Stent Shifting/Bowels Issues AGAIN

HDLadyRider Member Posts: 10
edited March 2014 in Colorectal Cancer #1
Hi all. I am more of a lurker than a poster and have been since October. My husband was diagnosed stage IV in Sept 07, scheduled for surger on the colon but it was cancelled two days before because the surgeon said it that the colon cancer wouldn't kill him but the mets to the liver would. Have more than 4 spots in both lobes. They decided to place a stent at the place of the tumor in the colon and start Folfox with Avastin immediately. He just finished his last treatment last week (minus the oxilaplatin)and has a PET scan tomorrow. We see the onc next Tuesday to see if the tumors have reduced enough for Surgery (HOPING and PRAYING). This past week though, it seems that he has felt extremely blocked again...last night he stated that it feels like before the stent was place in him. I thought maybe the stent had move due to the tumor reducing and he thought it would be painful if that were the case. He's a little stubborn and won't call the doc, yet. Anyone had a stent move out of place and if so, what were symptoms. Thanks so much. I love your board.


  • Fergus2007
    Fergus2007 Member Posts: 109
    My father lost his stent after two rounds of chemo.
    The symptoms were severe cramps as the stent past down his entire colon.
    Only having started for the first time he thought those were regular chemo symptoms.
    An x-ray should be able to tell in no time at all if the stent is still in the right location.
  • vinny3
    vinny3 Member Posts: 928 Member
    They should be able to tell if the stent has moved. I would consider getting another opinion regarding removing the primary colon cancer site. The blockage can cause alot of problems and, of course, pain. Plus there is evidence that reducing the total tumor cell mass is helpful as the body (and chemo) has less to work against.

  • tamil
    tamil Member Posts: 13
    Just wanted to let you know I am in the same situation minus the stent. I was also dx'd in sept 07, have been thru 10 rounds folfox with avistan, no surgery yet, no options yet. I am going for a thrid surgical opinion in March. Hang tough, and please update and let us know how things go on tuesday.
    Prayers coming your way,