Sorry I haven't Posted Lately

shortstuff Member Posts: 79
edited March 2014 in Ovarian Cancer #1
Hi all. Sorry I've been away from this site for a while. I've been reading everthing, just haven't written anything. That's just kind of how I am. I like to listen but not speak much. But I thought I'd update you on my situation. I was on a chemo break for quite a while after trying Hexalen. (Bad for me). Now I'm currently having Carboplatin every four weeks. It was supposed to be every three, but the platelets aren't cooperating so it's been every four. So far I've had two treatments and my CA125 has dropped from 975 down to 345 so it is working. I was just wondering if anyone has had any experience with one leg swelling. My right leg swells and my Oncologist had me have a venous doplar to rule out a blood clot which I did and it still swells slightly. Do you think it is just from the chemo? It's nothing real bad, just wierd. Well, sorry to ramble on but I just wanted to get back in the swing of things here and it's so good to hear all the good reports from you all on this board. Keep the good news coming! And I'll keep you all in my prayers. Thanks for listening to me.


  • floridajo
    floridajo Member Posts: 480
    When I started Gemzar back in feb, the same thing happened to me. I also went and had a doppler which was fine. My Onc then deemed it lymphadema, caused because of the lymph nodes being removed during my surgery because of disease. He suggested those support hose you see the old ladies wear!!! It was 90 degrees where I live so that was out!!! I rather live with it. However keep an eye on it. Between the chemo and all the steriods,I began to really start holding alot of fluid, and almost went into congestive heart just keep a watchful eye. Good luck with your chemo..your numbers have really come down!!!Sending positive thoughts your way...Joanne
  • mopar
    mopar Member Posts: 1,972 Member
    Hi Polly!
    Glad to hear the CA125 is coming down, and that you are doing fairly well. Hang in there.

    I too had the leg swelling, only my left. The doctor said it's not uncoming because of abdominal surgeries, chemo, etc. He suggested support hose which I did get and wore occasionally. They feel awesome! But since I've been on my new nutrition and exercise program the swelling has gone down tremendously. When it first happened the doctor put me on Lasix, but my body was not too fond of that. So, as I said, I've had better success so far since my new regimine.

    Anyway, so good to hear from you again. Keep those numbers coming down!

    Luv, Hugs, Prayers. . .
  • BonnieR
    BonnieR Member Posts: 1,526 Member
    Polly, Thanks for sharing with us! I am glad to see your ca125 has made such a dive. My doc says that means the tumors are inactive when that happens so that is a good thing.

    I think I already shared with you that I wait up to 5 weeks sometimes to get the carbo and it is still working for me. :-) Who would have ever guessed huh?

    I get both the nuelasta and aranesp shots and I think with them my counts come back faster and higher.

    I do get pretty sick from the treatments but it has been worth it.

    Again thanks for the update and lots of prayers n hugs coming your way. BonnieRose
  • aussie59
    aussie59 Member Posts: 48

    Congratulations on your great results in such a short time. This is what I have to
    do and you have shown that it is possible. All the best. Irene.