juicing & organic foods?

offutt9 Member Posts: 88 Member
edited March 2014 in Colorectal Cancer #1
Hello!!!! I visit this web sometimes, but I have angiosarcoma of the liver and try to talk with that website. I remember someone on this site who talked about juicing and organic foods and how well it worked for her and I would like to talk with her but don't remember who it was. If you could email me,I would appreciate it. Thank You... In Gods Love Barbara


  • nanuk
    nanuk Member Posts: 1,358 Member
    I forwarded your inquiry to Emily..you should hear from her soon..she has been very busy lately, so it might take a while..
  • Limey
    Limey Member Posts: 446 Member
    Barb, I have saved a bunch of the past post on diet and on juicing. I will forward it to your e-mail
  • 2bhealed
    2bhealed Member Posts: 2,065 Member
    Hi Barbara!

    Hi! I'm the juicing/organic fanatic, but you could be talking about scouty also. There are many posts about this so thanks to bud and mark you should be able to find them.

    Scouty is a wonderful resource also because she had active cancer and started juicing after the chemo was no longer working for her. I never started the chemo and only did alternative and Eastern Medicine for healing my Stage 3 colon cancer after having the tumor removed. It had gone into my lymph. I use Western diagnostics though and continue to be scoped and scanned on a yearly basis. I have been cancer free for 5 years now and feel fabulous!

    Have you consulted with a Naturopathic doctor yet? I highly recommend you find someone in your area to walk you through this and "hold your hand." Having a knowledgable guide to help wade through all the alternative medicine info is invaluable.

    So do not hesitate to contact me for further questions. And for inspiration I suggest you read scouty's personal webpage on here!

    I hope this helps.

    peace, emily