PSA at 62 months after chemo ended

dukeskid Member Posts: 24
edited March 2014 in Prostate Cancer #1
Now what? My dad went through 6 months of chemo, which ended May 2006. His PSA in July was 6, now (Sept), it is 62. I feel really bad for all the encouraging words I sent people saying that even though theirs or their loved ones' PSA rose during chemo (which happened to my dad), it will go down after chemo. My dad's PSA was around 25 when he started radiation and chemo in Jan. 2006. Ironically, he feels great. Hasn't taken a pain pill in 3 weeks, but his clinic is worried about the 62 PSA. What is next? More chemo? Is it over? He is 72 and was first diagnosed when he was 59. I am more upset now than when he was first diagnosed or when it came back 6 years into the whole deal.

Also, I am REALLY angry at his doctor. What a jerk. My dad's next appointment is Oct. 9, more than 3 weeks from now. The last time my dad saw him was in May. Is this normal? I am ready to send him to Houston to MD Anderson to get better - or at least available - treatment. I know this cancer is slow growing, but something is clearly going on. Don't you think they would set up an appointment sooner to discuss options? My dad is not ready to throw in the towel. He said to me that "they" must have a different kind of chemo that will work. I am really sad, but should I also be this angry at his doctor?

I don't really expect anyone to respond to my anger, but if anyone's PSA went up so dramatically months after chemo and there was a reason for it (other than that it means things are now really bad), I would appreciate it.


Duke's kid.


  • bitaday
    bitaday Member Posts: 36 Member
    I am really confused about effect of chemo on pc.Doctor said even it would have no effect on psa the survival will be improve about 3-4 month! My father has appointment with oncho every 28 days and he never give us the information we want.He always tell us it depends on many thing . but he arrange one year chemotherapy for my father which makes him weak and depress . Please if you find more information about chemo's effect and survival let me know about that. the chemo named TAXOTER and treatment was started from last Oct . Latest psa was 32 compairing to previous psa it doubled and the doctor just told us not to be worry!
  • Willx
    Willx Member Posts: 41
    bitaday said:

    I am really confused about effect of chemo on pc.Doctor said even it would have no effect on psa the survival will be improve about 3-4 month! My father has appointment with oncho every 28 days and he never give us the information we want.He always tell us it depends on many thing . but he arrange one year chemotherapy for my father which makes him weak and depress . Please if you find more information about chemo's effect and survival let me know about that. the chemo named TAXOTER and treatment was started from last Oct . Latest psa was 32 compairing to previous psa it doubled and the doctor just told us not to be worry!

    I learned after the first couple of visits to my urologist soon after the cancer diagnosis that I could not rely on him to keep me completely informed as to what was going on with the cancer in my body. I decided that my own research, and the help of people from different message boards (e.g. Yahoo) could help. I don't know what it is about the doctors, but I guess they grow weary of informing their patients about the different problems they deal with. Nevertheless, it all gets down to the bottom line, and that is we have to make our own decisions for ourselves.
  • mbeavers
    mbeavers Member Posts: 28
    I have just gone through 6 months of taxotere chemo and the end results were not what I would have liked them to be. My PSA went from 17 down to 9 and then went up to 17. At that time my Oncologist discontinued the last two chemo infusions. My last PSA was up to 22. We are now looking at a Thalomide treatment. ( Yes the same Thalomidide that had such a horrible effect on the fetuses back in the 60 & 70.) My discomfort from the metastis is increasing. Thank God for Vicadin. I agree with the comments about the Oncologists not telling us what may be in the future or near future. The realists among us would like to have information to make intelligent decisions about our future. I am only 61 so my only option would be SS/ disability Who could afford cobra when we don't have a paycheck coming in ??