Montrealer Member Posts: 10
edited March 2014 in Colorectal Cancer #1
Hi all,
My dad has been diagnosed for colon cancer since March 2007 and just recently ct scan showed mets to liver with 6 tiny tumours of less than 1cm. We have had many professional opinions whether he should have surgery, RFA or simply just continue chemo. We have heard that his liver is not healthy enough to risk to have resection and because they are so small, we will still have to remove a big part of the liver...

Some oncologists say that since my dad is reacting so well to chemo and has almost NO side effects at all, he should just do chemo only.

We don't know what's best for him... I'm devastated and scared. I love him and I do not want to lose him. ANYONE here who are Stage 4 survivors??? I need you to wave at me, I wanna know miracles...

God bless YOU ALL!


  • pink05
    pink05 Member Posts: 550

    I don't know if you received my e-mail yet but I wrote you back about my dad's story. Let me know if you didn't get it.

    My dad's mets disappeared after having chemo only, with some help from supplements and God. My dad wasn't a candidate for a liver resection due to his age. There was talk about possibly performing RFA on two liver mets, but apparently, the surgeons thought it would be too close to a major artery. If the chemo is working, maybe your dad should take a wait and see approach. Does he get CAT scans frequently?

  • m120407
    m120407 Member Posts: 8
    Hi - I am a stage IV survivor. I had a liver met this past January and was operated on for it. I went on CPT11 and did very good with that. It sounds like that if your dad's liver isn't well enough to be resected and he is responding well to chemotherapy, then that is the right course of action.

    I'll keep you both in my prayers
  • jerseysue
    jerseysue Member Posts: 624 Member
    I'm a stage IV survivor and still battling. I do not and have not had any liver mets so far. If the chemo is working and they are keeping an eye on the liver I would do the wait and see approach. Or if you want get another opinion. Lots of luck to you.
  • hopefulone
    hopefulone Member Posts: 1,043 Member
    A bit Difficult for me to answer this right now as my husband has/had similar situation and just had wedge resection 2 mos ago. Right now we are in a sort of limbo as we await more tests and possible biopsy again to see if the cancer has returned, (you can check out my previous posts) however, we do not regret our decision to have the surgery, and if it's possible and we need to do it again , we will. I'm not sure why they would have to remove a big part of the liver for your dad unless they are in one location, but everyone is different. My husband had wedge resection rather than lobe resection. It would depend on location of the mets I guess. My husband also did very well with chemo so I know what a tough decision this is. His liver was fortunately healthy enough for the surgery. It may be a different situation for you dad. The down side of waiting sometimes if a resection is possible is that you may lose that window of opportunity if something else appears. This is unfortunate and you have to weigh the benefits and risks heavily. I wish your dad luck and if there is anything further I can let you know, feel free to email me here. God Bless
  • Felixthecat
    Felixthecat Member Posts: 37
    He could try this. The drug referred to below is only available via the FMFs Compassionate Use Program so if other treatments are unsuccessful you could contact them and try it. It is a hormone antagonist and quite well tolerated as meds go:

    Their website link is:

    2004: Effects of mifepristone on proliferation of human gastric adenocarcinoma cell line SGC-7901 in vitro.
    Mifepristone effectively inhibited the proliferation of PR-positive human gastric adenocarcinoma cell line SGC-7901 in vitro through multiple mechanisms, and may be a beneficial agent against human adenocarcinoma

    2004: (Detailed article) Reversal of multidrug resistance in drug-resistant human gastric cancer cell line SGC7901/VCR by antiprogestin drug mifepristone

    2004: Reversal of multidrug resistance in drug-resistant human gastric cancer cell line SGC7901/VCR by antiprogestin drug mifepristone
    Mifepristone has potent reversal effect on MDR in SGC7901/VCR via inhibiting the function of MRP and P-gp, modulating the expression of Bcl-2 and Bax proteins, and enhancing the sensitivity to anticancer agent VCR

    2004: Inhibitory effects of mifepristone on the growth of human gastric cancer cell line MKN-45 in vitro and in vivo.
    Mifepristone exerts significant growth inhibitory effects on PR-positive human MKN-45 gastric cancer cells via multiple mechanisms, and may be a beneficial agent against the tumor.

    2004: Effects of mifepristone on invasive and metastatic potential of human gastric adenocarcinoma cell line MKN-45 in vitro and in vivo.
    • “Mifepristone can effectively inhibit the invasive and metastatic potential of human gastric adenocarcinoma cell line MKN-45 in vitro and in vivo through inhibition of heterotypic adhesion to basement membrane, cell migration and angiogenesis.”

    2003: Glucocorticoid Cotreatment Induces Apoptosis Resistance toward Cancer Therapy in Carcinomas1

    GCs are widely used in high doses in the therapy of leukemias and lymphomas and are also used as antiemetics or preservatives for normal cells during chemotherapy of solid tumors. In addition, GCs are among the most widely used anti-inflammatory drugs. In this study, we have shown that application of GCs renders certain tumors resistant or less susceptible to apoptosis after cancer therapy. This finding urges to carefully reconsider the widespread use of GCs in almost all treatment protocols for patients with solid cancers. In the clinical setting of cancer therapy, e.g., in antiemetic regimens, corticosteroids are usually given transiently to suppress acute side effects of cancer therapy. Although our experiments did not mimic precisely the clinical situation because we administered DEX daily to achieve steady-state levels, short-term exposure to DEX may nevertheless be sufficient to abrogate or diminish the efficacy of concomitant chemotherapy in cancer patients in vivo. This is suggested by our experiments where DEX was found to down-regulate basal and cisplatin-induced expression of apoptosis effectors within 24 h in vitro. Also, endogenous levels of GCs and those existing as a consequence of administered hormones may render solid tumors less susceptible to apoptosis after cancer therapy. The administration of steroid/receptor agonists such as RU486 might be beneficial before chemotherapy and radiotherapy to enhance cell death of solid tumor cells

    2006:Therapy of cancer by cytokines mediated by gene therapy approach.
    • Gene therapy offers a new approach for treatment of cancer. Transfer of genes encoding immunostimulatory cytokines has been used with remarkable success to eliminate cancer in animals. However, clinical trials in patients with this strategy had limited efficacy. Therefore, improvement of gene transfer vector system is necessary. A hybrid viral vector, consisting of SFV replicon with either murine IL-12 or reporter LacZ gene, was constructed. This hybrid vector showed specificity and high level of expression in HCC both in vitro and in vivo. In a rat orthotropic liver tumor model, treatment of established tumors by the hybrid vector with mIL-12 gene resulted in a strong anti-tumor activity without accompanying toxicity. Subsequently, a helper-dependent adenovirus vectors containing a mifepristone (RU486) inducible system was constructed for controlled and liver-specific expression of human interleukin 12 (hIL-12) (HD-Ad/RUhIL-12) and mouse IL-12 (mIL-12) (HD-Ad/RUmIL-12). Data showed that high and sustained serum levels of hIL-12 could be attained by continuing administration of RU486 every 12 or 24 h. Repetitive induction of hIL-12 could be obtained over, at least, a period of 48 weeks after a single injection of HD-Ad/RUhIL-12. Treatment of liver metastases with of HD-Ad/RUmIL-12 plus RU846 resulted in complete tumor regression in all animals. Then, different cytokine genes were inserted into conditional replicative adenoviruses vectors (also called oncolytic adenovirus). Replication of adenovirus in tumor cells would kill tumor cells and release viruses, which infect surrounding tumor cells. The combination of cytopathic effect by oncolytic adenovirus and biological effect of transgene would exert strong antitumor activity. These new types of vectors may provide a potent and safe tool for cancer gene therapy.
  • Montrealer
    Montrealer Member Posts: 10
    Hi all again,
    Thank you so much for all the info, it really game me that boost I needed to support my dad... He's having his MRI on the 28th, crossing fingers, hoping the size of the tumours have reduced...
    Will keep you all posted,