Good Check Up

Susan956 Member Posts: 510
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
Hey All,

I had a great day today. Went to my Radiologist for my 1 year after Radiation check up.... So you guys know that I was a little nuts all week... worrying just a little. Well maybe more than a little.... But GOT A GREAT CHECK UP.... and don't have to see that Doctor for 6 more months.... And as they described it to me the worst time is the first 2 years for recurrence... So I am half way there... YIPPPEEE

Just had to share this with someone who would understand....

Walking on Air.

Take Care... God Bless All..



  • 24242
    24242 Member Posts: 1,398 Member
    Yeah Susan,
    Good news is always good to hear. Thanks for sharing with us for you surely know where you can come because yes we do, that is understand.
    One thing I have learned through my own experience with this very disease is that life goes on and though we aren't prepared sometimes to face it it still goes on. I can remember the days I was always wishing, hoping and praying things could be different and boy they sureeeeeeely could change just about the time I had to face my own battle with stage 3 that had spread to 11 out of 21 nodes. All I know is my life has been prolonged and I can't be anymore grateful for that. In 10 more years what I have been afforded to see. My son changing his life is only one thing...
    Let us all know that hope and faith are things we choose to see in our lives and I for one won't be giving up on either one. IT is what it is...
    Love and always be good to one's self.
  • OregonSeaStar
    OregonSeaStar Member Posts: 41
    CONGRATULATIONS! Good news is always so good to read here; thanks for letting us know. To have some hope, to know that there are moments like this to strive for, to know that the hard work and suffering of radiation and chemo is worth the fight - this is good!
  • karenack
    karenack Member Posts: 90
    Susan, Congratulations! I am very excited for you. Celebrate and try to let your guard down and enjoy life for a bit!!
  • LesleyH
    LesleyH Member Posts: 370
    Yay!!! So happy for you. Every day without battling the beast is a great day. Did you have chemo?

    That feeling when they tell you that you are fine is so wonderful. I know EXACTLY what you mean. It's pure exhilaration.


  • lovonna
    lovonna Member Posts: 78
    Susan-Congratulations! I am so happy for you! Now try to be nice to yourself, go do something you enjoy, buy yourself something you have been wanting, gorge on a huge hunk of your favorite dessert! Hugs, LoVonna
  • Susan956
    Susan956 Member Posts: 510
    LesleyH said:

    Yay!!! So happy for you. Every day without battling the beast is a great day. Did you have chemo?

    That feeling when they tell you that you are fine is so wonderful. I know EXACTLY what you mean. It's pure exhilaration.



    Hi Lesley,

    Yes, I did Chemo. A/C(4 @ 2 weeks) then Taxol & Herceptin (12 @ 1 week) It was just that Radiation was my last real stop on treatment, except for continued Herceptin for a little longer after Radiation. So I guess I count it as the end of treatment and on to my new life...

    Take Care....

  • susabella
    susabella Member Posts: 46
    Happy, happy day! You deserve to feel this joy. It helps to balance the days of worry that we all know so well. It's a win for us, a loss for the beast! I am so glad for you. I saw my oncologist last week, and she told me it was time to start thinking of myself as a healthy person. Those were sweet words! I went back to work this week, and finally am starting to relax. Life does go on, even though it's such a cliche. We do share alot of bad news but it's just as important to share the good, so everyone knows that we keep beating breast cancer. I never in a million years thought I would feel this way, but am now grateful for being sent down this path. I went kicking and screaming, but I have learned so much and my heart has grown immeasurably. I see beauty everyday, all around me that I was too rushed to see before. I also learned how much I was loved and cherished by my family and friends, and we are strengthened and closer than ever. My dad always taught us to make lemonade when life hand you lemons. I want having breast cancer to mean something good in my life,otherwise it will rob you in so many ways. The best way to beat it is to do better than before, to be alive, enriched, passionately alive!

    Every day we live after that diagnosis should be a celebration, a triumph! So glad you shared your good news! I hope you celebrate in a wonderful, fabulous way!
    Congratulations and best wishes,