bc mets to skin need encouragement

3graces Member Posts: 10
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
I am looking for any othet stage IV survivors to offer me hope and encouragement. I am very recently diagnosed and have not begun treatment. I have a small spot on my lung as well. I had full mammo screening last may and was given a clean bill of health. I feel so healthy, except for a marble sized bump on my back and a smaller one just removed from my scalp. Does this resonate with anybody?


  • Susan956
    Susan956 Member Posts: 510
    I have no experience, except that I do know a lady... not well... who has managed to live with Stage 4 Breast Cancer for more than 5 years. She used to work in the same large Site (10,000 people). I saw her in my Onc office about a month ago. We talked for awhile... she seemed to be doing well and her cancer has been in remission for 5 years.

    So while I can't give you any details... I did want to give you some hope. The Beast can be beat...

    Take Care... God Bless....

    ((((( Hugs))))))

  • KathiM
    KathiM Member Posts: 8,028 Member
    Have they determined it IS a reocurrance?
    I was stage IIB, BUT had a long talk with a stage IV gal who has been tangling with the beast off an on SUCCESSFULLY for 7 years! She said it DOES get annoying, but that she just stays vigilant about ANY skin or other body changes, goes to the onc, and gets it checked out....
    Sounds like you are doing the same!!!! Good for you!!!!

    Just curious, when are you starting treatment? And why are they putting you off? Is it IBC or adeno?

    Hugs, Kathi
  • 3graces
    3graces Member Posts: 10
    Hi to you both and thanks for your words of encouragement. I have not been officially diagnosed with b.c. A small bump on my scalp was biopsied and came back as andeocarcinoma. They have done a ct and found a spot on my lung. The onc is reviewing my last series of mammos. He suspects b.c. The waiting is so difficult. I know I have cancer, I know it has spread. At first they thought it was in the GI(colorectal) but I'm clean there. I havent told my daughters yet, because I dont know what to expect. I feel totally healthy except that the lump on my back has doubled in size in 2 weeks.I was posting on the colorectal board and was very encouraged. I'm trying to stay positive, but am looking for hopeful stories, and a patient ear. I'm so sad. I am trying to be strong, trying to visualise and connect with my higher God self, and when I do it helps alot but I'm terrified and grief stricken. I pray I get past this so I can focus on healing myself.
    in light,
  • 24242
    24242 Member Posts: 1,398
    I am sorry you have to face so much.
    After surviving my Breast Cancer now for 9 years at stage 3 with 11 out of 21 positive lymphnodes I have met many who have stage 4 and told to go home and get life in order. One I know has one of the rarest forms of blood cancer with only a few in North America suffering from. She was treated with experimental drugs and given little hope. She fought to get treatments that she found out had had some success with her own type of cancer. Last she heard there was no cancer and she was likely going to outlive us all. I am amazed at how many people have over come some extremely rare odds and continue to live lives worth living. Another woman I know, young at 30 something had bone cancer and had quality to her life though given little hope for her survival and it has been more than 5 years now.
    I sometimes think we miss the miracles around us and each breath should be that. Every moment we have is another to build on and that is truly all there is. I find my hope in my gratitude for all there is and what I have.
    It is so hard to wrap our brains around this in the beginning for so much in unknown. I will keep you close at heart and hope your treatments go well.
    Be good to yourself always,
  • hummingbyrd
    hummingbyrd Member Posts: 950 Member
    24242 said:

    I am sorry you have to face so much.
    After surviving my Breast Cancer now for 9 years at stage 3 with 11 out of 21 positive lymphnodes I have met many who have stage 4 and told to go home and get life in order. One I know has one of the rarest forms of blood cancer with only a few in North America suffering from. She was treated with experimental drugs and given little hope. She fought to get treatments that she found out had had some success with her own type of cancer. Last she heard there was no cancer and she was likely going to outlive us all. I am amazed at how many people have over come some extremely rare odds and continue to live lives worth living. Another woman I know, young at 30 something had bone cancer and had quality to her life though given little hope for her survival and it has been more than 5 years now.
    I sometimes think we miss the miracles around us and each breath should be that. Every moment we have is another to build on and that is truly all there is. I find my hope in my gratitude for all there is and what I have.
    It is so hard to wrap our brains around this in the beginning for so much in unknown. I will keep you close at heart and hope your treatments go well.
    Be good to yourself always,

    Hey there 3graces, I am hummingbyrd, been here by the grace of God 6 1/2 years. Seen both breasts have a lumpectomy, bone mets to rt arm and low back. Oct 2004 had lung, liver and kidney met and now since March 2005 I've been dealing with HUGE skin nodules to rt arm. They started out under the skin and have taken a fairly long time to grow. Doc said 3 mo w/o chemo. 6-9 with, that was 18 mo ago.
    All honor and glory go to God!
    I am a strong believer in positive attitude and faith in GOD. He is my Great Physician, my other docs are his "associates".
    Hang in there girl, this too can be beaten. Keep your eye out for a new drug called Tykerb.
    Love ya and may God bless you.