Stomach Cancer

S7ue Member Posts: 1
edited March 2014 in Esophageal Cancer #1

My 75 y.o father was diagnosed with Stomach Cancer in June this year. As a result he had surgery in which 3/4 of his stomach was removed. The cancer had not spread to his lymph glands. He had 4 1/2 months of Chemo & Radiation which left him unwell and 30 kgs lighter. He still has an appetite however seems to be losing weight constantly. Upon having a CT scan last week, his local doctor advised he was very happy with the outcome of the CT, however would need to follow up as he has some fluid on his lung. After seeing the Doctors at the RMH today, they want to conduct further exploratory CT scans as they are concerned about the fluid on his lungs. Could the cancer have possibly spread? Since being diagnosed life seems like a time bomb, we constanty live in fear of the cancer re-occuring.