kris43 Member Posts: 275
edited March 2014 in Ovarian Cancer #1
Everyone -

I decided to start a new post instead of trying to answer each reply from my question yesterday. THANK YOU SO MUCH for sharing your stories - I do not feel so out of whack now knowing that you guys have had the cold feeling, the worries, the tiredness, etc. I truly thought there must be something more wrong then the doctor's were telling me. I wanted to be done with chemo and just forge ahead with life as it was. I guess it will never be the same - which makes me really sad.

I knew you'd come through for me. I will look forward to tomorrow with a new mind set. Thanks again! Hugs to you all.



  • Steph65723
    Steph65723 Member Posts: 12

    You are VERY WELCOME!!!!! It really does help knowing there are others out there who know what you're going through. It's okay to be sad about things never being the same, actually I believe that's one of the first steps to begin the emotional healing of this whole process. Looking on the bright side, you will soon start discovering just how strong you are because you have faced one of the scariest things on this earth and are still standing. Just hold your head up high and be proud of that accomplishment.

    My thoughts and prayers are with you.

  • your welcome!! It is nice to know that there are other people feeling the same as you. I also thought maybe the doctors were missing something, but all in all it was just me along with you being scared again. Its hard not to think that something might be wrong after all we have been through! Im glad you now have a more positive mind set!! E-mail me and let me know how your doing!
  • curlyq1971
    curlyq1971 Member Posts: 56
    You are very "WELCOME"! You have every right to be sad about things not being same as you once knew, however, you will find that you are stronger than ever because of the challenges that you have faced, and you are still standing, be proud of that!!! You didn't let it beat you!! It is very comforting to talk to women on this board who know exactly what you are going through, I wish that I would have known about this website when I went through it 2 years ago..but I am here now and able to offer support and advice. I am very happy to know that our words of encouragement gave you peace and comfort.

    Please keep us posted on your progress, and I look forward to hearing from you soon.

    Take Care,
  • mopar
    mopar Member Posts: 1,972 Member
    You're very welcome Kris. It's good for us to share those feelings from time to time also. It helps us to remember where we were, yet see how far we've come. In time, you'll be able to say the same. It's not odd to feel 'sad' about what you think you have lost. But I'm sure if you look at the 'big picture', you'll find that you have actually gained quite a bit too.

    Hugs and prayers to you!
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  • mopar
    mopar Member Posts: 1,972 Member
    unknown said:

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    Everything you did before (exercising, eating healthy, etc.) you can do again! It will take time, and I think the chemo drugs actually also do a job on our 'brain'. For me, I know I became a little more forgetful, and sometimes couldn't find the right words to express myself. Some call this 'chemo brain'. So you can imagine how the drugs, not to mention the whole experience, can affect your thinking, your emotions, and even create depression.

    Set little goals for yourself. Maybe start with the eating, that's usually the easiest. Just try to eat well everyday, the way you used you. Then, when you're feeling stronger, maybe you can start up exercising, little by little. I'm sure you know what I mean, and I know you can do it! Don't be too hard on yourself. We all have to give ourselves some TLC considering everything we've been through. You'll get back on track.

  • mopar said:

    Everything you did before (exercising, eating healthy, etc.) you can do again! It will take time, and I think the chemo drugs actually also do a job on our 'brain'. For me, I know I became a little more forgetful, and sometimes couldn't find the right words to express myself. Some call this 'chemo brain'. So you can imagine how the drugs, not to mention the whole experience, can affect your thinking, your emotions, and even create depression.

    Set little goals for yourself. Maybe start with the eating, that's usually the easiest. Just try to eat well everyday, the way you used you. Then, when you're feeling stronger, maybe you can start up exercising, little by little. I'm sure you know what I mean, and I know you can do it! Don't be too hard on yourself. We all have to give ourselves some TLC considering everything we've been through. You'll get back on track.


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