cat scan results ~ sigh ~

goldfinch Member Posts: 735
edited March 2014 in Colorectal Cancer #1
Cat scan results of yesterday show growth in all my tumors in the lungs. They are still considered small. Last scan was in Jan which had showed a decrease in size on oxali. But since Jan i've spent more time off of the oxali than on because of what it's done to my liver studies. I resumed half dose. Onc isn't happy with the report, so we're going to camptosar and erbitux. Really wanted to avoid the erbitux because i'm a vain woman and don't want to deal with the rash, but i guess i'm about to learn some lessons with this treatment. The last time i was on camptosar my hair thinned so much i cut it all off and got a wig. Now i'll have hair thinning and an acne like rash. Yippee. Hope it works.
Thanks for listening.


  • Kanort
    Kanort Member Posts: 1,272 Member
    Dear Mary,

    A big sigh indeed. I am so sorry that the CT scan showed growth with the lung nodes. When the oxaliplatin began affecting my liver studies, my oncologist continued with the amount (135mg), but increased the delivery time (3hrs).
    I will be thinking of you and praying for good results from this new plan.


  • kerry
    kerry Member Posts: 1,313 Member
    Oh Mary, I can relate to how you are feeling. After a year of Oxaliplatin/Xeloda/Celebrex my stubborn spots would not go away, so we zapped them with radiation. They went away, but alas they moved to my liver. It is very discouraging, but we can never give up. My daughter said my treatments remind her of how we try to kill the fire ants here in put the poison on one ant hill and they all move to another place. So you keep pouring poison on till you get the buggers.

    Jana recommended Aquaphor for her facial rash when she took Erbitux. It must be a good all around treatment because my oncologist recommended it for my feet when they got sore from the Xeloda! Maybe it will stimualte hair growth too. (just kidding, it is a bit greasy)

    I will be sending you lots of good vibes and prayers. Hang in there.

  • JADot
    JADot Member Posts: 709 Member
    Hi Mary:

    I am so sorry to hear about your CAT scan. I hope you will do well with the new drugs and that they won't affect your liver too badly. Are you taking milk thistle to help out your liver? I was suggested this when I got on Oxa.

    Best of luck to you and I am keeping my tingly fingers cross for your good news!

  • Betsydoglover
    Betsydoglover Member Posts: 1,248 Member
    Mary - I am so sorry to hear about your cat scan. I'm sure your new regimen won't be any fun, but hopefully it will succeed. This is truly a "whack-a-mole" disease! (Having lived in Texas for several years, I can relate to Kerry's fire ant analogy.)

    Sending good vibes and prayers so that you can "whack that mole" again!

  • jerseysue
    jerseysue Member Posts: 624 Member
    Mary sorry to hear about your scan. Have a good cry then start the fight again.
  • KathiM
    KathiM Member Posts: 8,028 Member
    So, the bottom line is once again you get to be a teenager???? WOW, not many get to do THAT twice in a lifetime!
    BIG HUGS, my dear....I KNOW it will work....I'm sending all my BEST VIBES!
    Hugs, Kathi
  • KathiM
    KathiM Member Posts: 8,028 Member
    kerry said:

    Oh Mary, I can relate to how you are feeling. After a year of Oxaliplatin/Xeloda/Celebrex my stubborn spots would not go away, so we zapped them with radiation. They went away, but alas they moved to my liver. It is very discouraging, but we can never give up. My daughter said my treatments remind her of how we try to kill the fire ants here in put the poison on one ant hill and they all move to another place. So you keep pouring poison on till you get the buggers.

    Jana recommended Aquaphor for her facial rash when she took Erbitux. It must be a good all around treatment because my oncologist recommended it for my feet when they got sore from the Xeloda! Maybe it will stimualte hair growth too. (just kidding, it is a bit greasy)

    I will be sending you lots of good vibes and prayers. Hang in there.


    Kerry, Aquaphor is also good for rad slathering as I write this!
    Hugs, Kathi
  • scouty
    scouty Member Posts: 1,965 Member
    Mary honey,

    I am so sorry to hear about your latest news but you have options and that is a good thing. Some vitamin supplements might help with the rash and hair loss. If you are interested, I will do some research for you.

    Lisa P.
  • fedester
    fedester Member Posts: 753 Member
    sorry to hear of your scans. it's a bump in the road. keep positive, we are here for you always.
    start kicking butt girl.
    be well
    all the best
  • debralla
    debralla Member Posts: 203 Member
    fedester said:

    sorry to hear of your scans. it's a bump in the road. keep positive, we are here for you always.
    start kicking butt girl.
    be well
    all the best

    Big hug being sent your way along with all my thoughts and prayers . Hang in there and keep fighting .
  • jsabol
    jsabol Member Posts: 1,145 Member
    Hi Mary,
    I'm sorry to hear about the CT scan results, but it sounds like your onc has a plan. Keep up the fight; hope the rash skips you, and the meds go right to work on those *#*%@! cells. Judy
  • Jen28
    Jen28 Member Posts: 45
    I'm sorry to hear about your CT scan results. I wish you the best with your new treatment and hope that the side effects will be minimal. Keep pushing through!

  • pink05
    pink05 Member Posts: 550

    I understand how disappointing it is to not quite get the results you were hoping for, but don't give up. It sounds to me like you are a fighter. You are in my thoughts and prayers.

  • 2bhealed
    2bhealed Member Posts: 2,065 Member
    hi mary,

    I'm sorry about your results. I think it would be so disheartening to say the least. At least they are small right?

    Cancer is more like dandelions in the lawn than whack a mole. You can dump herbacide on them and they die on the surface but if you don't rip them up by the root they're lurking in there ready to pop up again.

    Cancer is a symptom of a deeper lying issue. It would be good to address that too in your fight.

    Remember cancer cannot live in an alkaline likes acid pH.

    Just some food for thought.

    peace, emily who hates cancer but loves its blessings. bittersweet.
  • terril
    terril Member Posts: 296
    Hi Mary!
    Keep on fighting. Keep a positive attitude. Also, check on suppliments if you are not on any. I am on CPT-11 currently, and I have no hair left. I never shed a tear over my hair; I am just so happy to be alive. We have to go through a lot of crap to fight this disease!!! My prayers are with you. Terri
  • finner
    finner Member Posts: 230 Member
    Hi Mary
    Sorry to hear your results. I also had the same result when i was on Oxi. Worsening of lung mets, but improvement to liver lads. And I never missed a treatment. I have had 5 weekly rounds of erbitux, yes I do have a rash, and wouldn't dream of going outside the door without a load of "polyfilla" but I can cover it up quite well. My hair hasn't thinned at all. It did before with 5FU and camptostar, but without the 5fu in the mix, it hasn't happened. There have been good results with erbitux, so keep the chin(spotty thogh it may be)up and hope hope hope.

    Lots of healing light to ya!

  • Moesimo
    Moesimo Member Posts: 1,072 Member

    A great big sigh indeed. I am sorry for your scan results. I hope your new treatment zaps those #*#* cells in their tracks,

    I will say extra prayers for you as you begin your new treatments.

    Hang in there.

  • 122456
    122456 Member Posts: 40 Member
    I too am sorry about your results. I had my cat scan back in April and have the nodules in both lungs. The doctor had me on Avastin for 8 treatments. (while I was on the pump for 46 straight hours)The cat scan showed a decrease in the nodules in the left lung and the right one still has the the nodules in it. They haven't grown or moved. So the doctor wants me to take 6 more treatments with Avastin to see if the right one will do the same. I'm praying for you and thru God all things are possible.
  • chueric
    chueric Member Posts: 2
    finner said:

    Hi Mary
    Sorry to hear your results. I also had the same result when i was on Oxi. Worsening of lung mets, but improvement to liver lads. And I never missed a treatment. I have had 5 weekly rounds of erbitux, yes I do have a rash, and wouldn't dream of going outside the door without a load of "polyfilla" but I can cover it up quite well. My hair hasn't thinned at all. It did before with 5FU and camptostar, but without the 5fu in the mix, it hasn't happened. There have been good results with erbitux, so keep the chin(spotty thogh it may be)up and hope hope hope.

    Lots of healing light to ya!


    Hello -
    My mother is undergoing the same treatment cycle, and it will be the 10th round of Eribtux - though we are given the treatment 2~3weeks/round + Oxaliplatin + 5-Fu .
    recently the doctor switched the combination to Campto(irinotecan) due to the progression to lung - it was contained with prior treatment but somehow it did not contain the progression -
    luckily with the Erbitux treatment we have not experienced rash to skin yet -
    but i can honestly say that with camptostar, hair loss is much more severe than with oxaliplatin combination - and also other complications - just want to share our experiences here from asia -
