My Dad

deneenb Member Posts: 130 Member
edited March 2014 in Colorectal Cancer #1
I haven't posted in a while because me Dad has had some pretty serious set backs recently. I had previously posted that we found out the night before Thanksgiving that my Dad's cancer had metastasized to the brain. We were scheduled for stereotactic radiosurgery on December 21st. Him and I went to the hospital on December 19th for an appointment with his oncologist that was unscheduled until the day before. They called and said they wanted to see him before the radiation. Well. we're driving to the hospital and he's telling me that his left arm has been hurting for a couple of days. A little while later his says that his arm is starting to hurt more. As we pull into the parking lot of the chemo wing of the hospital he starts having chest pains. I knew immediately that he was having a heart attack.

I got him into the oncology unit and told them my father was having a heart attack. They had to call the rescue squad to transport him to the emergency room. He was having a full-blown heart attack right before my eyes. I could tell he was scared and that scared the hell out of me. When we got t the ER his cardiologist was on call and met us there and whisked him straight to the catheterization unit and did a balloon angioplasty. He came out and told me that my father was very sick and they were doing all they could but he couldn't promise me anything. About 2 hrs later they came out and said that he had 100% blockage in his descending aorta and that if we hadn't been in the parking lot when it happened he would have died. He got out of the hospital just before Christmas so we truly had something to be very grateful for this year. Gifts just didn't seem to matter much.
Turns out he had the heart attack because they took him off of Plavix for the radiation and in 4 days he developed a clot that completed blocked a stent he had put in 2 years ago. As it turns out, they never really had to take him off of the Plavix at all and he had the stereotactic radiosurgery last Thursday. It was a long, difficult day because he had a metal frame bolted to his head for 12 hrs and the procedure took less than 1 hr. We won't know the results for 6-8 weeks when they do another MRI.

Whew!!! Talk about a long post. I could go on and on about the additional errors that have been made by Doctors with regard to all of this but I guess I have said enough for now. Just one more thing..... Question everything!!! All medications - going on and coming off, how do they interact, etc. Risks of procedures ( they wanted to do an MRI last week - thank god my mother knew they couldn't do one for at least 6 weeks after this new stent has been in place or they would have killed him in the MRI machine). Question everything!!!!

Best Wishes,


  • Monicaemilia
    Monicaemilia Member Posts: 455 Member
    Deneen: What a rollercoaster you have all be in lately!! I am so sorry to hear that, but it sounds as if there was some divine intervention in the works and I am so glad your dad is okay. I honestly believe that nothing is a coincidence or accident, so have faith that your dad will be okay. Monica

    PS - I absolutely agree with questioning everything. I have learned that lesson over and over again.
    LOUSWIFT Member Posts: 371 Member
    Sounds like your Dad was very lucky to have you there. Hero is a word over-used I think but protecting family is a special quality our parents teach us. I know you're Dad is hurting and you are scared for him but your Dad has a great reason to be proud and that is you. Well done! You are right in that doctors are a business and have limited time for thier patients. Take Care
  • chynabear
    chynabear Member Posts: 481 Member
    LOUSWIFT said:

    Sounds like your Dad was very lucky to have you there. Hero is a word over-used I think but protecting family is a special quality our parents teach us. I know you're Dad is hurting and you are scared for him but your Dad has a great reason to be proud and that is you. Well done! You are right in that doctors are a business and have limited time for thier patients. Take Care

    I certainly hope things settle down for you and your family soon.

    You are very right in questioning everything. Communication is key, no matter who it is or what they do.
  • pink05
    pink05 Member Posts: 550

    Wow, you certainly have been on a roller coaster ride lately. My mom had a heart attack back in June (6 months after my dad was diagnosed with colon cancer). She presented with her symptoms differently. We didn't even think she had a heart attack until a couple days later, something about her symptoms was bothering me and I forced her to go to the doctor. Turns out she did in fact have a heart attack. They said her heart was badly damaged, but miraculously, a few days later, most of her heart function came back. Our prayers were answered. My mom is doing well now. Anyway, just want to tell you thank God your dad has you. You and your family continue to be in my prayers. Hang in there. Things will get better.

    God bless,

  • vinny3
    vinny3 Member Posts: 928 Member
    I'm so glad that your dad is doing better. He is very fortunate to have you in his corner. You are so right to question everything that is proposed or given to the patient. We all benefit in having an advocate.

  • themis01
    themis01 Member Posts: 167
    Wow Deneen! I am really sorry about yuor dad having extra avoidable problems on top of the cc. I am glad he could still do the brain treatment and I am hoping for great results. How many of those treatments do they think he will have? How is he recovering from the heart attack itself?