
nudgie Member Posts: 1,478 Member
edited March 2014 in Colorectal Cancer #1
I have been part of this board for 12 months and do understand where you are coming from and your point of view. It it hard and can be hard to provide guidance, help, support, advice, etc to anyone who is only interested in the "gloom" portion of the story or event.

Many posts do consists of gloom and doom but that is also part of the story and stepping stone to get to the positive and end result.

I do find myself reading more and not chiming in with responses as much as when I first became part of this family. Don't know if it's normal or just knowing that things are okay.

I will continue to read, post and provide any guidance I can to anyone who is looking, but like SpongeBod said, it is easier to provide love and support to someone who is looking to improve and fight than to someone is has not fight.