
bev49 Member Posts: 42
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
I have read so many positive things at this site, but I for one am feeling very discouraged today. It seems like since I had chemo, I have to fight one infection after the other. I try to stay upbeat, but after having what seems like at least 2-3 sinus, throat, and ear infections every year since chemo, it makes me feel like we are prone to these problems. Now after having strep throat for 10 days, I have shingles over the left side of my body, and they are very, very painful. Do you think we are just weakened by chemo, it has been 2 1/2 years ago when I finished chemo, but have fought so many infections since then, and not one Dr. acts as if it is unusual. Just thought I'd like to hear from my sisters on this issue, feeling a little blue today, and knew I could come here and get some kind words of encouragement. I also suffered a seizure last Sunday, and was taken by squad to the ER. I am so pleased the MRI, CAT scan, and other tests found no new cancer, I am clean, but remain on anti-seizure medicine for another 3 weeks and have lost my driving priviledges, and am not allowed to babysit for my grandkids. So...this is an SOS for some love and encouragement. I will say THANKS now, as I know I will hear back from you.
Blessings from above,


  • mmontero38
    mmontero38 Member Posts: 1,510
    Ouch Bev:
    I just finished chemo and haven't had many infections, except for the one now which is my throat. Never had shingles but heard they are very painful but there is a med that dr can give you to ease the discomfort. So sorry, you seem to be fighting everything but just wanted to let you know I'm thinking of you and hope you feel better soon. Glad the scans were clear, in the face of everything that was GREAT news. Hang in there.
    Hugs & prayers for you my sister.
  • survivor51
    survivor51 Member Posts: 276
    Hey Bev,
    I was ask the doctor what your cell count is but I have found that chemo does play a toll on our immune system. I am so sorry to hear about the shingles and try taking a oatmeal can get it at the drug store. Drink plenty of water and here is a site from the Mayo Clinic that has a good video to watch for meditation. It might help. Lots of love, Angela
  • prayerangel
    prayerangel Member Posts: 147
    Oh, I am so sorry that you have shingles. Shingles can be brought about due to stress, so keep your stress level low, and try to do things that relax you, and make yourself happy. It could be the simplest of that new CD of music you like, take a bubble bath with your new music, veg out and watch a favorite movie, etc. Since you are prone to infections (and if you you weren't) you have to be real careful not to be around sick people or sick kids. I keep disinfectant hand cleaner in my car and in my purse. When you use a cart at the grocery store, or open any doors, make sure you disinfect. Ask first, before visiting, if anyone is sick in the get the picture.
    I am happy for you that your tests came back good.
    Keep yourself surrounded by upbeat people, and you'll remain upbeat yourself.
    I am sending you some prayers and love!!! Please know we are ALL rooting for you. You'll feel all our love and peace.
    God bless you.
  • babs49242
    babs49242 Member Posts: 193
    Sending rays of golden sun to shine on you!
  • 3cbrca
    3cbrca Member Posts: 206
    Hi Bev
    You are in my thoughts - I had shingles after my colon cancer - they are the worst! I just laid around the house for two weeks, heavily medicated. I didn't get any of the residual effects and haven't had them at all during my breast ca treatment, so try not to get too discouraged - it will get better.

    It is tough - I just added another specialist to the list. Now I'm pre-diabetic and have to go to the Endocrinologist. I was a little down too this morning. I was at a survivors conference this weekend and they started the day with a very depressing session about all that can go wrong after the cancer itself. Luckily I was with a friend. She and I got the giggles - between us we had everything and then some... The shingles pain does slow down after the first few days. and it will get better.
    Take care,
  • chenheart
    chenheart Member Posts: 5,159
    Oh my! Shingles...I too had them, but not in any way related to cancer or chemo! We evidently all have the proclivity to get them~ as I'm sure you know, they are the same virus as Chicken Pox, and if we ever had the pox as kids, ( which most of us did) voila! As adults we can get shingles! The post-herpatic pain is generally the worst part of it; after the break outs have subsided, oftentimes the pain sets in. I agree with Oatmeal Baths, and any other pain meds your Dr or pharmacist may suggest to you.

    Cyber Hugs are coming your way from all of the CSN sisterhood!(((((((((((((hugs)))))))))))))))

  • mgm42
    mgm42 Member Posts: 491 Member
    The granchildren part really hurts. I know the feeling all too well Bev. I don't have any medical knowledge on the subjecct of post-chemo infections and immunity problems, but I do think that anytime we put poison in our bodies, there will be some price our poor bodies will have to pay. Maybe your theory is right on the money. As for the shingles, I have had them and never want them again. Your nerve endings are screaming 24/7. Hang in their sweetie and talk to those little babies over the phone, even if they can't understand a word you say. Love translates. Hugs, Marilynn
  • Skybuf
    Skybuf Member Posts: 143
    Hello Bev
    I have never had shingles but do have neuropathy of the feet and that is like having gout they told me....ouch
    I found a natural oil that helps me walk and it's for shingles.....really works for's called "Neurogen" and I found it by it at the health food store. For numb toes, that's me so I tried it and it actually works, I tell everyone that has bad sore feet or diabetes to try's all natural oils of nature, isn't God good! He supplied us with many remedies. I don't use natural stores often...just letting you know about this.
    Love and hugs to you, your in my thoughts too
  • You have walked this path a lot further than I have (I am just finishing up chemo) and surely have heard and used every cheer up I could offer. But still I want to offer them. You know how it is, no matter how many times you have had a drink of water when you are thirsty, the one you need right now is wonderful when you take that swallow. Please drink us all in! We care and want you to feel better, insided and out. And here is what I do when I just can't cope with what my body is doing. I play solitaire on the computer, lying in bed. It is just hard enough to take my mind off my thoughts and it is so lovely to order the world back into neat rows. It is my (very shallow) meditation. I wish you the very best!
    love and understanding, Joyce
  • bev49
    bev49 Member Posts: 42
    Boy, how nice to get to feel the love, support, information, encouragment, and as Joyce suggested, I drank it all in, and it made me feel so good inside! I would be lost without this site, thanks so much my newfound sisters. I am taking several heavy drugs for the pain, and sleep a lot, but as we all learned from the big C. this too shall pass. You got me through today, that means a lot, as we all take it one day at a time. I'll be in touch, and am here for anyone who needs a helpful hand. Take care.
    Blessings to all of you,
  • Irene1920
    Irene1920 Member Posts: 6
    bev49 said:

    Boy, how nice to get to feel the love, support, information, encouragment, and as Joyce suggested, I drank it all in, and it made me feel so good inside! I would be lost without this site, thanks so much my newfound sisters. I am taking several heavy drugs for the pain, and sleep a lot, but as we all learned from the big C. this too shall pass. You got me through today, that means a lot, as we all take it one day at a time. I'll be in touch, and am here for anyone who needs a helpful hand. Take care.
    Blessings to all of you,

    There is also a vaccine to prevent shingles was approved by the FDA in May 2006 for use in people age 60 and older. I do not know if it works once you have them though.