confused about all the different types of reconstruction

ohilly Member Posts: 441 Member
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
I am going to have a mastectomy and definitely want reconstruction, but there seem to be so many types that I am confused! Can people advise me of their experiences with the different types? Also, how long did it take you to resume normal activities with the Tram flap (I'm a social worker and just sit in a chair and talk to people). Please advise soon because I have to decide soon! Ohilly


  • seof
    seof Member Posts: 819 Member
    I replied to you on your 2/7/08 posting. It is all very scary, to be sure, but I find information to be a good defence against the fear of the unknown. Talk to your plastic surgeon. Write down your questions before you go so you will remember (I keep a running list of questions between visits and keep adding to them as I read new stuff or think of new ideas). I suggested a book in my other response that helped me with information. Also, finding a local branch of the ACS might help you. They have folks you can talk to in your area by phone or in person who have been there/done that. Your plastic surgeon may have a list of patients who do not mind being called, you could ask about that too. There are a lot of options, but not everyone is a candidate for all of them. Talk to your Doctors to see which fit your situation the best.

    Wouldn't it be nice if cancer could be like a math equation....follow the right formula, you get the right answer every time.

    Try to find some time to relax and have fun here and there while you are struggling with all these issues.
