HELP erbitux sunburn!

livefreeordie Member Posts: 45
edited March 2014 in Colorectal Cancer #1
Hi all,
I cant go outside without getting a sunburn on my face. I always wear a hat and try to stay out of the sun as much as possible. I think maybe the sunscreen is causing most of the problem? I have always been sensitive to the sun on my face.. it never tans, just a shade of red. My face is really red, dryed up, and cracking, bleeding, and it HURTS! My arms and legs are fine and dont need sun screen!!??
Anybody have this problem, and find a solution?
I am going to try a different sunscreen next.
Help, I want go outside again!!
Thanks :)


  • kbienapfl
    kbienapfl Member Posts: 61
    Ouch!!! I am very sorry your are experiencing such adverse effects! I don't have answers as to how you can be soothed.

    I am undergoing Erbitux treatments as well...never had quite the sensitivity you are describing!!!

    I would recommend contacting your doctor. He should be able to prescribe something for you.

    Good luck!
  • spongebob
    spongebob Member Posts: 2,565 Member
    Livefreeordie -

    Sucks that chemo limits your exposure to the sun. I am guessing by your moniker that you are in New England? If so, you don't have many more days of summer left!

    I can't really speak for how to avoid the sunburn, but I would suggest you buy an aloe vera plant to treat your face. Don't waste your time with the pointemnts that contain aloe - they don't work nearly as well. Buy the plan. Cut a fat juicey leaf, slice it open, and smear that smell goo all over. Yeah, it stinks and yeah, it's sticky, but it will do AMAZING things!

    One summer working down in the Florida Keys I got sun poisoning so bad, my back was rock hard, cracked and bleeding like you describe. A few treatments with fresh squeezed aloe did wonders!


  • Monicaemilia
    Monicaemilia Member Posts: 455 Member
    Hi: I am afraid I cannot help much with the sunburn part, but I was given a cream called Udder Cream for dryness, and that worked quite nicely. Monica