being thankful on Thanksgiving is HARD to do

JooCote Member Posts: 5
It's the Friday AFTER Thanksgiving, and a friend asked what I was thankfull for this year. UMMMMM I'm Thankful that I am well enough to be able to cook up a great spread of food including Rock Cornish Game Hens with a curry rice stuffing and all the trimmings, (Even IF the Boy Friend walked into the kitchen 30 seconds befor I said Dinner is served and said he was not ready to eat and was going to take a nap) I'm Thankfull that my Dr's assistent wanted me to get thru my test fast so I can get on with the sergery to remove another cancer spot on my liver, and be out of the hospital and be laying on the couch for Christmas. (And I went to get the CAT scan today to find out they don't DO THEM the Friday after Thanksgiving, and that he has me going in for a colonoscopy on Monday morning, so I have to Fast Sunday when I go to a frineds house for HIS party... they can eat all the Turkey they want I have clear chicken broth)
I'm thankfull that my best friend of over 25 years has decided it is easyer to loose an enemy than a friend, so he's going all over town talking trash about me... (I can save time on his Christmas gift, I got back in Augest, by giving it to some nice kid I see on the street.)
Like I said It's HARD to be thankfull this Thanksgiving weekend


  • chynabear
    chynabear Member Posts: 481 Member
    Dear JooCote,

    I am sad to see that you are having trouble finding anything to be thankful for over Thanksgiving. It sounds like you are going through a difficult time and having a hard time finding someone who can relate to what you are going through or even be sympathetic. Cancer is hard enough having a great support system. I can understand why you are not very thankful right now with all you are going through with the lack of support.

    I might be taking a leap, but it sounds like you have colorectal cancer that has metastisized to liver? Anyway, you might stop by those boards. There is a great bunch of people there who can lend an ear and some hugs if you would like them.

    I hope you don't take this the wrong way (I can be very blunt sometimes)... but it sounds like it might be time to find a new group of people to surround yourself with. It seems (hard to make a judgement based on a few posts... but) that your boyfriend and friends are mainly concerned with themselves and not at all about you. Maybe then you might find something you could really be thankful for.
