Brain tumors or mets

tmd Member Posts: 39
edited March 2014 in Colorectal Cancer #1
My wife found out that she has 2 mets in the brain. She did radiation and with no sucess the tumors went from 1.9 to 2.2 in size. The doctor doing the radiation said there was nothing else he could for her. My question is has anybody delt with this and how long does my wife have left ?


  • marym29
    marym29 Member Posts: 71 Member
    Hi tmd,

    My name is Mary and I live in WI. My mom's cancer also went into her brain (which I was told is uncommon for colon cancer?) My mom also went through radiation for her brain mets and surgery was not an option.

    Now, of course you know each and every single person is different... My mom passed away on 9/17/07 and I would say that from the time she received her radiation treatments until the time she passed it was just a couple of months.

    Thankfully though, as her brain mets grew and spread she became more and more tired - slept a lot. But even until the very end knew who we al were. And she passed away as she and we all prayed that she would - at home and in her sleep.

    And I'm completely and totally SO sorry I even have to write this to you right now. As I sit here and just sob it is just the most horrible thing a person has to go through. But at least I know that my mom is "finally" at peace.

    Anyway, I tend to write like I talk "A LOT" so; sorry for the novel but I hope this helps!

    Mary from WI
  • goldfinch
    goldfinch Member Posts: 735
    I was diagnosed with brain mets in July. Radiation did nit work for me either. The good news is that I had a neurosurgeon remove the largest through surgery. I was supposed to have a procedure called stereotactic radiosurgery, but apparently you have to be able to walk on your own and I can't do that. I also have lung mets. I'm now on palliative care.
    You might want to ask your docs about those 2 options.
  • jenalynet
    jenalynet Member Posts: 361 Member
    I can't help you with an answer but know that I will keep you both in my thoughts and prayers, Audrey.
  • vinny3
    vinny3 Member Posts: 928 Member
    Check with her doctor, and a neurosurgeon to see if the mets are in a spot that is accessible for surgery (without causing excessive damage). If so, I would consider going for it. Whatever can reduce the tumor mass can help increase the odds of chemo helping.

  • hopefulone
    hopefulone Member Posts: 1,043 Member
    Hi, I'm so sorry about the diagnosis, but as someone else said, everyone is different. I don't believe anyone can give you any kind of accurate prediction about "how long your wife has left". Not even the docs. God is the only one that can answer that question. Remember this, there is ALWAYS hope as long as there is life. If you haven't done so already, be sure to get second opinion. Docs are human and they can and do make mistakes. Keeping your wife and you in my prayers. God Bless