It was ten years ago today

ron50 Member Posts: 1,723 Member
edited March 2014 in Colorectal Cancer #1
G'day all,
It is the 22nd of Jan 2008(in Australia). On this day in 1998 I had surgery for colon cancer.My surgeon removed a chunk of my descending colon including a very aggressive tumour and six cancerous lymph nodes. He honestly did not think that I would make it and said as much.
I, on the other hand, knew it would not get me. I had chemo, my onc thought he might get me three years. I reacted badly to chemo and struggled through 48 sessions of 5fu and levamisole.
Despite all predictions I have made it to ten years cancer free. May you all have the same good fortune.


  • hoagiemom
    hoagiemom Member Posts: 87 Member
    WOW, That is such a great story. I'm going for my 1 year colonoscopy on Jan 22nd (USA time) and I was nervous until a read your post. I was Stage III with 2 postive nodes. Like I said you always have to believe.

  • hopefulone
    hopefulone Member Posts: 1,043 Member
    AWESOME!!! and gives hope to so many. Just goes to show that people aren't statistics and miracles do happen ! A postive attitude helps tremendously. God Bless and keep the faith.
  • fedester
    fedester Member Posts: 753 Member
    hey ron,
    great news, congrats.
    do you celebrate like your mate kanga does with a bit of port!!!!
    take care my friend,
    be well
    never ever give up!!
  • rmap59
    rmap59 Member Posts: 266
    Your story means more than you know to relative newbies like me. I am not a year out yet but have so much hope when I read posts like this. I will post on my 10th anniversary too.

  • nudgie
    nudgie Member Posts: 1,478 Member
    CONGRATS !!! :):)
  • StacyGleaso
    StacyGleaso Member Posts: 1,233 Member

    I knew we had a common bond, but I never realized exactly HOW COMMON! It was 6 years ago today (January 22, 2002) that I had my 10 hour surgery which removed the original tumor, 40% of my liver, and my gallbladder. I had chemo and radiation prior to my surgery and chemo afterwards. My ileostomy was reversed on (of all days) FRIDAY, September 13, 2002. I have also been blessed with being NED ever since.

    Congrats on your HUGE milestone, my friend. I wish you many, many more to come! YOU ARE MY INSPIRATION!!


  • sladich
    sladich Member Posts: 429 Member
    Congratulations! It's stories like your's that gives me hope. Thanks for sharing.

  • KathiM
    KathiM Member Posts: 8,028 Member


    I just passed my 3-year anniversary....and I was told I had 6 months!!!!

    I'm dancing with you, Ron!!!

    Hugs, Kathi
  • RunnerZ
    RunnerZ Member Posts: 185
    Ron, Congratulations on the decade of survival. I am two years behind you...and also survived cancer that was quite aggressive. Even with all of the ups and downs of life after cancer we perservere. Your posts helped me regain my balance after cancer, and your support and encouragement during some tough times have been much appreciated. Here's to another decade! My best!
  • spongebob
    spongebob Member Posts: 2,565 Member
    Ron -

    That's AWESOME! So glad you're still here... and still HERE on CSN!

    Have a great day, mate!
  • KierstenRx
    KierstenRx Member Posts: 249
    Hooray!!! Your story is inspirational. Gives myself much hope. Have been feeling a little blue lately and still trying to figure out what direction to go. Sometimes the self doubt gets the best of me. Thanks for sharing!!!

  • HowardJ
    HowardJ Member Posts: 474
    Great news, Ron! AWESOME!! Thanks for sharing.

  • Moesimo
    Moesimo Member Posts: 1,072 Member
    What great news. I am coming up on 5 years and also did not think I would make it.

    CELEBRATE!!! What a HUGE milestone.

  • ron50
    ron50 Member Posts: 1,723 Member
    Thank you all to those present and to those no longer with us who have given me help,support and even a boot up the rear when I've needed it. It isn't all about cancer we all still have to survive life as well and the only way to get by is with a little help from our friends. Thanks again Ron.
  • 2bhealed
    2bhealed Member Posts: 2,064 Member

    YOU ROCK!!!

    Congratulations on your longevity and proving your doctors wrong. WOOHOO!!

    I hope you have many more decades.

    Thank you for sharing your good news.

    peace, emily who is 6 years 5 months out!
  • Faith4Cure
    Faith4Cure Member Posts: 405 Member
    Ten years! That's great to hear. It's all about attitude and faith, right? May you celebrate many more decades and enjoy!!!

  • NWGirl
    NWGirl Member Posts: 122 Member
    As I struggle with my chemo and soon radiation, stage III, not sure if stage 4, your story gives me great hope. Thank you.
  • livin
    livin Member Posts: 318 Member
    Congratulations on 10 years you are a inspiration to me. Always glad to hear from you. Livin