Doxil reaction?

paula2 Member Posts: 162
edited March 2014 in Ovarian Cancer #1
Hello to all the great folks here,

I am about to switch chemos from Topotecan to either Gemzar or a reduced dose of Doxil. A year ago I had a terrible break-out of blisters from Doxil because I didn't know about the warnings of heat and tight clothing. The break-out was about day 3 after treatment. I wonder if precautions need to be taken from the first moment of iv treatment, ie: loose clothing, no hot coffee, etc., or if this can start at home, later in the same day? I will be taking a 60% dose and the doctor almost gaurenteed that I would not break out this time.
I had such a miserable experience before, that I don't want to take any chances. I doubt that the office nurses will furnish ice chips or cold packs for hands, so not sure if I can figure this in.

My inclination is to go with the Gemzar for this recurrence and avoid the possibility of blistering again, for now. As my ca125 is rocketing, I need to make a decision that will bring the growth to a halt. I don't know if the 2 chemos are equal in strength, just that they are both used for recurring ovarian cancer.

Any thoughts from your experiences would be appreciated.

Good luck to everyone here. Prayers and good thoughts for you all.

PS My body may be under attack but my mind and spirit are healthy and strong. I have a lot of hope and strong will to survive, God willing.


  • mopar
    mopar Member Posts: 1,972 Member
    I thank the Lord also that your spirit is strong! The flesh may be weak, but the spirit is willing! I know there will be several who can answer your questions about the Gemzar and give you some tips. In the meantimes, I'm sending prayers and hugs your way to continue your strength to fight this beast. Keep in touch when you feel up to it!
  • floridajo
    floridajo Member Posts: 480
    Hi Paula,
    i got your message but for some reason it wouldn't let me send a response. I have been on both of these chemos. The Doxil gave me horrible rashes that left scars on my calves. I started staying away from hot things and tight clothes 2 days before tx and for the first 7 days after tx. The Gemzar has been great. I feel pretty good, I've had no major side effects, and it has brought my ca-125 down to 14. I have 3 weeks of tx, then I'm off for 1 week. I'm currebtly on Cycle 5, and today I go for my 2 tx. I have some fatique and minumal nausea, for about 4 days. I have kept all my hair, but I'm bloating from the steriods. If I had to chose I would use the Gemzar. I have had the best reaction to it so far. While I was on Doxil my ca-125 didn't move at all. It wasn't until 30 days after the last tx, that my counts went down. Also the Gemzar can do a number on you blood counts, so I have a CBC before each tx...But my Onc is thrilled with the response I have had from the Gemzar, he tells me I'm his star chemo patient!!! My blood work is as good as a person not on chemo. It is also a quick infusion. 15 minutes for the steriods and Kytril, then 30 minutes for the Gemzar. I feel good that day and the next. I hope all goes well for you today..I'll be thinking of you as I have my tx as well today. ((((hugz)))..Joanne
  • BonnieR
    BonnieR Member Posts: 1,526 Member
    Dear Paula, A rough place to be deciding against two evils. They both have side affects that are different, the gemzar gives you a flu like feeling for several days after and you usually need shots to bring your blood counts up. The doxil you know about, its the handfoot stuff. If you decide the doxil you can keep it at bay by following all the recommendations. I didn't go near anything hot, even the stove. Randy had to cook for the 5-7 days and I also had the original eucerin creme that I put on my feet all the time, I also bought instant ocean and would soak my feet and hands in cool baths. It all seemed to help but didnt' stop it from happening. The doxil brought my tumor markers down and the gemzar didn't. I know other woman who have gotten a remission from gemzar, each of us is so different.

    Now that I've totally confused you. :-) Sending lots of prayers N hugs. BonnieRose
  • JanQ
    JanQ Member Posts: 236
    Well you sound great! Isn't it amazing how everyone's experience is different. I am on Doxil now, for me it has been the easiest chemo. I am getting ready for my 4th tx. My hands and feet bother me alittle but nothing I can't deal with. The only problem I have is that my ca125 has gone up (not alot) instead of going down but they say that is normal, that it will come. Sometimes I do wonder if it is doing anything though, especially when I have pain.
    Well you are in my thoughts and prayers and I am sorry you have this kind of decision to make.
  • kathie687
    kathie687 Member Posts: 41
    i am about to start chemo again after my surgery and doxil was one of the drugs that my onc. mentioned. i have an appt. with him today so i should know more after that. i will be sure to ask about all the side effects. sounds like a hard drug to start in the middle of summer in the south.
    please let me know how you are doing. i hope your reactions are milder this time.
  • paula2
    paula2 Member Posts: 162
    kathie687 said:

    i am about to start chemo again after my surgery and doxil was one of the drugs that my onc. mentioned. i have an appt. with him today so i should know more after that. i will be sure to ask about all the side effects. sounds like a hard drug to start in the middle of summer in the south.
    please let me know how you are doing. i hope your reactions are milder this time.

    Thanks to all of you for your posts. I did go with the Gemzar as the side effects of Doxil were too much for me last summer and I expect that the Gemzar was to be on the protocol list for next time anyway. So far so good, today has been pretty high energy and reduced my relief.

    Your quick responses made all the difference in my confidence level and I thank you for the good hearted messages.

    Kathie, I hope you are feeling better. That surgery was a bear for me. 9 days in hospital wasn't enough. That was 6 years ago and I remember it like yesterday. Try to walk a little each day and really pamper yourself if you can.

    I wonder if you can take the carbo/taxotere combination chemo? Or have you been determined platnim sensitive....the taxotere didn't give as much neuropathy in the hands and feet for me...a real blessing because I knit, crochet and quilt the hours away. I feel just fine after the gemzar yesterday, but do recommend to watch the heat warnings on doxil if you end up taking it. Also, tight clothing. My kneecaps and elbows were all broken out, waistband too. Of course they gave me the dose appropriate for height and weight, which was 100 (?) but doc said next time we'll try 60 and he doesn't expect any of the blistering with that. The girls here have some suggestions for products that may help. Good luck to you and be well.

    All the best to all of you........Hugs and Prayers and good thoughts sending your way.

  • BonnieR
    BonnieR Member Posts: 1,526 Member
    paula2 said:

    Thanks to all of you for your posts. I did go with the Gemzar as the side effects of Doxil were too much for me last summer and I expect that the Gemzar was to be on the protocol list for next time anyway. So far so good, today has been pretty high energy and reduced my relief.

    Your quick responses made all the difference in my confidence level and I thank you for the good hearted messages.

    Kathie, I hope you are feeling better. That surgery was a bear for me. 9 days in hospital wasn't enough. That was 6 years ago and I remember it like yesterday. Try to walk a little each day and really pamper yourself if you can.

    I wonder if you can take the carbo/taxotere combination chemo? Or have you been determined platnim sensitive....the taxotere didn't give as much neuropathy in the hands and feet for me...a real blessing because I knit, crochet and quilt the hours away. I feel just fine after the gemzar yesterday, but do recommend to watch the heat warnings on doxil if you end up taking it. Also, tight clothing. My kneecaps and elbows were all broken out, waistband too. Of course they gave me the dose appropriate for height and weight, which was 100 (?) but doc said next time we'll try 60 and he doesn't expect any of the blistering with that. The girls here have some suggestions for products that may help. Good luck to you and be well.

    All the best to all of you........Hugs and Prayers and good thoughts sending your way.


    Hi Paula, glad to hear you are feeling well. Watch for fevers on the gemzar, I took tylenol right away the next day and sometimes rotated with advil. It is pretty common to run a temp and feel like you have the flu. This usually starts about 24 hours after.

    It is always less stressful when you are geting the chemo, for me, than the deciding process. :-)

    I am also a crocheter and quilter, what a wonderful way to pass the time in Minnesota winters, but come summer don't do much of it. I have made quilts for each of my grandkids so they can wrap themselves in them and feel a hug and much love from their granny.

    Prayers N Hugs BonnieRose
  • paula2
    paula2 Member Posts: 162
    BonnieR said:

    Hi Paula, glad to hear you are feeling well. Watch for fevers on the gemzar, I took tylenol right away the next day and sometimes rotated with advil. It is pretty common to run a temp and feel like you have the flu. This usually starts about 24 hours after.

    It is always less stressful when you are geting the chemo, for me, than the deciding process. :-)

    I am also a crocheter and quilter, what a wonderful way to pass the time in Minnesota winters, but come summer don't do much of it. I have made quilts for each of my grandkids so they can wrap themselves in them and feel a hug and much love from their granny.

    Prayers N Hugs BonnieRose

    Bonnie, Thanks for the post. It's been a bumpy ride these past weeks, watching the numbers go up, so yes, I am relieved to start the new chemo and try again to get the cancer under control.
    Thank You for the warning on fever. So far it's mostly steroid action, bright red face and decent energy level. I did get some pain back today, so I'll hit the med cabinet if needed. It really is good to hear what others go through.

    So, you work with your hands too! Yes, Minnesota winters, I can just imagine. I like getting on into an afghan and then it will keep me warm the rest of the project. I live in a fog belt 200 miles south of San Francisco, so it can be cold here in the summer too. Lucky grandkids! Nice idea, the hug part. My little grandson will be a year old soon and I am so thankful that he's in my life. I'm grateful for a lot of things, these days.
    How are you feeling? So nice to hear from you again. Did you do a hospital chemo infusion of carbo? If so, how did that go?

    Take care, be well. You are in my prayers.