middle of the circle. It is well known at the school that I am a Christian and believe in the power of prayer, but it surprised me when they all put their hands on me and prayed for me. The most surprising thing was when the Assistant Principal joined in. It was very humbling, as you say, to see how many people were willing to show their support of me in such a personal, public way.

    you are in my prayers. seof
  • survivor51
    survivor51 Member Posts: 276
    Hey Cindy,
    I am thrilled they are with you and I can just imagine the arms around you both physically and spiritually. I finished my masters and specialist program and thought I would go crazy and having friends made all the difference. You keep going, I know it is hard but the rewards are wonderful. Big hugs to your group and I'm glad you are here with us. Big hugs for you, Angela
  • mmontero38
    mmontero38 Member Posts: 1,510
    Hi Cindy:
    What a special person you must be. I am so happy for you that you have this support from your fellow classmates and teachers. Sometimes, support comes from the most unexpected places. I am so glad that you have their support. Thank you for sharing this lovely event with us. Lili
  • 3cbrca
    3cbrca Member Posts: 206
    That's a heart warming story. I have come to believe in angels. I live alone and have no kids- I have a lot of extended family, but angels seem to have appeared in my life this last year and a half. I'm so glad you have found yours.
  • cabbott
    cabbott Member Posts: 1,039 Member
    I am so glad for you that your friends thought to give you such a kind gift. Some folks at my church make quilts to give away and when I came down with lung cancer on top of breast cancer, they gave me a large lap quilt. It stays on my bed winter and summer. Every time I wrap myself in it,I feel loved and cared for. It was on my bed when I came home from surgery, rather down about facing cancer again. But how could I possibly stay depressed when every stitch was put in place with prayers just for me! It was the best medicine I have ever received. The folks who made it got a thank-you but I wonder if they will ever know how much it meant. I know you would understand why I sleep with my "blankie" every night now that you have one too! Thanks for sharing!