
bozeta Member Posts: 17
edited March 2014 in Ovarian Cancer #1
I can breath again for another 3 months!!! Have just returned from my gyn/onc. Had my second remission check-up. AND my CA125 dropped again without any chemo!! I am now sitting at 16. YAHOO!! Do any of you get REALLY SCARED just before these kinds of visits? I can hardly breath until they tell me the number. Today I actually cried like a baby. Seems like my whole life revolves around these visits. Is it just me or is this a common occurence? Anyway I'm good thru Thanksgiving. Thanks to all of you for support and all the good advice you give me. It's nice to have a place to go where everyone understands what this journey is really like. THANKS!!!


  • mopar
    mopar Member Posts: 1,972 Member
    YooHoo, Liz! That's wonderful news! We all go through this. I get my blood tests monthly, and in fact, I'm waiting for the one from a couple of weeks ago. My level has actually stayed the same the last few months, which is better than going up. But I sure like it when the numbers go down. It's always such a relief when the results are what we are hoping for. And yes, at times it seems like that's all our lives are about are numbers, treatments, tests, results, etc., etc.

    Enjoy the news - breath easy - enjoy life! Thank God for his healing and mercy!

    Hugs and Luv,
  • paula2
    paula2 Member Posts: 162
    Wow, Liz, you must be on cloud nine! Now you can start thinking positive about those numbers!

    I totally relate to the anxiety and build up, waiting to hear the news. It has made me cry before too. I get edgy with the slightest twinge in the abdomen too. CA125, what would we do without that measuring device, I guess we're lucky to have it. Congratulations, Keep it Low!
  • BonnieR
    BonnieR Member Posts: 1,526 Member
    That is awesome News!! I can only imagine how you are floating and you deserve it.

    Doing the happy dance for you and sending lots of hugs too. Bonnie

    PS Yes we all get anxious over our test results.
  • jamilou
    jamilou Member Posts: 200
    Congratulations! What good news and great number! Unfortunately you never really get over the anxiety of waiting on the CA125 results. After seven years I still get anxious waiting for that number. But for now it sounds like you have some celebrating to do!
  • Keelie
    Keelie Member Posts: 97
    jamilou said:

    Congratulations! What good news and great number! Unfortunately you never really get over the anxiety of waiting on the CA125 results. After seven years I still get anxious waiting for that number. But for now it sounds like you have some celebrating to do!

    Congratulations Liz!!!! Wow, your number has went down even without chemo! I've never had that happen. That's wonderful! And, I agree with all the previous comments about the CA-125. I've been so nervous that I've almost canceled my appt several times. But, there's nothing like that good feeling when you get some good news! Keep up the good work! Luv and hugs, MM
  • saundra
    saundra Member Posts: 1,370 Member
    Whoopee!!! I am so happy for you. My number is low now too but I am still on chemo. Anxiety just goes with the disease, I guess. FEAR = False expectations appearing real. I try to remember this.