spicy foods

BugHunter Member Posts: 152
edited March 2014 in Head and Neck Cancer #1
I am back to eating most things, but anything spicy still kills my mouth.(Taco Bell junkie!) Has anyone else got their mouth healed enough to start back with the hotter foods? I am 6 1/2 months past my last IMRT.



  • 3_Putt
    3_Putt Member Posts: 18
    It took me about 10 months. I was never a big fan of hot foods before treatment, I guess I'm a wimp. Now however, I can eat spicy food with the best of them. It's like I'm iron mouth.

    13 months out and I still can't taste sweet very well. I suppose that could be a good thing.
  • BugHunter
    BugHunter Member Posts: 152
    3_Putt said:

    It took me about 10 months. I was never a big fan of hot foods before treatment, I guess I'm a wimp. Now however, I can eat spicy food with the best of them. It's like I'm iron mouth.

    13 months out and I still can't taste sweet very well. I suppose that could be a good thing.

    That's what I told the doctor last week! having lost my "sweet tooth" and having a hard time with breads is probably a blessing in disgiuse!!
  • noeescamilla
    noeescamilla Member Posts: 2
    I know how you feel, I am out of treatments for 4 months and tried eating some hot sauce and it killed me for 45 minutes. I hope to get my issues back in order.
  • KenC
    KenC Member Posts: 4 Member
    It has been 4 years since my radiation and chemo, and I can eat most things now. I always liked spicy food and now I like it spicier than ever (even habaneros). I never really got back a sweet tooth though. It is still hard to eat some breads and other things that are dry. It's amazing how much being able to taste and eat good food improves your perception of life quality.
  • Robby67
    Robby67 Member Posts: 14 Member
    Spicy food pain

    Me. No.  Waiting.  Its horrible.  I lived on spicy food and now even bkack pepper makes me tear.  

  • debbiel0
    debbiel0 Member Posts: 134 Member
    edited August 2021 #7
    I am 4 yrs from treatment and

    I am 4 yrs from treatment and still can not do black pepper, let alone anything more than that! However, with my new over active taste buds, everything else tastes so much better!  Give and take but look for the upside! 

  • Logan51
    Logan51 Member Posts: 467 Member

    Roadhouse Chili. Sure did work for me.

  • motorcycleguy
    motorcycleguy Member Posts: 483 Member

    Spicy food definitely hurt for a while after treatment, but now I'm back to eating green chilis, and getting extra jalapeno's on my Subway sandwiches.

    I just picked up a dozen Anaheim peppers, a couple days ago - that my girlfriend will roast up.

    It took a couple years, but I'm back to where I was!


  • wbcgaruss
    wbcgaruss Member Posts: 2,451 Member


    Spicy food definitely hurt for a while after treatment, but now I'm back to eating green chilis, and getting extra jalapeno's on my Subway sandwiches.

    I just picked up a dozen Anaheim peppers, a couple days ago - that my girlfriend will roast up.

    It took a couple years, but I'm back to where I was!


    Well MG Congrats

    For finally getting back to where you were you are very fortunate as many of us never do and never will.
    But no matter we celebrate with our members who do and in fact with everyone for their recovery and improvements.
    A couple of years ago you face a daunting task but now it is in your rearview mirror another testament to others
    that this is doable and anyone can prevail through this treatment.
    Again congrats and Glad you are feeling good.

    Take Care-God Bless-Russ

  • motorcycleguy
    motorcycleguy Member Posts: 483 Member

    I'm hoping (and guessing) that Bill will get to the point where he can eat Taco Bell again. He just may have to go a little lighter on the hot sauce!

    Thanks for the positive thoughts - much appreciated!


  • OhNoItsMe
    OhNoItsMe Member Posts: 21 Member

    I am 9 months out and am pretty much back to normal diet. I loved jalapeños before and I am pretty much back to eating them just as before. 

  • LitlCJdoll
    LitlCJdoll Member Posts: 245 Member
    What about " No Taste" ?

    Okay, I guess I need to experiment, but What If one has no natural tongue anymore due to Glossectomy ....?  My R O writes in his Clinic Notes that I have 0% Taste out of 100%.  And its true that I can smell foods but I cannot really detect any Taste.  

    Do we have any residual ability to taste in our buccal mucosa, though?  Cheek area,... Are there taste abilities there?

    If so, I've not experienced it. ...

    I am a baker, so I would like to taste the spices like cinnamon, vanilla, cardamom, ...strawberry !! Anything, really.



  • Larry449
    Larry449 Member Posts: 51 Member


    I'm hoping (and guessing) that Bill will get to the point where he can eat Taco Bell again. He just may have to go a little lighter on the hot sauce!

    Thanks for the positive thoughts - much appreciated!


    Taste? How about mouth/tongue pain?


    Hope I'm not out of line jumping in at this point but, I've read many of your comments and am generally encouraged but what you say. Along with your comments, I've seen others that talk about getting taste back and being able to start eating again.

    I'm just 8 days out from my final radiation (no chemo) and taste is one thing, but what about the tongue / mouth sores and that ever present mucus? I haven't seen many comments regarding when they start to clear up. My first experience with not being able to eat when radiation started was brown rice turning to gravel as I started to swallow! Like I said, taste is one thing, but it's lack of taste PLUS the texture that got to me.

    My nutrition right now is totally thru the tube and I'm not sure I'm getting enough. I can swallow water but it feels like vegetable oil going down.  I did actually swallow my morning pills this AM. Never was confident in crushing them for the tube.

    Tnanx for any insight.


  • wbcgaruss
    wbcgaruss Member Posts: 2,451 Member
    Larry449 said:

    Taste? How about mouth/tongue pain?


    Hope I'm not out of line jumping in at this point but, I've read many of your comments and am generally encouraged but what you say. Along with your comments, I've seen others that talk about getting taste back and being able to start eating again.

    I'm just 8 days out from my final radiation (no chemo) and taste is one thing, but what about the tongue / mouth sores and that ever present mucus? I haven't seen many comments regarding when they start to clear up. My first experience with not being able to eat when radiation started was brown rice turning to gravel as I started to swallow! Like I said, taste is one thing, but it's lack of taste PLUS the texture that got to me.

    My nutrition right now is totally thru the tube and I'm not sure I'm getting enough. I can swallow water but it feels like vegetable oil going down.  I did actually swallow my morning pills this AM. Never was confident in crushing them for the tube.

    Tnanx for any insight.


    Larry You Are Not out Of Line

    Jumping in at this point or any other point this forum is for you as much as anyone else on here.
    OK Larry you are swallowing so that to me is very good at this stage you are at, pretty fresh off radiation.
    If you can swallow pills very good mine were probably getting stuck at this point.
    This recovery is a long slow process and I don't mean to sound like it's forever.
    It will be in little steps and one day you will notice a little taste and a little less bothersome texture when you eat.
    For now, I think it is going to be a bit so you are in that valley of no taste.
    So you are going to have to force yourself to eat or drink smoothies or try oatmeal or other breakfast mixes and eat a little at a time often.
    Just try eating a lot of stuff and see if and what you can get down.
    Eggs went good for a lot of folks on here too and if you can get it down stuff like bacon or scrapple anything high fat right now is good.
    Carnation instant breakfast.
    I have some weight gain recipes if you want them.
    If you got the 8-ounce containers to put in your tube when you cant eat I was told by my navigator that I should get 6 in a day or I would lose weight. For now, eat what you can and you may just have to force it or just use the tube till you get recovered enough to get a little taste and the texture is tolerable again.
    I know it is really tough to eat when you have no taste everything is like cardboard.
    As far as the mouth sores keep rinsing with the salt baking soda mix and if the sores persist see your cancer doc so they can be sure everything is progressing as normal for your particular treatment. Don't hesitate to call your doctor they are there for you and want you to have the best outcome with the least suffering and trouble.
    Also Larry here is a link to a page from the Mayo Clinic dealing with mouth sores with lots of info on mouth sores from Chemotherapy and radiation — alone or combined.

    How to handle it and when to call your doctor  https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/cancer/in-depth/mouth-sores/art-20045486

    Larry-Take Care-God Bless-Russ



  • motorcycleguy
    motorcycleguy Member Posts: 483 Member
    Larry449 said:

    Taste? How about mouth/tongue pain?


    Hope I'm not out of line jumping in at this point but, I've read many of your comments and am generally encouraged but what you say. Along with your comments, I've seen others that talk about getting taste back and being able to start eating again.

    I'm just 8 days out from my final radiation (no chemo) and taste is one thing, but what about the tongue / mouth sores and that ever present mucus? I haven't seen many comments regarding when they start to clear up. My first experience with not being able to eat when radiation started was brown rice turning to gravel as I started to swallow! Like I said, taste is one thing, but it's lack of taste PLUS the texture that got to me.

    My nutrition right now is totally thru the tube and I'm not sure I'm getting enough. I can swallow water but it feels like vegetable oil going down.  I did actually swallow my morning pills this AM. Never was confident in crushing them for the tube.

    Tnanx for any insight.


    Hey Larry,

    I'm sorry, I missed this, when you posted it. If you are only a few days out of treatment, I wouldn't be too concened, yet. It took me about 4 months, before I finally was able to eat something like a chicken wing! (I had chemo, along with radiation ... so I wouldn't be surprised if your course isn't a bit faster than mine...)

    Are things any better - now that it's been a couple of days?

    I believe you will be much better off, if you can keep ingesting food by mouth - IF AT ALL POSSIBLE. Keep water handy to wash it down, if needed. I know the taste is tough - but keep trying new things and you should be able to find foods that work (eggs, chicken broth, and high protein smoothies did the trick for me.)

    I'm looking forward to hearing your story of eating a piece of pizza!

    Hang in there, buddy... it will all slowly get better for you!!


  • SuzJ
    SuzJ Member Posts: 446 Member

    YUMMMM!! So I was/am wierd, even the two ish weeks of hell after treatment, Wendys Chilli, with added hot sauce..